In this article I would like to once again point out the importance and, above all, the healing power of various medicinal herbs. In this context, one or the other who follows my blog more intensively will know that I have been have been talking for a few months (As of 2019, for several years now) take medicinal plants almost every day. I always go to a surrounding forest and collect countless medicinal herbs, from clove root or ground ivy to stinging nettles, on average I come up with four to eight different medicinal herbs (I always collect intuitively, i.e. the medicinal plants, which in turn come into my perception).
Expansion/cleansing of your entire mind

Silver deadnettles of the best quality - freshly harvested in the forest: found on my Instagram profile ❤
After collecting (collect a lot - a whole bag full) I process everything into a shake (with spring water), sometimes with a salad. Well, the point I'm getting at is that since I've been taking medicinal herbs, my life/mind has changed tremendously. In this context, it all began around November 2019. After spending several weeks in the woods and consuming the highly potent medicinal plants, a journey full of expanded consciousness and important self-knowledge began. The time that followed was therefore completely unique and it was intense how much the state of my own mind changed as a result (what life circumstances I have attracted on the basis of this and, above all, how strongly I have come into contact with the wisdom surrounding my own divine/holy source). At the end of the day they are, as described in countless older articles (refer to the category at this point Health), highly potent and above all completely natural remedies/foods. They are medicinal plants that are not only permanently exposed to the natural information of nature/the forest, but also carry the natural abundance of nature. Away from the extreme abundance of nutrients, this food is therefore full of vibrancy and light (biophotons, chlorophyll, natural/high frequency information). For this reason, the range of effects of various medicinal plants is also extremely diverse. In particular, the influence on our mind is crucial, because in the long run, consumption has a strong mind-expanding effect. As I said, apart from the fact that the medicinal plants really flush your own mind/body/soul system, even cleaning our own organism in particular, they transport natural primal information (Light) in our organism. For this reason I have been experiencing permanent changes in my own self-image for months. Your own self-image is constantly changing, just like your knowledge of your own divinity. Of course, at the moment there is an extreme frequency environment on earth and energetic influences are reaching us that are all about 5D (fifth dimension = high state of consciousness, - become self-aware), nevertheless I feel inwardly that the medicinal plants have contributed a great deal to this. That's exactly what happened again a few weeks ago. Strong impulses and life-changing self-knowledge reached me (Here you can find the corresponding videos).
Nature offers us the hand of friendship, she invites us to enjoy her beauty; but we fear their silence and flee to the cities, where we huddle together like a flock of lambs at the sight of the wolf. – Khalil Gibran..!!
The special thing about it was that the days before the self-awareness I also took a lot of medicinal herbs, to be precise a lot of silver-leaved dead nettles of the best quality (You can find the corresponding pictures not only in this article, but also on my Instagram profile). I felt that the silver deadnettles opened up this path for me and were therefore designed for it (it was not without reason that they increasingly came into my perception at that time). They came into my mind at the right time and facilitated the experience of these new self-knowledges. For this reason I can only recommend medicinal plants to you, the effects are incredible and can truly be life-changing. A corresponding collection is also accompanied by many positive effects. Not only do you come into direct physical contact with this primal food, but you also move through nature, i.e. to high-frequency oases on our earth. That's why I can only recommend collecting medicinal plants to you. Go into nature, harvest the corresponding high-frequency light food and enjoy the manifestation of more abundance and above all the manifestation of a new spiritual state - all in the sign of the current awakening. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Thank you for your article. That said is true, we are not meat eaters, behold our teeth. I've had 2 chemos. Medicinal herbs such as yarrow, thyme and nettle reduced my side effects. Hallelujah. The fats in the meat, the suffering of the animals in the world is unbearable for me when eating meat and also the root of diseases. People have to learn to understand that the current consumption of an increasingly dense, logarithmic performance society is the beginning of the end and must be transformed. Friday with the students on the street opens my heart.