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divine energy field

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

In the current time of spiritual awakening (which has taken on an incredibly large proportion, especially in the current few days), more and more people are finding themselves, i.e. they are finding their way back to their origins and subsequently come to the life-changing realization that that they themselves not only represent a creator of their own reality, but that they themselves directly represent the creator, the source and above all the origin of everything.

self-love and purity

AuraConsequently, one is not only everything (you are everything and everything is yourself), but also creates everything, because everything that is perceptible or everything that one can perceive for oneself represents only one's own energy/one's own spirit on the outside (even the screen on which you are reading this article, – the entire situation, is an expression of your inner world, it is part of your perception and perception is energy, – your own energy – when a person enters your life/perception, then you have you create/attract this person yourself, because the corresponding person, as an externally perceptible aspect, arises from your own inner self, - he is a direct expression of yourself on the outside, for this reason everything is one/you and one or .oneself everything). Well, in recent years, due to the tremendous collective spiritual expansion (unavoidable awakening process that has its roots in this decade, at least as far as the scale created is concerned), extremely many people have become aware of their own spiritual origins and have subsequently gained more and more insights behind the scenes. For example, the fact that we are surrounded by a pseudo-system, which in turn keeps the collective spirit small, is becoming more and more normal. Everything is done to keep ourselves in fear, to make us controllable (in states of deficiency) to keep. Nevertheless, humanity breaks out of this prison with incredible speed and is in the process of completely entering into its own self-love/primal power. And along with that, we also experience a complete realignment of our own energy field (our state of consciousness changes significantly - new perception, new beliefs, new people, new relationships, new circumstances). In this context, our energy field can also act as a protection against all destructive influences, at least when it is completely intact or rather high-frequency. A person who stands completely in his self-love, bathes completely in his self-created abundance, feels/carries bliss, pure intentions and peace within him, would in turn have an energy field that protects him from all disharmonious influences.

The more self-loving, truthful and pure a person is in spirit, the more effective, stronger and more protective is their own energy field. All circumstances/behaviour/actions, which in turn are of an unnatural/destructive nature, in turn represent a burden on our own energy field - as a result, a creeping manifestation of diseases, interpersonal problems, disharmonious circumstances and a progressive aging process begins - far from maximum health /healing/rejuvenation..!!

He himself would then have become the most powerful tool of all. For this reason, we are currently being confronted more and more with self-overcoming, leaving one's own comfort zone and also with the creation of a dependency-free state, because overcoming all dependencies, addictions or all unnatural states goes hand in hand with incredible self-overcoming or willpower and this in turn leads to more self-love and self-love, yes self-love is the key to everything divine (Of course everything in existence can be described as divine, because everything in existence is an expression of its own divine origin, but there are very clear distinctions within the manifestation of the divine - for example, if you yourself wake up with a bad hangover or are involved in violent arguments, – then these experiences would be very useful as important learning processes, but you wouldn't feel any divinity in these moments, but much more destructiveness and that's what I want to get at. In and of itself, everything in existence is divine, but not every experience feels divine or is accompanied by divine feelings on our part).

Create a divine energy field for yourself

divine energy field Self-love, purity, abundance and feelings of bliss directly represent our own origin, because the origin of everything is based on these states - the conscious expression of one's own divinity. The more you immerse yourself in your own consciousness of origin, the more you create, autodidactically, an inner world based on these feelings. The inner knowledge then experiences a continuous manifestation on the outside, whereby one gradually clears up all states, which in turn do not do justice to the original state of consciousness (unnatural nutrition - dependencies/addictions - disharmonious and above all limiting beliefs - one would not be everything oneself, is not a creator, one cannot create everything oneself - there is something higher than oneself - all limitation & limitation of one's own imagination = lack , – Belittle yourself due to lack of beliefs and knowledge). At the end of the day you create a strong/divine energy field, which in turn protects you from all deficiencies (and other destructive external influences) protects simply because one has become abundance/light/gold oneself. On the other hand, one also creates circumstances, which in turn are based on this divine frequency. Be it harmonious workplace situations, relationships, eating habits, actions or even the design of your own premises, you then no longer create circumstances based on deficiency, simply because there is no longer any room for deficiency. And ultimately, a lot of people are currently experiencing this or there are a lot of people in the manifestation of their original state, because the current transition is more violent than ever before (Entering the coming golden decade - so many people are awake that the light is becoming manifest in the world). At the end of the day, this is also a circumstance that I have experienced more strongly than ever before, especially since this year. It started with collecting medicinal herbs (Primal energy, biophotons, nutrients, original food - HEALING herbs), went on his way over pristine water (high purity, hexagonal, energized) and finally resulted in the restructuring of my own premises with high-frequency tools (Orgonite - healing stones and reactors).

