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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on September 03rd, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Gemini yesterday morning and has since given us influences that could make us communicative, energetic, inquisitive, open-minded and also alert. It is in this context that these influences come to us, at least If we resonate with these, it is also very beneficial.

Still influenced by the “twin moon”

Still influenced by the “twin moon”Especially the aspect of “energetic sensations”, i.e. when we feel a more pronounced life energy within ourselves or even perceive creative impulses within ourselves, can be quite inspiring, because after all it just feels good when we make use of our own creative power and can subsequently realize ourselves. It is precisely this self-realization, i.e. the manifestation of our own innermost heart's desires and innermost ambitions, one could also say, the creation of a life that completely corresponds to our own ideas, that not only reinforces the goal of many people (in this process of spiritual awakening - a connection /exercising love for nature - spiritual development), but also represents an aspect that is important for creating a happy state of consciousness. In this context, it also depends on us as humans whether we implement our own visions, whether we offer them space, or whether we continue to remain in self-imposed, disharmonious mental structures. But ultimately, most people, whether consciously or subconsciously, want a life in which abundance, happiness, harmony, love and peace are present. You could also say that most people want to experience a paradisiacal circumstance. Aside from very specific precarious life situations, for example people living in war zones, it is also possible to experience a corresponding paradisiacal circumstance. A paradise would not be a place that simply becomes manifest, but rather it would be the result of a harmonious and joyful state of consciousness, i.e. a spiritual state that, firstly, has a high frequency and, secondly, from which, only then, does a paradisiacal circumstance arise can arise.

Think about what you have rather than what you are missing! Find the best of the things you have, and then consider how eagerly you would have searched for them if you didn't have them. – Marcus Aurelius..!!

Well, for this reason we should start working on a corresponding manifestation again, at least if we are currently dissatisfied with our own lives and would like to experience such a living situation. Since today's lunar influences can make us communicative, creative and, above all, energetic, this is of course ideal for working on the realization of a corresponding state of consciousness. Instead of dwelling in gloom, we can start to look at our lives from a different perspective and also realize why we are actually on the right path and yet everything, really everything, no matter how difficult it is to understand our own mental and spiritual development was necessary, why otherwise we would not be the person with the ideas and feelings that we are today. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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