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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on February 2nd, 2019 is still shaped by the moon, which is still in the zodiac sign Capricorn and has thus ushered in the first days of February, i.e. in the first few days we could be in a much more conscientious and focused mood overall. On the other hand, the special basic energetic quality continues to influence us, through which we are not just one Not only can you experience acceleration within your spiritual awakening, but you can also manifest more abundance overall.

Reach into natural abundance

daily energyAbundance is also a key word here, because the core of our true being is essentially permeated by abundance, i.e. abundance (instead of lack) characterizes the true divine essence of a person. Within the current process of becoming whole, we are inevitably heading towards a state that is characterized by abundance. Basically, natural abundance is a circumstance that we can immerse ourselves in again at any time. If we temporarily do not experience fullness, it is simply because we are not currently in resonance with this fundamental fullness, i.e. we do not perceive it. But the all-pervading abundance, which also comes with an open heart and an anchoring in the now, can be manifested again at any time. Ultimately, abundance was even a topic that accompanied many people in the last few months (As far as this is concerned, within the collective change we are moving towards a manifestation/becoming conscious of our divinity, which is why abundance and the increased experience of abundance automatically comes with it). In my life too, I have been very confronted with natural abundance in the last few months and have sometimes experienced states of consciousness in which I automatically bathed in the natural abundance and as a result attracted a lot of circumstances into my life that abundance based. Everything improved and it was crazy how much my inner attitude, which was anchored in me with a feeling of “I am in abundance - everything I need will automatically reach me, no matter how” was anchored in me. It was an indescribable feeling and allowed me to experience many moments filled with abundance.

Let no one be ruined, not even yourself, fill everyone with happiness, including yourself. That's good. - Bertolt Brecht..!!

In such moments, it is only the mind that automatically prevents something like this from happening, by pushing the feeling out of one's own heart and away from destructive thought processes. Similar to how it is with situations, in that at first we feel that, due to our spiritual connection to everything, we are responsible for situations that lie outside of our material existence and we then ignore our inner inspiration and the corresponding situation label it as a coincidence. Well, at the end of the day, the corresponding structures are becoming increasingly clear, which means that we are also increasingly giving ourselves the opportunity to experience the natural fullness. Times in which we break out of our self-created lack and dive back into natural abundance are becoming more and more present. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am grateful for any support 🙂 

Joy of the day on February 02nd, 2019 – Find the truth through intuition
joy of life

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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