Behind orgonite, healing stones, chembuster and co. there is a much older and above all mind-altering force behind it than most people can even imagine. It is not for nothing that there is a strong polarity here and it is not for nothing that the subject of atmospheres and room harmonization is completely ridiculed in the mass media. The situation is similar with the golden section or even the truth behind the Cheops pyramid, which, like most pyramids on our planet, - similar to orgonites, kept the frequency of the planet permanently high - apart from their free energy aspect - Power plants..!!

Exactly in the months in which I, for example, entered my own self-love very strongly and subsequently let a high frequency become manifest, I received various technologies, for example, which in turn create atmospheres, space and frequency harmonization as a whole. The orgonites and in particular the orgone reactor, which in turn has been standing next to my bed since that time, was/is therefore also a direct expression of my increased frequency (previously I was not resonant for it and did not attract the technology on the outside) and only came into my life when I experienced more divine states. Ultimately, it looks like this: "The more one immerses oneself in one's own divine state of origin, the more one creates a pure/high-frequency mental state and this also includes the manifestation of technologies on the outside, which in turn are based on one's own origin - in this case a technology that is an extremely high-frequency one Energy field creates - direct expression - lack creates lack and abundance creates abundance, - you attract what you are on the outside. For example, I often recommend the reactor to increase the frequency or to protect your own energy field, because the more unnatural your lifestyle is, or the more impure/unbalanced your own energy field is (conflicts & problems), the more susceptible one is to disharmonious states, which is why technologies and means are then required, which in turn protect one's own energy field or, better said, raise it (Medicinal herbs, medicinal water and frequency harmonizer). On the other hand, corresponding technologies (orgone reactor), actions (Collect medicinal herbs in the forest & drink/eat, - there is no more high-frequency/light-filled food) in turn is a result of one's own high frequency, i.e. the more one enters a high frequency, the more one is automatically drawn into life circumstances in which, for example, one takes medicinal herbs, drinks the best water, frees oneself from dependencies or becomes open to orgonites and consequently takes advantage of it. And since orgonite and co. are also associated with higher prices, there is usually a dissolution of one’s own beliefs about a lack of money (that is too expensive, unfair, - instead of appreciating the work on the one hand or thinking about abundance on the other hand - I have, I live in abundance or if it is currently not affordable, then I create a living situation in which I am financially more free – But blockades regarding money is a topic of its own – I will soon be writing an article again).

Despite the tremendous progress made in the process of spiritual awakening, there are still some misconceptions and disharmony that need to be recognized and corrected. Money is the best example here, because when it comes to money, the most severe states of deficiency and beliefs about deficiency prevail, which in turn attracts deficiency, in this case financial deficiency. Mindfulness is therefore more important than ever these days, because the more mindful we are in dealing with ourselves and, above all, the more self-reflective we are as a result, the more we can recognize and change our own deficiencies..!!

Either way, what I'm getting at is the fact that we can ultimately carry everything ourselves and create an energy field that is so vast, divine and powerful that we ourselves are completely protected from all destructive influences, even from 5G and Co. are fully protected. Therefore, do not be afraid, especially when it comes to such issues, because we ourselves are the most powerful thing that exists and, as the source/creator ourselves, we can completely reshape the world. If we don't like something, we look inside and then start to change the world. We can ignite an incredible fire within ourselves and as a result completely reshape the world, yes, we can usher in the golden age ourselves, especially when we feel the golden age to express in ourselves. As I said, one attracts what one is and what one radiates, that which corresponds to one's own spirit/one's own conceptions of oneself. And in the current time we can enter a corresponding state more than ever. The current phase is perfectly designed for the manifestation of a pure and above all divine/high frequency energy field. We can create anything. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Muggendobler Ulrike 28. October 2019, 22: 05

      Hello Yannick,
      So all I can say about this orgone reactor is: Wow!!!
      I can feel the energy emanating from him through the photo on the screen.
      If the "in real" were standing right next to me, I would literally bathe in this power
      Great idea..

      Greetings from Bavaria, Ulli

    • Pia Urlicht 24. November 2019, 15: 28

      Dear Michi
      Beautifully written. Thank you for your openness, your being and your work. It's packed with good tips.
      Nice that we got to know each other.
      I look forward to more uplifting events, healing for everyone and everything, awareness, freedom, clarity, knowledge (truth)...
      Be blessed from the highest source

    • Bettina 22. December 2019, 17: 05

      Thank you for your great post

    • Seidel Violetta 20. February 2020, 11: 30

      Hello Yannick,

      I keep coming back to your website and it helps me a lot. I wanted to ask if I could link your site to my home page so everyone can become divine.

