≡ Menus

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On the one hand, today's daily energy continues to be shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Aries, which continues to promote moods that are associated with increased vitality, life energy, open-mindedness and inner strength. On the other hand, the general basic energetic quality also affects us, which means that, as already mentioned several times, our own self-realization is in the foreground.

Discard all 3D fear structures

Creating structures of loveUltimately, this self-realization can also be equated with the mastery of our lives or even with completion our championship, when we discard all of our 3D structures and are in the process of ending/cleaning up all of our fear programs. And it is precisely in this most magical and special phase in which we are strongly confronted with the completion of our own mastery that many things can come to a conclusion. We are about to enter a completely new state of consciousness and end all “shadow programs”. We are the creators of everything, we are the creators of our entire life circumstances and can now step through the gate of awakening, which in turn goes hand in hand with a paradisiacal inner life. Well, today's lunar influences and the general strong energies will certainly support us in this endeavor and continue to promote our personal growth. In the evening, at 22:19 p.m. to be precise, the moon changes to the zodiac sign Taurus, which means we can also display persistent and persistent behavior. But a focus on our home can also be increased, but this does not necessarily have to be a disadvantage, on the contrary, we can withdraw a little and devote ourselves completely to our personal matters, for example clearing up our own anxiety programs.

Only a person full of devotion has spiritual power. Through surrender you become free from the situation internally. Then it can happen that the situation changes completely without your intervention. – Eckhart Tolle..!!

Everything currently revolves around our self-realization, our mastery and, above all, our entry into the fifth dimension. Let us therefore use the special potential and let the best version of ourselves (the most powerful) become manifest. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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