Today's daily energy on January 01nd, 2020 (feels good to write that^^) is mainly shaped by the beginning influences of the golden decade, along with yesterday's transitional energies, and therefore marks the beginning of a decade, in which we will experience the greatest possible changes in the collective spirit and consequently on the planet.
The golden decade is here
The days of the old decade are over and today begins a decade in which we are moving at an incredible speed towards the complete reorientation of the collective mind. As already described in yesterday's daily energy article, we will therefore experience a fundamental change in relation to all old systems, structures and circumstances. The same applies to using our own creative powers. Our own creative existence, which we ourselves have repeatedly failed to fully exploit, will therefore fundamentally change and we ourselves will experience the permanent, perfect entry into our own creative power, along with the complete manifestation of our highest divine spirit (we will feel at every second that we ourselves are the source/creator/origin, that we are divine and then act accordingly, always, instead of from a lower self-image). NOW begins an incredible time of transformation and divinity in which we ourselves will bring the golden age to earth. Ultimately, I have often spoken about the fact that the golden age does not just come, but is initiated by ourselves, in which we initiate the divine feeling of the golden age within ourselves.
Change in the world only happens when we change ourselves, because as creators ourselves, we are the external world. As within, so without, as without, so within. Peace can only come when we ourselves become peaceful. Divinity can only come when we ourselves become divine. Entering a new divine reality is therefore crucial for the manifestation of the golden age..!!
The key therefore lies within ourselves, as creators, and we will now experience a decade in which we will use this key to open the gate to abundance, to peace, to wisdom and to justice. Each of us is therefore worth our weight in gold and represents the most important interface for the golden age. Well, first we have to celebrate today, the first day of the golden decade. It is incredible that the golden decade has begun and we can be very happy about it. In this context, today also carries a very special energy, namely the energy of a new beginning, the beginning of a golden time. And this overarching energy is reinforced by the portal day (Incidentally, these are the dates for the upcoming portal days in January: 1st|4th|12th|17th|20th|25th|31st.). A very special numerology also affects us today, because it is January 01.01.2020st, XNUMX (11/22). Well, the energy is therefore most magical and I wish you all a special first day of the new decade. Use the energy and create great things. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
thank you for these words,
There is a lot going on in the universe and it is happening at incredible speed.
Not everything is visible yet but we will experience it!
in love
Franz Xavier