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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on November 02nd, 2018 is characterized by the first lunar change, namely the moon changed to the zodiac sign Virgo at 06:47 a.m., which means that the initial energy quality, i.e. the beginning of the month, characterized by Leo, will now experience a different side. Of course, the lion showed a certain quality based on the first day and was also able to give us a good one The start of the new month, but now the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo will take effect.

The first change of the moon

Moon moves into the zodiac sign VirgoBecause of the Virgo Moon, we could also be a little more analytical, critical and, above all, more conscientious in this regard. On the other hand, the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo also often makes us more mentally receptive, sometimes apart from a more pronounced health awareness that can be present throughout the day. Ultimately, these aspects can be of great benefit to us, especially if, for example, we currently want to fulfill corresponding obligations more closely, we long for a change in our own lifestyle or we generally want to take more responsibility for our own living conditions. Due to our more developed intellectual powers, we could therefore also achieve more success in everyday activities, in a certain way this is also formulated in a similar way by the site astroschmid.ch:

“Methodology and care, good powers of reason, strong discrimination, insight into necessities are present. They are very reliable and achieve success in writing and studying. Your mind is receptive, has quick comprehension, and learns languages ​​easily. Mostly very smart, humble and honest people. They are good speakers, principled, orderly, pay attention to detail and want to be of service to others. For many people, altruistic service to others is a wish. Self-discovery occurs through classification into reality and hierarchy. They are correct appearances that pay attention to personal hygiene.”

Well then, otherwise I wanted to briefly list the portal days for this month (I had forgotten that in yesterday's daily energy article and we have two portal days in this regard, one on 14. November and the other on 16. November, which is why extraordinary energetic movements will reach us in the middle of the month. Nevertheless, the remaining days will certainly be characterized by a very strong energy quality. After all, in October we also had “just” four portal days and ultimately it was one of the most intense and energetically strongest months in a long time. So it will continue to be pretty exciting and magical. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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