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The world that the media, politicians, lobbyists, bankers and other powerful authorities make us believe is ultimately an illusionary world that only serves to keep people's state of consciousness ignorant and cloudy. Our minds are locked in a prison that we cannot touch or see. This prison is maintained by disinformation and lies, propaganda planted in people's minds that torpedo our free will. But this complex web of lies is currently being increasingly exposed, people are expanding their state of consciousness and are no longer so easily deceived. In this way we are heading towards a revolution at an unbelievable speed, which will soon lead us into a peaceful age. The invisible empire The invisible empire refers to a group of rich and powerful people, occult families, [...]


Nowadays there are some terms that usually mean something completely different in meaning. Terms that are basically misunderstood by many people. When properly understood, these terms can have an insightful and inspiring influence on our mind. Most of the time, these terms are used frequently in everyday life and many people are forced to confront these words in their lives and, due to difficult life situations, keep using these words without knowing the true meaning of these words. For this reason, I have decided to go into detail about 3 of these words in this article. #1 Disappointment Disappointment is a term associated with sadness, a sadness brought on by unfulfilled expectations. But ultimately this term means [...]


Recently there has been talk of a war between light and darkness. The claim is made that we are in such a war, an immaterial war that has been going on on a subtle level for thousands of years and is about to reach its climax. In this context, the light has been in the weaker position for thousands of years, but now this force is to become stronger and drive out the darkness. In this regard, more and more light workers, light warriors and even masters of light should emerge from the shadows of the world and accompany humanity into a new world. In the following sections you will find out what this war is all about, what it means and what exactly a master of light is. War between the light [...]


As already mentioned several times on my website, humanity is currently in a process of spiritual awakening. Due to a newly beginning cosmic cycle, also called the newly beginning platonic year or the Age of Aquarius, humanity is experiencing a drastic advancement in the collective state of consciousness. The collective state of consciousness, which refers to the consciousness of the entire human civilization, is experiencing an essential frequency increase, i.e. the frequency at which the collective consciousness vibrates increases tremendously. Through this increase in frequency, humanity as a whole becomes more sensitive, more harmonious, more conscious in dealing with nature and the spiritual quotient increases overall. The advancement of human civilization As already mentioned, this change can be traced back to a newly beginning cosmic cycle. Cycles have accompanied mankind for a lifetime, be they small cycles such as [...]


I decided to create this article because a friend recently drew my attention to an acquaintance on his friends list who kept writing how much he hated everyone else. When he told me about it, irritated, I pointed out to him that this cry for love was just an expression of his lack of self-love. Ultimately, every human being just wants to be loved, wants to experience a feeling of security and charity. In doing so, however, we usually ignore the fact that we usually only receive love on the outside when we are also self-loving, when we are able to discover love inside again, to feel it. Self-Hate – A Result of a Lack of Self-Love Self-hatred is an expression of a lack of self-love. In this [...]


A person's story is the result of the thoughts he has realized, thoughts that he has consciously legitimated in his own mind. From these thoughts, the subsequent committed actions arose. Every action that one has committed in one's own life, every life event or any collected experience is therefore a product of one's own mind. First the possibility exists as a thought in your consciousness, then you realize the corresponding possibility, the corresponding thought by committing the action, on a material level. You change and shape the course of your own life. You are the creator, so choose wisely Ultimately, this potential for realization comes from your own creative powers. In this context, every human being is a powerful creator, a multidimensional being who can create with the help of his mental abilities. We are able to [...]


In today's world, most people are dependent or addicted to "foods" that essentially have a negative impact on our own health. Be it various finished products, fast food, sugary foods (sweets), high-fat foods (mostly animal products) or foods in general that have been enriched with a wide variety of additives. We are constantly confronted with these addictive substances in different ways and it seems to be becoming increasingly difficult to avoid these products. Energetically dense foods In this context, one often speaks of energetically dense foods. Everything in existence is made of energy, which in turn vibrates at frequencies. Negativity of any kind lowers the frequency at which an energetic state oscillates, the state becomes more dense, positivity of any kind in turn increases the frequency at which energy oscillates, the state de-densifies.