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Today's daily energy on October 02nd, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Cancer last night at 20:00 p.m. and has been giving us influences ever since, which in turn stand for the development of our own soul powers, for our general soul life, for a certain dreaminess and also for an increased empathy.

Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer

Moon in the zodiac sign CancerFor this reason, today is the perfect day to fully surrender to your own soul and to also fulfill our own spiritual desires (or to deal with them). In this context, many people often live contrary to their own emotional wishes and, as a result, experience a living situation that is in turn characterized by a certain destructiveness. Of course, such contrary experiences also serve our own further development. In this regard, it is also important to experience dualitarian and, above all, shadow-heavy circumstances/conditions, but in the long term this leads to a lowering of our own quality of life, because a person who in turn experiences largely disharmonious thoughts in their own mind is simply practicing oneself lasting influence on its entire cell environment. Ultimately, we could implement appropriate things today or manifest appropriate life circumstances and ambitions in order to simply become more in harmony with ourselves. Retreating, developing our own soul powers, recharging our batteries and resting in peace could therefore benefit us greatly. Apart from that, due to the “Cancer Moon”, we could also have a more developed imagination and not only be subject to daydreaming, but also dream much more expressively.

When mindfulness touches something beautiful, it reveals its beauty. When she touches something painful, she transforms it and heals it. – Thich Nhat Hanh..!!

In this regard, I also have to admit that I am currently dreaming very intensely and, above all, extremely vividly. Whether this has to do with the current lunar constellations, the high-energy planetary circumstance or with my current detoxification (of which a video will follow in the next few days) remains to be seen, but the moon in the zodiac sign Cancer could intensify these dreams even further. Well then, with that in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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