      Many greetings from me Violetta

      • Everything is energy 20. February 2020, 23: 53

        Hello dear Violetta,

        First of all, I'm very happy to hear that you like the content on my site so much and that it helps you, perfect, that's how it should be 🙂 And as for your question, of course you can link to my site from your site, that is no problem at all.

        Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

    • 8. September 2021, 9: 59


      thanks for the valuable content!

      Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
      This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

      With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
      All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

      I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
      And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

      PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

      Best regards,

    8. September 2021, 9: 59


    thanks for the valuable content!

    Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
    This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

    With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
    All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

    I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
    And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

    PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

    Best regards,

    • Muggendobler Ulrike 28. October 2019, 22: 05

      Hello Yannick,
      So all I can say about this orgone reactor is: Wow!!!
      I can feel the energy emanating from him through the photo on the screen.
      If the "in real" were standing right next to me, I would literally bathe in this power
      Great idea..

      Greetings from Bavaria, Ulli

    • Pia Urlicht 24. November 2019, 15: 28

      Dear Michi
      Beautifully written. Thank you for your openness, your being and your work. It's packed with good tips.
      Nice that we got to know each other.
      I look forward to more uplifting events, healing for everyone and everything, awareness, freedom, clarity, knowledge (truth)...
      Be blessed from the highest source

    • Bettina 22. December 2019, 17: 05

      Thank you for your great post

    • Seidel Violetta 20. February 2020, 11: 30

      Hello Yannick,

      I keep coming back to your website and it helps me a lot. I wanted to ask if I could link your site to my home page so everyone can become divine.

      Many greetings from me Violetta

      • Everything is energy 20. February 2020, 23: 53

        Hello dear Violetta,

        First of all, I'm very happy to hear that you like the content on my site so much and that it helps you, perfect, that's how it should be 🙂 And as for your question, of course you can link to my site from your site, that is no problem at all.

        Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

    • 8. September 2021, 9: 59


      thanks for the valuable content!

      Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
      This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

      With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
      All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

      I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
      And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

      PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

      Best regards,

    8. September 2021, 9: 59


    thanks for the valuable content!

    Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
    This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

    With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
    All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

    I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
    And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

    PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

    Best regards,

    • Muggendobler Ulrike 28. October 2019, 22: 05

      Hello Yannick,
      So all I can say about this orgone reactor is: Wow!!!
      I can feel the energy emanating from him through the photo on the screen.
      If the "in real" were standing right next to me, I would literally bathe in this power
      Great idea..

      Greetings from Bavaria, Ulli

    • Pia Urlicht 24. November 2019, 15: 28

      Dear Michi
      Beautifully written. Thank you for your openness, your being and your work. It's packed with good tips.
      Nice that we got to know each other.
      I look forward to more uplifting events, healing for everyone and everything, awareness, freedom, clarity, knowledge (truth)...
      Be blessed from the highest source

    • Bettina 22. December 2019, 17: 05

      Thank you for your great post

    • Seidel Violetta 20. February 2020, 11: 30

      Hello Yannick,

      I keep coming back to your website and it helps me a lot. I wanted to ask if I could link your site to my home page so everyone can become divine.

      Many greetings from me Violetta

      • Everything is energy 20. February 2020, 23: 53

        Hello dear Violetta,

        First of all, I'm very happy to hear that you like the content on my site so much and that it helps you, perfect, that's how it should be 🙂 And as for your question, of course you can link to my site from your site, that is no problem at all.

        Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

    • 8. September 2021, 9: 59


      thanks for the valuable content!

      Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
      This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

      With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
      All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

      I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
      And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

      PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

      Best regards,

    8. September 2021, 9: 59


    thanks for the valuable content!

    Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
    This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

    With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
    All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

    I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
    And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

    PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

    Best regards,

    • Muggendobler Ulrike 28. October 2019, 22: 05

      Hello Yannick,
      So all I can say about this orgone reactor is: Wow!!!
      I can feel the energy emanating from him through the photo on the screen.
      If the "in real" were standing right next to me, I would literally bathe in this power
      Great idea..

      Greetings from Bavaria, Ulli

    • Pia Urlicht 24. November 2019, 15: 28

      Dear Michi
      Beautifully written. Thank you for your openness, your being and your work. It's packed with good tips.
      Nice that we got to know each other.
      I look forward to more uplifting events, healing for everyone and everything, awareness, freedom, clarity, knowledge (truth)...
      Be blessed from the highest source

    • Bettina 22. December 2019, 17: 05

      Thank you for your great post

    • Seidel Violetta 20. February 2020, 11: 30

      Hello Yannick,

      I keep coming back to your website and it helps me a lot. I wanted to ask if I could link your site to my home page so everyone can become divine.

