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With today's daily energy on May 01st, 2023, the third and thus last spring month of May begins. This brings us to the month of fertility, love, blossoming and above all the month of marriage. Nature begins to blossom completely, flowers or blossoms of various plants appear and sometimes even berries begin to appear whole to gradually develop. May is also based, at least as far as the name is concerned, on the goddess Maia which is closely associated with the fertility goddess "Bona Dea". And appropriately, the high spring month is always associated with the first moon festival of the year (Beltane) initiated.

The celebration of new beginnings

The celebration of new beginnings

In this context, Beltane is also generally celebrated from the last day of April to the first of May (the days before and after the festival were also used for ritual purposest and already carry its energy within them). On the night of May XNUMXst, large cleansing fires were lit to drive away, or rather cleanse, dark energies, spirits and generally stressful vibrations. In exactly the same way, these two days in particular also represent the festival of the great wedding or the festival of the holy wedding, in which the focus is on the union of male and female energies (all things have the female behind and the male in front of them. When the masculine and feminine unite, all things attain harmony.). One honors the sacred fusion and, above all, the fertility that comes with it. For this reason, today also represents the fusion of our inner female and male parts. It is a highly magical day that takes us into a terrible and, above all, growth-filled time of year. And in keeping with the Taurus Sun, there is always a new vibrational environment through which we can completely surrender to this energy. In keeping with this, I would also like a section from the page at this point Celticgarden quote, in which the special feature of Beltane was emphasized again:

“Winter will now go and the earth will get warmer again. With May, spring comes across the country and for the Celts, who celebrated the Beltane lunar festival at the same time, it was even the beginning of summer. For other peoples the beginning of the year. The Celtic annual festival of Beltane is one of the four moon festivals.”

On Walpurgis Night, Walpurgis was remembered, a protector of crops who, according to official history, spread Christianity in the Middle Ages and was/is considered a saint. The day after, i.e. the first of May, served again to drive away the dark:

“Large fires have always been lit on this night, the May Fires. These May bonfires drive away all evil, including the cold days. When these fires burn down late at night, lovers jump over the glowing coals. In general, these fires are intended to make people, livestock and food healthy and fruitful.”

Five magical days

BeltaneThe energy of Beltane will reach us until May 05th, i.e. until the coming full moon, a day that will also be accompanied by a penumbra eclipse (In all probability Beltane was always celebrated on the first full moon of May). Because of this, we will now experience five high magic days that will lead us into the penumbral lunar eclipse. In this context, eclipses always represent powerful portals that are generally associated with fateful energies and reveal deep structures or hidden parts within our field. The coming five days will therefore be highly transformative and deeply activating.

Retrograde Pluto

On the other hand, it should be said that with today's first of May another special astrological change is coming to us. How Pluto Goes Retrograde in Aquarius (until October 10th) and gives us an extremely reflective quality of energy. In this context, Pluto always stands for transformation, death (the end of old structures) and rebirth. In keeping with its zodiac sign Scorpio, which generally carries a mysterious energy within itself and wants to bring countless structures to the surface, its retrograde is about checking corresponding aspects on our part. In the zodiac sign Aquarius, the focus is on all of our circumstances that are based on lack of freedom. During this time we can become aware in detail of the ways in which we still limit ourselves or, better said, the circumstances through which we still live out a state of lack of freedom. With Pluto retrograde, an exciting time is beginning in which our independence will be put to the test. Well, the Beltane energies are still having an impact on us today, which is why we should devote ourselves to this special celebration. You will find out which energies or astrological constellations and changes will reach us in May in tomorrow's daily energy article. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


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