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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on August 03rd, 2018 is still mainly shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Aries and, in parallel, by two different lunar constellations. A square between the Moon and Pluto came into effect at 02:16 a.m., which stood for an extreme emotional life and heavy inhibitions. At 04:52 a.m. a trine occurred again effective between the Moon and Mercury, which stands for a great ability to learn, a good mind, quick wit, talent for languages ​​and good judgment, which can definitely benefit us in the early morning. This constellation also encourages a certain openness to new living conditions.

The moon changes to the zodiac sign Taurus in the evening

The moon changes to the zodiac sign Taurus in the eveningIn the evening, i.e. at 21:50 p.m., the moon changes to the zodiac sign Taurus, which from then on gives us influences for two to three days that could make us feel increasingly drawn to comfort, sensuality and peace. On the other hand, the Moon in the Taurus zodiac sign also likes to make us cultured and sociable, and in the same way it also likes to make us more focused on security and our home. Overall, however, it must be noted that the moon in the Taurus zodiac sign also brings with it a wealth of other special characteristics. At this point I'll also quote a section from the page astroschmid.ch:

The Moon in Taurus reacts prudently to people and events. He usually doesn't react with emotional flashes in the pan or emotional outbursts, but rather approaches things calmly and leisurely. External stimulus is needed. It looks like indolence. But once you get Taurus Moon going, he shows what he can do with perseverance. He needs material security and a territory that belongs to him. Otherwise he will feel lost. He has good abilities to deal with finances and does not get bogged down in material interests.

The fulfilled side of the “Taurus Moon”: 
Is sociable, charming and engaging; very loyal and deep in the relationship, therefore not so quick to commit; sneezes his anticipations; is physically close to his partner; love his body and enjoy it; is balanced and consistent; has a sense of shapes, colors and scents; lover of life; always needs some furry feeling, strives for harmony and a sense of community; can easily satisfy the needs of others. 

Until the influences of the “Taurus Moon” take effect, we will first reach the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Aries, as already mentioned in the above section, which would allow us to experience increased life energy throughout the day and have a significantly greater sense of responsibility. But what will happen or how we will ultimately feel depends entirely on ourselves and the use of our own creative abilities. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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