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soul mate

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Because of their own spiritual origins, every person has a plan that was created countless incarnations before and also, before an upcoming incarnation, contains corresponding new or even old tasks that have to be mastered/experienced in the coming life. This can refer to the most varied of experiences that a soul in turn has in one want to experience incarnation.

Choosing Our Families & Partners & Other Life Events

soul mateEven supposedly serious aspects, such as an illness or even a certain disharmonious mood that runs through life, can even be predefined. This is not a punishment either, but rather represents a shadowy aspect that the human being wants to experience on the way to absolute purity and perfection (or awareness and experience of perfection). A very pronounced stinginess could therefore also become manifest in the coming life. It is then an experience that has to be recognized and solved by the corresponding person. In this case, there would be a spiritual orientation, i.e. a state of consciousness, in which one recognizes the futility of stinginess or egoism and then discards it due to new beliefs (e.g. it is important and natural to give - stinginess is only the result of a material-oriented mind ). But not only illnesses and corresponding disharmonious alignments are predefined, our families and relationship partners are also consciously chosen before a corresponding incarnation. As a result, we are not born into a family by chance, but we have consciously chosen it in advance. Usually one even says that some souls are always born into the same families, i.e. families in which countless agreed soul relationships have been made. Of course, there are also exceptions and souls who choose a completely different experience before an incarnation (who knows, maybe this also results in the feeling of some people feeling completely alien in certain families). It is exactly the same with partnership bonds, especially bonds that were very intense, stirring, formative or even full of deep love and harmony. They are bonds that have a deep place in our hearts and have changed us. Of course, one could also include less intensive, perhaps only short-term relationships, but it is particularly the aforementioned relationships where one can be sure that they were agreed upon and predefined before one's own incarnation. One has decided to create these common experiences and to share the path of life with one another for a certain time (whether for a whole incarnation or for years). Corresponding relationships usually also serve one's own development. Seen in this way, the partner represents the greatest teacher in one's own life and reflects all inner aspects. Quarrels, wars of words and other disharmonious situations then very often lure out parts of yourself that are not yet in harmony.

The soul never perishes, rather it exchanges the former dwelling for a new seat and lives and works in it. Everything changes, but nothing perishes. – Pythagoras..!!

They are therefore not only agreed upon relationships, but even relationships that are of the utmost importance to our own prosperity. Well then, ultimately it is fascinating how many aspects, situations and experiences of our lives are predefined and, above all, what decisions we as souls made before our own incarnation. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that because of this we can still make our own decisions and that we also do not have to succumb to an alleged fate. We can always take our destiny into our own hands and shape it completely according to our own wishes and ideas. In exactly the same way, our soul plan can also deviate and there is also the possibility of letting one's own incarnation become manifest as the last incarnation experience. But mastering one's own incarnation, overcoming dualitarian patterns and, above all, creating a completely free and high-frequency state of consciousness is another topic. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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