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daily energy

With today's daily energy on February 01st, 2023, the influences of the newly begun and above all third winter month are reaching us, with which the phase of reflection and withdrawal is slowly but surely coming to an end, because after February we are moving towards the beginning of spring , i.e. the great overarching activation within nature (ushered in by the vernal equinox). February itself, which still brings us cool temperatures and a corresponding calm, is also known as the month of cleansing.

Month of cleaning

daily energy

At that time, purification festivals were held, which in turn served to drive away the “demons or shadows of winter”. Ultimately, you can use February perfectly to not only cleanse yourself internally, but also to free your own space from external energies. Seen in this way, it is preparation for the coming spring. Shortly before we move into the beginning of spring, we can cleanse, or rather close, all old energies, structures and circumstances so that we can move into the time of upswing with ease and clarity. For this reason, February generally has valuable energy quality for us. It is the last month before the true beginning of the New Year begins and the solar cycle begins again. We can review the last year again so that we can then fully prepare ourselves for the new. Well, apart from this overarching February quality, we are also receiving other astrological constellations that will have a significant impact on the month. You will find out what these are in the following lines.

Full moon in the zodiac sign Leo

Full moon in the zodiac sign LeoA powerful full moon in the zodiac sign Leo will reach us on February 05th. The full moon, which in turn is opposite the Aquarius Sun, will be accompanied by strong heart activation. The lion is generally connected to our own heart chakra and reveals aspects accordingly (the full moon illuminates our being), where we keep our own hearts closed or even have a lack of empathy. Due to the Aquarius Sun, a strong desire for freedom will also be in the foreground in this combination and we could perceive just such a desire for freedom, freedom and personal concerns. Nevertheless, due to the Leo Full Moon, our own self-expression and also the flow of our own heart field will be at the forefront.

Mercury moves into Aquarius

A few days later, on February 11th, Aquarius will move into direct Mercury. The planet of communication, exchange and knowledge gives us an extremely special energy quality in Aquarius. In this way we could feel free or express our desire for freedom accordingly. We want to break down our barriers and talk to others about achieving freedom (this aspect can also have a strong impact collectively). Aquarius himself, who likes to strive for independence, rebellion, but also friendship and community, can make us connect with each other in exactly this way in Mercury. It will be a good time to bring to the surface ideas for changing existing pseudo-structures.

Sun moves to Pisces

Sun in Pisces on February 18thOn February 18th the sun moves into the zodiac sign Pisces. With this change, the last section within the zodiac sign is initiated, with which we enter the final phase of winter, which will then lead us directly into the beginning of spring. With the sign of Pisces, a final period of withdrawal and reflection can begin. The Pisces zodiac sign always tends to withdraw and delves into self-reflection and fantasies. On the other hand, the very sensitive and, above all, sensitive sign encourages us to put an end to old structures and circumstances. After all, as the last sign within the zodiac sign, we are supposed to let go of circumstances that are harmful or no longer serve us, so that we can then start a new cycle full of vigor. Nevertheless, from this moment on, our personal self-reflection will be present across the board, accompanied by the recognition of our own deep longings and, above all, what their origins are.

New moon in Pisces

Immediately two days later, on February 20th, a special new moon reaches us in the zodiac sign Pisces. And since the sun is opposite this, which is also in the zodiac sign Pisces, a new moon will truly reach us, which will bring with it deep insights and extremely sensitive moods. It's about a strong energy of withdrawal and being “introspective”. On the other hand, we can gain important insights into our own current living conditions. New moons generally always represent the manifestation and experience of new circumstances. And since the Pisces zodiac sign is associated with deeply spiritual states, we can receive consciousness-changing insights. In exactly the same way, this constellation can strongly stimulate our own emotional life and, within sensitive moods, allow us to sense to what extent we would like to experience new emotional circumstances and, above all, we can create space for this ourselves. Essentially, it's about expanding our inner space or letting go of old structures so that we can manifest a new, even easier way of life.

Venus moves into the zodiac sign Aries

Last but not least, Venus changes to the zodiac sign Aries on the same day. This gives us and all relationships and connections a strong forward push. Especially when it comes to love, partnership and the associated self-development (Self-love, abundance and inner harmony go directly with it - the relationship/image of ourselves) would like further development to take place and a fire to be lit. It will be about our inner readiness, about activity and development. Instead of letting aspects rest in this regard, we can completely break through and manifest new vigor in our connections. A good time to be able to take your own self-realization or your bond with yourself to a new level. Well, at the end of the day, February is another exciting month that has some special constellations in store for us. Nevertheless, the energy of the last month of winter is in the foreground and we should definitely use the prevailing energy quality to conclude our own difficult issues within the calm. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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