Today's daily energy on November 03rd, 2019 is, on the one hand, shaped by the powerful influences of the ninth portal day (The gates are therefore still open - activation of our primal self - dissolution of further old 3D structures) and on the other side of a change of the moon, because the moon changes to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 12:25 p.m. and from then on gives us influences that can activate an increased desire for freedom in us. After all, no other zodiac sign represents the manifestation and expression of freedom as strongly as the zodiac sign Aquarius.
A special planetary constellation

Well, either way, this event will be accompanied by strong energy, as it has been the case many times in the past. Apart from that, we are still at the end of this decade and as a result every day is accompanied by incredible energy and, above all, meaning. Every day in these last two months is incredibly powerful and allows us to develop our full creative potential. The reputation of the golden decade is enormous. The same is true of the extreme pull that in turn comes from the coming golden age. This is why the current cleansing process is so huge, because all the circumstances/conditions on our part (Shadow structures), through which we continue to revive a reality that is in turn shaped by disharmonious feelings and circumstances, belong to the old 3D world and will no longer have a place in the advancing golden decade, i.e. there will be less and less room for 3D Sample provided (Lies, disharmony, illusions, shadows, ignorance, deception and fear). Instead, our inner space would like to expand much more into 5D structures and accordingly creates more and more space for such states (based on freedom, harmony, self-love, wisdom, abundance, intuition & connection). The current portal days are therefore also perfect for resolving your own 3D structures. The same applies to all days until the end of the year. Until then, a lot will still happen on our part or be resolved/healed. We are in the process of revitalizing the most original version of ourselves, a version or a reality in which we have created perfection and wholeness for ourselves. A reality or rather a state of consciousness in which neither lack nor insecurity/fear is present. A state of consciousness characterized by light, love and truthfulness. With that in mind, enjoy today's portal day. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Hello, my dears …
I can't find any planetary constellations for today, November 3.11.2019rd, XNUMX! ?
Anyway, THANK YOU for this great website,
Kind regards . Monika E.