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Today's daily energy on February 03rd, 2020 is mainly shaped by the lingering influences of yesterday's palindrome portal and therefore continues to give us tremendous energy through which our ascension and, above all, the associated realization of our highest divine spirit (you yourself are God), is massively accelerated. In this context, the intensity of the resulting energy quality is still very noticeable.

What a powerful energy that was

Powerful energyI feel liberated inside and feel deep within me that a big change has come with yesterday's portal (Incidentally, the last time there was a corresponding palindrome day was 909 years ago on November 11.11.1111, 12.12. and will take place next time on December 2121th. 101, i.e. in 33 years. Another special feature of yesterday's palindrome day was also the day of the year, because it was the 333rd day of this year and exactly XNUMX days were missing until the new year - WHAT MAGIC!!! There is no coincidence, everything is based on cause and effect, - nothing happens without a reason, - corresponding data always carries a deep meaning and energy, - ALWAYS!!!). After all, if you look at yesterday's special features of the palindrome portal, you'll immediately notice what incredible MAGIC this event or date brought with it. Something big has therefore happened - i.e. something extremely bright has been installed in the background so that the planet can now rise at top speed - the awakening will now experience a quantum leap.

Mass consciousness is rising

Ultimately, in general, it can't be any other way, because the spiritual awakening process has now progressed so much - i.e. so many people, as creators themselves, have latched onto a high reality (a reality in which one is aware that oneself is the creative authority and has therefore already looked behind the scenes of the system or one's own low-frequency/ignorant life), so that the masses, or rather the mass consciousness, also inevitably joins in this new high reality - this is exactly the process we are currently experiencing.

A quiet and successful day – special magic

Now to come back to yesterday, I personally enjoyed this day very much. Without making any point of it, the day was very relaxed and of a rather quiet nature. At the same time, I pursued the realization of my new project and was able to achieve various successes in this regard, yes, in general, it was crazy. Somehow it was a special day of harmony in which I was very firmly anchored in my own energy and had an extremely harmonious image of myself. My bonds with other people were also (which reflects the bond you have with yourself), with whom I was in contact that day, of a harmonious nature. And after a long walk through the forest, during which I harvested some medicinal plants and then treated myself to a large medicinal plant shake, I let the evening end in peace. Well, in the end, the day was accompanied by a very special energy and marked an extremely important date that led us into a new “time”. Today we will certainly continue to feel the special effects. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


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