      Many greetings from me Violetta

      • Everything is energy 20. February 2020, 23: 53

        Hello dear Violetta,

        First of all, I'm very happy to hear that you like the content on my site so much and that it helps you, perfect, that's how it should be 🙂 And as for your question, of course you can link to my site from your site, that is no problem at all.

        Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

    • 8. September 2021, 9: 59


      thanks for the valuable content!

      Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
      This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

      With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
      All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

      I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
      And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

      PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

      Best regards,

    8. September 2021, 9: 59


    thanks for the valuable content!

    Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
    This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

    With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
    All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

    I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
    And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

    PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

    Best regards,

      • Muggendobler Ulrike 28. October 2019, 22: 05

        Hello Yannick,
        So all I can say about this orgone reactor is: Wow!!!
        I can feel the energy emanating from him through the photo on the screen.
        If the "in real" were standing right next to me, I would literally bathe in this power
        Great idea..

        Greetings from Bavaria, Ulli

      • Pia Urlicht 24. November 2019, 15: 28

        Dear Michi
        Beautifully written. Thank you for your openness, your being and your work. It's packed with good tips.
        Nice that we got to know each other.
        I look forward to more uplifting events, healing for everyone and everything, awareness, freedom, clarity, knowledge (truth)...
        Be blessed from the highest source

      • Bettina 22. December 2019, 17: 05

        Thank you for your great post

      • Seidel Violetta 20. February 2020, 11: 30

        Hello Yannick,

        I keep coming back to your website and it helps me a lot. I wanted to ask if I could link your site to my home page so everyone can become divine.

        Many greetings from me Violetta

        • Everything is energy 20. February 2020, 23: 53

          Hello dear Violetta,

          First of all, I'm very happy to hear that you like the content on my site so much and that it helps you, perfect, that's how it should be 🙂 And as for your question, of course you can link to my site from your site, that is no problem at all.

          Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

      • 8. September 2021, 9: 59


        thanks for the valuable content!

        Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
        This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

        With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
        All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

        I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
        And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

        PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

        Best regards,

      8. September 2021, 9: 59


      thanks for the valuable content!

      Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
      This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

      With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
      All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

      I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
      And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

      PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

      Best regards,

    • Muggendobler Ulrike 28. October 2019, 22: 05

      Hello Yannick,
      So all I can say about this orgone reactor is: Wow!!!
      I can feel the energy emanating from him through the photo on the screen.
      If the "in real" were standing right next to me, I would literally bathe in this power
      Great idea..

      Greetings from Bavaria, Ulli

    • Pia Urlicht 24. November 2019, 15: 28

      Dear Michi
      Beautifully written. Thank you for your openness, your being and your work. It's packed with good tips.
      Nice that we got to know each other.
      I look forward to more uplifting events, healing for everyone and everything, awareness, freedom, clarity, knowledge (truth)...
      Be blessed from the highest source

    • Bettina 22. December 2019, 17: 05

      Thank you for your great post

    • Seidel Violetta 20. February 2020, 11: 30

      Hello Yannick,

      I keep coming back to your website and it helps me a lot. I wanted to ask if I could link your site to my home page so everyone can become divine.

      Many greetings from me Violetta

      • Everything is energy 20. February 2020, 23: 53

        Hello dear Violetta,

        First of all, I'm very happy to hear that you like the content on my site so much and that it helps you, perfect, that's how it should be 🙂 And as for your question, of course you can link to my site from your site, that is no problem at all.

        Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

    • 8. September 2021, 9: 59


      thanks for the valuable content!

      Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
      This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

      With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
      All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

      I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
      And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

      PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

      Best regards,

    8. September 2021, 9: 59


    thanks for the valuable content!

    Nevertheless, reflectors (human design) have a completely different energy field. I can actually confirm this with all the descriptions. That's why they sometimes polarize a lot, because they reflect their environment without this being a conscious act. It can only be consciously perceived.
    This also means they are completely permeable to all energies and become part of their environment. As a result, they also feel the environment to an extent that remains hidden to most and happens on many levels at the same time.

    With such an energy system it is difficult to create on our own, although of course we always do - with every thought, every belief, every action and non-action and the associated feelings. And at the same time they can bring the unexpected to earth, given the right environment.
    All centers are open and permeable and therefore there are no borders and everything flows in - every mood, every look, every movement, every expression, underlying structures etc...

    I can only create by putting my gaze there and nourishing the field that corresponds to my maxims and (my) truth.
    And there are also the foreign energies that I only give access to through my attention...yes, we feed exactly the field to which we relate and direct our energy.

    PERCEIVE, to be AWARE – to approach and approach oneself inwardly and outwardly and with a loving gaze or to distance oneself is the art that needs to be learned.

    Best regards,
