≡ Menus

What exactly is the meaning of life? There is probably no question that a person often asks himself in the course of his life. This question usually remains unanswered, but there are always people who believe they have found an answer to this question. If you ask these people about the meaning of life, different views will be revealed, for example living, starting a family, procreating or simply leading a fulfilling life. But what is the truth of these statements? Is one of these answers correct and if not then what is the meaning of life? The meaning of your life Basically, each of these answers is right and wrong at the same time, because you cannot generalize the question about the meaning of life. Every human being is the creator of his own reality [...]

We feel so comfortable in nature because it doesn't judge us, said the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche back then. There is a lot of truth in this quote because, unlike humans, nature does not judge other living beings. On the contrary, hardly anything in the universal creation radiates more peace and serenity than our nature. For this reason one can take an example from nature and learn a lot from this high-vibrating structure. Everything is vibrating energy! If you want to understand the universe then think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. These words come from the physicist Nikola Tesla, who understood universal principles as early as the 19th century and developed free energy sources on the basis of them. More and more people are concerned with these ubiquitous aspects [...]

Inner and Outer Worlds is a documentary that delves extensively into the infinite energetic aspects of being. The first part of this documentary was about the presence of the ubiquitous Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are often used to refer to the universal storage aspect of the formative energetic presence. The Akashic Chronicle is everywhere, because all material states basically consist exclusively of oscillating energy/frequencies. This part of the documentation is mainly about an ancient sacred symbol of all cultures. It's about the spiral. The spiral - one of the oldest symbols The spiral is one of the oldest symbols on our planet and belongs to the universal symbolism. It represents the aspect of creation and is both in the macro cosmos (galaxies, spiral nebulae, path of the planets) and in the microcosm (path [...]

For centuries, various institutions have used enemy images in order to condition the masses to push through elitist goals against other people/groups. Various tricks are used that unknowingly turn the "normal" citizen into a judgmental instrument. Even today, various enemy images are propagated to us by the media. Fortunately, most people now recognize these mechanisms and rebel against them. There are currently more demonstrations taking place on our planet than ever before. Everywhere there are demonstrations for peace, a global revolution is underway. Modern enemy images The media is the most powerful institution in the world. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent. It is through this power that the minds of the masses are controlled. This power is constantly being misused and so our media deliberately create enemy images in order to protect us against other [...]

Many may not realize it, but our air is polluted every day by a dangerous cocktail of chemicals. The phenomenon is called chemtrail and is widely propagated under the alias "geo-engineering" to combat climate change. To achieve this goal, tons of chemicals are sprayed into our air every day. Supposedly, the sunlight is reflected back into space in order to reduce global warming. But behind the chemtrails is much more than combating climate change. These highly toxic chemicals affect our consciousness and massively damage our organism. Highly Toxic Chemicals Impairing Our Consciousness If you look at the sky, you will find that it has changed enormously in the last few decades. More and more often you can see elongated, white stripes in the sky which, in contrast to contrails, [...]

Every single person is the creator of their own reality. Because of our thoughts, we are able to create a life according to our ideas. The thought is the basis of our existence and all actions. Everything that ever happened, every act committed, was first conceived before it was realized. Spirit/consciousness rules over matter and only spirit is capable of altering one's reality. In doing so, we not only influence and change our own reality with our thoughts, we also influence the collective reality. Since we are connected to everything on an energetic level (everything in existence consists exclusively of space-timeless, energetic states that vibrate on frequencies), our consciousness is also part of the collective consciousness, the collective reality. Influencing the Collective Reality Each person creates their own reality. Together, humanity creates a collective [...]

The present is an eternal moment that has always existed, is and always will be. An infinitely expanding moment that accompanies our lives continuously and has a permanent effect on our existence. With the help of the present we can shape our reality and draw strength from this inexhaustible source. However, not all people are aware of the present creative forces, many people unconsciously avoid the present and often lose themselves in the past or future. Many people draw negativity from these mental constructs and thereby burden themselves. Past and future - constructs of our thoughts Past and future are exclusively mental constructs, but they do not exist in our physical world, or are we in the past or the future? Of course the past wasn't already and the future is up to us [...]