Today's daily energy on October 02nd, 2020 brings us a very strong energy, because October, which incidentally ended with one of the most energetic months ever, was started directly with a special event, namely a powerful full moon in the zodiac sign Aries. The full moon was also extremely intense and could literally blow us away. Yesterday's entire full moon day was also there (Incidentally, the full moon manifested at 22:08 p.m. that night) very demanding, but at the same time very centering, i.e. he was able to lead us into a corresponding inner balance in a unique way.
Yesterday's Aries full moon
I myself had a pretty demanding start to the day, which then surprisingly put me out of action or forced me to rest and continued throughout the rest of the day (The intensity is still noticeable throughout and we still have many moments in which we have to collect ourselves internally, or rather moments in which a corresponding circumstance is simply unavoidable. The current pace is just INCREDIBLE and it's not exactly easy to deal with in places. I'm excited to see how this will continue. Right now, every day feels like a complete reorganization and journey. Adapting to the constantly and, above all, massively increasing pace is currently felt to be the biggest challenge. ). The building full moon energies were permanently noticeable and will certainly accompany us strongly in the coming days. In themselves, they will even shape the entire month, especially since the first day of a new month, along with its astrological situation, can have a strong influence on an entire month. The effects or the lingering fundamental vibration of the Aries full moon will therefore accompany us throughout October. And everything is heading towards a Blue Moon on October 31st, i.e. a second full moon within this month. For this reason, October will once again eclipse September and all previous months and will once again increase the pace MASSIVELY, which also fits the current planetary circumstances. Everything is getting faster and faster. The world is waking up more and more from its deep sleep (Demonstrations and unrest regarding the illusionary system all over the world illustrate this transformation or this stage of awakening in the minds of many people - most of humanity experiences a beginning of awakening through the recognition of various structures of the illusionary system - this is then followed by ever-increasing awareness about being the source/creator yourself - a powerful and creative being - As I said, this process can also take place the other way around, but the first is generally the case) and with that we remove all our self-imposed veils. It is a phase in which our psychological primal wounds are in the process of healing, which is why we repeatedly experience days in which we are confronted with an incredible amount of unredeemed inner parts. The shadows are lifted, not only visible within the world/within the system, but especially visible within ourselves.
The Return of the Gods (we are gods who have been spiritually designed to identify with a small existence - anything else would endanger the rise of a liberated world, anything else does not serve the old, the appearance, the shadow) is therefore unstoppable. Autumn and especially October will therefore also have one or two important turning points in store for us. Added to this is the experience of many new circumstances (which, by the way, is also in the sense of the Aries zodiac sign - open to new circumstances - one could therefore be confronted with new circumstances or even be drawn into new circumstances - big inner changes can affect us). The coming weeks will therefore be extremely exciting and we can't wait to see what October will bring us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Hello Yannick,
I saw a video of you talking about the Antichrist several months ago.
I find the topic appealing and exciting, even if I haven't really been able to classify or understand it yet.
Do you have any sources about it that you can recommend for me to read?
Thank you and kind regards