≡ Menus

Sooo dear ones, now the time has come and we are heading for the last two months of the very special year 2020, i.e. with November we are now experiencing the beginning of the finalization of a year that has set the greatest course for the overarching planetary awakening of all. We are therefore in a concentrated energetic ascension stream that is inexorably elevating the entire human civilization. Everything is in its place for this. 2020 has been a decade of prelude so far, which caused the matrix to crumble to a large extent and accelerated the 5D manifestation - a 5D civilization will come, a world in which lack, disease, poverty, death and borders of all kinds will no longer exist (Just like the self-imposed limit of not being able to imagine a corresponding scenario). In this context, I can therefore only point out again and again that the harsh, freedom-depriving measures of all "governments" should not give us the impression that everything is heading towards an abyss, because THAT IS NOT THAT WAY!!!

See the light in the world

perceive the lightAt this point one should always be aware that the intensity of the other side only represents a mirror of the humanity that has awakened. In the meantime we have become INFINITE numbers and that is exactly what the shadow governments are aware of. Therefore, directing our own focus to a perceived abyss comes with despair, and that in turn is an energy that totally plays into the hands of the dark or the maintenance of low frequency states in the world. For this reason we should also legitimize a basic trust in our own spirit, yes, feel that a golden age is 100% coming, feel that this process is inevitable and the planet is currently undergoing an incredible act of liberation. And everyone who is critical of this will necessarily also recognize the signs of appearances in the coming time. The most important thing is therefore to direct our own focus on our own flourishing, on our inner light, on our inner growth and above all on our inner divinity - because as I said, as on the inside, so on the outside, our inner attitude and above all our basic energy draws corresponding circumstances with it on the outside.

→ DO NOT be afraid of a crisis. Don't be afraid of bottlenecks, but LEARN TO SUPPORT YOURSELF ALWAYS AND AT ANY TIME. This course will teach you how to collect basic food from nature on a daily basis. Everywhere and above all at any time!!!! LIFT YOUR SPIRIT UP!!!!

The more we turn our gaze away from lack, the more abundance will become apparent in our own reality/creation, i.e. the more awakening we will perceive. An inner unconditional and basic trust will therefore give us a world on the outside, which in turn confirms our inner basic trust, because the outer world always gives us that which in turn corresponds to our state of being.

November & Blue Moon

In November, more than ever, it will be about our own basic trust and, above all, about the associated transformation of inner blockages and shadows. All things through which we in turn prevent ourselves from seeing the light in the world want to be dissolved even more in the next four weeks. The coming massive restrictions are therefore literally forcing us to switch to a corresponding energy. As said, in November we will experience an even greater overarching opening of the collective crown chakra. The supposed "disease" or rather the overarching healing in the world, at the end of the day embodies nothing more than a crown that we are all supposed to put on + put on, the opening of our crown chakra, the return of our own divinity and the experience as not insignificant, but as a powerful, creative and above all true divine being. YOU ARE THE SOURCE. Experience yourself as a source and you will only attract external circumstances that will confirm exactly that, everything in your life will then come together in a wondrous way. Well then, apart from that, November will generally give us a very strong energy, which the transition also makes clear to us, because the monthly transition went hand in hand with a blue moon, i.e. with a second full moon within a month and such a moon will ALWAYS happen awarded an EXTREMELY strong energy. Along with the Taurus zodiac sign, which in turn introduces the month of November, the basic energies are also perfect for introspection and working on the development of your own light with persistent behavior. The Taurus zodiac sign in particular likes to confront us with deeply rooted habits and a tendency towards the comfort zone. And of course, devoting yourself to it can be very inspiring in between, but our own focus and above all overcoming our shadows, especially in the current ascent phase, is more in demand than ever. Well, let us therefore welcome the beginning of November instead of falling into tribulation and shadow. Our inner transformation comes first. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Leave a Comment

    • Gerda Christine Fingerle 1. November 2020, 8: 39

      I am really looking forward to the course Thank you

    • Sarah 1. November 2020, 8: 41

      Thanks for this article! Exactly today I needed this to reflect on the essentials again... Thank you LG, sarah

    • Tina 1. November 2020, 10: 11


      I have a short question.

      A conflict has arisen at school which I would like to resolve.

      I feel a stubbornness in me and I'm not sure if it's a good time to resolve this issue.

      On the other hand, I feel that it is important and right to draw the attention of those involved to take responsibility for their behavior.

      I'm not sure if this question is right for you, but I'm looking for an exchange so that I can go into this conversation safely, neutrally and completely calmly and relaxed.

    • Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

      Great thing!
      I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
      Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
      Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
      I can imagine that you complement each other well.

    Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

    Great thing!
    I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
    Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
    Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
    I can imagine that you complement each other well.

    • Gerda Christine Fingerle 1. November 2020, 8: 39

      I am really looking forward to the course Thank you

    • Sarah 1. November 2020, 8: 41

      Thanks for this article! Exactly today I needed this to reflect on the essentials again... Thank you LG, sarah

    • Tina 1. November 2020, 10: 11


      I have a short question.

      A conflict has arisen at school which I would like to resolve.

      I feel a stubbornness in me and I'm not sure if it's a good time to resolve this issue.

      On the other hand, I feel that it is important and right to draw the attention of those involved to take responsibility for their behavior.

      I'm not sure if this question is right for you, but I'm looking for an exchange so that I can go into this conversation safely, neutrally and completely calmly and relaxed.

    • Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

      Great thing!
      I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
      Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
      Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
      I can imagine that you complement each other well.

    Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

    Great thing!
    I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
    Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
    Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
    I can imagine that you complement each other well.

    • Gerda Christine Fingerle 1. November 2020, 8: 39

      I am really looking forward to the course Thank you

    • Sarah 1. November 2020, 8: 41

      Thanks for this article! Exactly today I needed this to reflect on the essentials again... Thank you LG, sarah

    • Tina 1. November 2020, 10: 11


      I have a short question.

      A conflict has arisen at school which I would like to resolve.

      I feel a stubbornness in me and I'm not sure if it's a good time to resolve this issue.

      On the other hand, I feel that it is important and right to draw the attention of those involved to take responsibility for their behavior.

      I'm not sure if this question is right for you, but I'm looking for an exchange so that I can go into this conversation safely, neutrally and completely calmly and relaxed.

    • Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

      Great thing!
      I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
      Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
      Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
      I can imagine that you complement each other well.

    Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

    Great thing!
    I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
    Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
    Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
    I can imagine that you complement each other well.

    • Gerda Christine Fingerle 1. November 2020, 8: 39

      I am really looking forward to the course Thank you

    • Sarah 1. November 2020, 8: 41

      Thanks for this article! Exactly today I needed this to reflect on the essentials again... Thank you LG, sarah

    • Tina 1. November 2020, 10: 11


      I have a short question.

      A conflict has arisen at school which I would like to resolve.

      I feel a stubbornness in me and I'm not sure if it's a good time to resolve this issue.

      On the other hand, I feel that it is important and right to draw the attention of those involved to take responsibility for their behavior.

      I'm not sure if this question is right for you, but I'm looking for an exchange so that I can go into this conversation safely, neutrally and completely calmly and relaxed.

    • Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

      Great thing!
      I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
      Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
      Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
      I can imagine that you complement each other well.

    Margaret Schoenenberger Miller 1. November 2020, 18: 54

    Great thing!
    I am now 52 years old and know a lot from many people who are doing something similar.
    Certainly better for those of your age who are interested.
    Do you know the wolf - Dieter Storl with his books??
    I can imagine that you complement each other well.
