With today's daily energy on August 01, 2023, the influences of a powerful super full moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius reach us (towards the evening at 20:31 p.m), which will not only characterize the beginning of August, but will also provide us with a powerful mix of energies, through which we particularly want to release all chains on our part. In this context, no other sign of the zodiac stands so strongly for the Wanted freedom and independence, as is the case with Aquarius. For this reason, this full moon will also bring out hidden parts in our innermost being, through which we, for example, still lead a limited and bound life.
Super full moon influences

After all, in the current time of collective awakening we are all at a point where we wish to remove all of our self-imposed limitations. Instead of sticking to a hamster wheel and generally bound to disharmonious or even stressful circumstances, we want to free our own mind. Because only a completely free spirit enters its true creative potential at this point and begins to shape the world according to its deepest truth. In addition, the outer world together with the collective can only enter freedom when we ourselves, i.e. our inner world, enter complete freedom. And the pull into such a limitless state is getting bigger and bigger. Today's Aquarius Super Full Moon will therefore cause profound activations within our own field, attuning us to a new state in the process. In this context, these influences will also be very noticeable. Ultimately, one also speaks of a super full moon when the moon has generally reached its closest point to the earth and consequently has a maximum effect on us (which is why a super full moon also shines much brighter and appears much larger than usual in the night sky). Thus, the intensity is much greater and amplifies all actions and imaginations on our part.
Two full moons this month
At the end of the day, this full moon also initiates a special phase, because we already did in yesterday Daily Energy Article addressed, not only does the first day of August begin with a full moon, but the month also ends exactly on the last day with another full moon (in the sign of Pisces). The days within the month are therefore enveloped in the energy of two full moons, which will energetically complete this month. At the beginning it is about our personal freedom and the abolition of borders and in the further course of the month it will be about our associated divine connection (star signs fish). And in this context, our limitlessness, which is becoming manifest, also leads to a strong divine connection. August therefore has a deep message in store for us and would like to bring us even closer to our source. We can therefore be very excited about the coming days. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