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In order to completely cleanse my own state of consciousness or to reach a higher level of consciousness, I decided a few days ago to implement a detoxification/change in diet. It was also important to me to cleanse my body of all the toxins that have accumulated in my body over the past few years due to a bad lifestyle. At the same time, it was important to me to free my body from all addictions and dependencies that had dominated my own mind for countless years, addictions that significantly reduced my own vibrational frequency. The detoxification has been running at full speed for 3 days now and that's why I'm reporting to you today about the course of my fourth detox day.

My detox diary

day 4

energize waterThe fourth day was relatively calm compared to the third day, which was characterized by mood swings. Once again my girlfriend and I slept extremely long due to a previously very long night. We were very tired, but it should be a pleasant day. The sun was shining and so we got up around noon, completely exhausted from the day before, but we got fit again quite quickly. So for breakfast I made my oatmeal + oat milk, an apple and cinnamon as usual. We then went for a walk in the surrounding forest due to the beautiful weather. We enjoyed the quiet, the sun, the clear air and thus recharged our batteries for the coming course of the day. When I got home I made us a delicious vegetable pan as usual consisting of mushrooms, onions, garlic, tofu, a quarter of a chili pepper and refined it all with Himalayan salt, black pepper and spring onions. Then there was whole grain rice. A pot of tea rounded off my detoxification in the evening and flushed my kidneys again. Otherwise I drank water from a carafe, which I energized with a rock crystal. That day, changing my diet was relatively easy for me, I hardly had any cravings for cigarettes, coffee, energy or other energetically dense foods. Otherwise, as usual, we created our video together until late at night and then successfully completed the fourth day of detoxification.


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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