Today's daily energy on August 03rd is mainly shaped by the influences that have begun in the third and especially last month of summer. The August influences are now reaching us and with them an overarching quality that is more than ever designed for transformation and freedom. In keeping with the current large or fateful constellation (Uranus and North Node) Now, in depth, it's about blowing up all of our self-imposed prisons. In this context, Uranus acts as a system breaker and wants to completely dissolve old structures and patterns.
The great freedom
And since this constellation will now have a major influence on us across the board or throughout the entire year, we will be confronted with a major transformation of our being in a special way so that we can revive a state of consciousness that is completely permeated by freedom , i.e. a state in which we dissolve all shackles, chains, traumas and other stressful or rather limiting conditions (because if we ourselves achieve freedom within, then the world achieves freedom, as within, so without. As on the outside, so on the inside). It will be exactly the same with the collective. A lot will become apparent in this regard, especially in August. Collective and global events are heating up more and more and we can currently observe artificially created sources of fire in many countries (Conflicts that are being stirred up - as I said, the world stage, everything is a big show - all oppositions are controlled), i.e. we are becoming stronger and stronger Crisis situations prepared. Well, these artificially created trouble spots ultimately serve our individual liberation process. At the end of the day, that is also a purpose of shadow governments. Regardless of the fact that the imbalance in the world still represents an imbalance within us, the dark ensures that we can become awake ourselves and accordingly always shows us the path to freedom. The darkness therefore enables us to recognize light. Everything is therefore useful to us and that is exactly how it is with the illusory world. The more obvious and shadowy global actions become, the more we are asked to look behind the scenes of life.
Late summer energies
And this month a lot will open up in this regard, i.e. many structures will be revealed or become more visible. These processes are then also supported by portal days, five of which reach us this month (on 03rd|11th|14th|19th and on the 22nd). On August 08.08th, the annual lion portal will reach us again, which will again be accompanied by an incredibly transcendent energy quality. On August 12th we will also have a full moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius, which will once again represent our independence. And towards the end of the month, i.e. on August 27th, we will once again experience a very testing but also ordering new moon in the zodiac sign Virgo. Ultimately, we have a special month ahead of us, which will in turn bring about a deep cleansing in our energy field. In exactly the same way, we can use this month perfectly to indulge in nature, and August is generally about collecting Medicinal plants and a devotion to nature. Today, however, we should first welcome the influences of the portal day and, above all, the balancing energies of the waxing Libra Moon. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