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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on June 03rd, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 00:06 a.m. and since then has given us influences that not only make us very open to new things, but also quite brotherly and could be socially minded. On the other hand, the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day also have an impact on us. In this context, we also received several impulses (cosmic influences) regarding the planetary resonance frequency. The geomagnetic influences (K index), attributed to the sun, have again flattened.

Today's constellations

daily energyMoon moves into the zodiac sign Aquarius
[wp-svg-icons icon=”accessibility” wrap=”i”] Brotherhood & Innovations
[wp-svg-icons icon=”contrast” wrap=”i”] Effective for two to three days
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 00:06

When the moon moves into the zodiac sign Aquarius, fun and entertainment are the order of the day. Relationships with friends, brotherhood and social issues affect us deeply. Now is the best time to do something crazy together. On the other hand, we could be very open to new life circumstances.

daily energy

Moon (Aquarius) square Uranus (Taurus)
[wp-svg-icons icon="loop" wrap="i"] Angular relationship 90°
[wp-svg-icons icon=”sad” wrap=”i”] Disharmonic nature
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 01:58

The Moon/Uranus square could make us eccentric, headstrong, fanatical, exaggerated, irritable and moody. We are prone to changing moods, to derailments and to wrongness. In love, willfulness and suppressed excitability, but also strong sensuality, could show up.

daily energyMoon (Aquarius) conjunction Mars (Aquarius)
[wp-svg-icons icon="loop" wrap="i"] Angular relationship 0°
[wp-svg-icons icon=”sad” wrap=”i”] Neutral nature (depends on constellations)
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 12:21

This conjunction can make us irritable, boastful, talkative, but also passionate. Strong internal tension could also become noticeable.


daily energyMoon (Aquarius) trine Mercury (Gemini)
[wp-svg-icons icon="loop" wrap="i"] Angular relationship 120°
[wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”] Harmonious in nature
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 21:05

Towards the evening, this trine gives us the ability to learn, a good mind, quick wit, talent for languages ​​and good judgment. Our intellectual abilities may be more developed and our rhetorical skills may come into their own. The focus is on independent and practical thinking.

daily energyGeomagnetic Storm Intensity (K Index)

The planetary K index or the extent of geomagnetic activity, which was quite pronounced yesterday or the night before yesterday, has now flattened out again, which is why we are not experiencing any particular influences in this regard.

Current Schumann resonance frequency

Regarding the planetary resonance frequency, similar to the past few days, we received stronger impulses. Strong influences reached us particularly in the early hours of the morning, which is why the morning could generally be a little more intense or clarifying in nature. In all likelihood, we will also receive further impulses.

Influences Schumann resonance

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Today's daily energetic influences are mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at night and has since given us influences that not only make us open to new living conditions, but also make us much more social than usual. We also have even stronger influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency, which is why the day as a whole could be perceived a little more intensely. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Juni/3
Intensity of geomagnetic storms Source: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/planetary-k-index
Schumann resonance frequency Source: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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