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God created

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As already mentioned in the title of the article, I would like to reveal or explain this special knowledge again. Admittedly, for those unfamiliar with spirituality or new to it, it can be difficult to understand this fundamental aspect of one's creation. Especially when it comes to God or the idea of ​​God (for nothing else is God, - a/our idea of ​​God) ancient blockages on our part become active (Especially since the system is designed to defame corresponding knowledge - everything that does not correspond to a given norm, i.e. everything that supposedly exceeds our own mind must not be accepted - adopt a defensive attitude - stick to religious and system-compliant dogmas - do not become yours Self-aware, stay small).

Everything is based on one's imagination – mind

God createdWe are then often subject to self-imposed limitations, i.e. we experience limitations within our own imagination (we cannot imagine something and then become destructive, judgmental, blocking, devaluing) and then try to impose our own blockade on other people (That's nonsense, that's not true, that doesn't work). That's why I can always point out the importance of an open and unbiased mind. Evaluating information, taking advantage of it, questioning things instead of immediately smiling at them, that brings us mentally forward, that broadens our own horizon. Well, coming back to said information, basically I've already picked up on this realization in this very long article: The highest level of knowledge. But since the article is very long (almost 3000 words), secondly, the knowledge can change one's own life completely and thirdly, this level of knowledge can also initiate a complete inner awakening (awakening of all our abilities, recognizing that everything arises from our imagination, everything is possible, we are everything and also create everything), I think it is important to revisit this particular insight, reduced to the aspect of creation. In this context, it is important to understand that in the current age of spiritual awakening, more and more people are gaining insights into their own spiritual origins (cosmic cycle, raising the collective state of consciousness). You become more and more aware that your entire life has arisen from your own imagination. You yourself are the creator of your own circumstances, the shaper of your own destiny, the smith of your own happiness and you can choose the direction in which your own life should move. We are therefore not victims of such circumstances, or indeed we can be and identify with them, but we are much more the shapers of our own circumstances. Everything is therefore based on your own mind. Every life event is based on one's own imagination, i.e. one imagines something, for example meeting a good friend, the first kiss, a walk through nature, moving into an apartment or even consuming food and then has this idea through execution allow the action to become manifest on a “material” level (in quotes, as while we can view the outside world from a material point of view, it still represents our spirit, – vibration/energy/frequency).

We are what we think. Everything we are arises from our thoughts. We form the world with our thoughts. – Buddha..!!

Also, reading this article is also a result of your own mental imagination. You mentally decided to read through this article and then made that thought a reality (your decision to let this article enter your inner space). Each invention was therefore also thought up first, i.e. corresponding inventions first existed as an idea in the mind of a person. Also the house (or apartment) in which you live was first thought by an architect, yes, even the clothes you wear were first thought designed by a human/creator, so you carry the imagination/thought of another human being. The entire world is therefore a pure product of the imagination, everything that ever existed or will exist was/is conceived first of all, which is why everything in existence or everything you can perceive represents mental/spiritual energy without exception.

You yourself created God

God createdSo you can see that the world as we know it is a purely intellectual product. Matter as we know it does not exist as such either - everything is energy, here we often talk about coagulated/materialized thoughts. Ultimately, the same applies to your entire life, because all facets of your own life have been thought up by you. Of course, you often like to give up your own creative power, make yourself small and tell yourself that everything came about by chance and that your own intellectual influence is rather small. But at the end of the day, that's not the case. You yourself are the creator of life and everything has sprung from a self. You yourself represent the original source. And here lies the crux of the matter. Everything that exists is just your imagination, EVERYTHING. Imagine the earth as a whole planet, what is the earth at the moment, only your imagination (a thought of the earth). Imagine the universe. What is the universe at the moment, your imagination and what is God? Your/an imagination of God (to a divine being). The entire outer world is therefore only one thing and that is mental energy (your own imagination). They are all images - consisting of energy that we bring to life in our minds. God is therefore only a product of one's own imagination, the highest image that man has created, because God is everything in our imagination, an inexplicable superior power that can do everything, has created everything and knows no limitations (maximum fullness). For example, imagine a person who had never heard of a god until he was 16 (I know, a very abstract scenario - can you imagine that?). Did God exist for him until then (a God)?! No, because he has no idea of ​​a God (he had not created him - he was not part of his reality, his inner truth, his space).

The body is just the outer shell of the mind. He must do what the spirit dictates to him. – Swami Vivekânanda..!!

For him, therefore, a god does not exist, in any way. It was only when this person was made aware of this that God would become manifest to him as an image of one God, in his mind, as an aspect of his own imagination, as an image of a god. God is therefore only one thing, namely the highest mental image that a person can create mentally; he is merely an aspect of one's own imagination, an aspect of one's self, an image of one's own creation. One SELF is therefore the entity that God created in turn, with the help of one's own imagination. One SELF is therefore the all-pervading and creating instance, the fixed point from which everything arises. One SELF is everything that exists because everything that exists has been created by oneself in the form of images based on one's own imagination. Everything therefore ALWAYS represents one's own spirit. Everything is based on ideas (own ideas). And if you take away all ideas or all images, only one thing remains and that is your SELF. For this reason everything was subsequently created (the entire outer world is oneself, which is why all is one and one is all). God represents the highest image or the highest imaginable limit (the highest image imaginable), which in turn emerged from one's own SELF. Ultimately, life as a whole is a journey to oneself, a discovery of one's own being, a return to one's own creation. Therefore, never forget that you YOURSELF are EVERYTHING and create EVERYTHING, even GOD. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support ❤ 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Stephen सस 10. April 2019, 7: 15

      Comment stolen again. Funny…..ुुुु

      In addition to the SHa Q1999912……. there is the so-called Lieberman Hologram. What does it look like and where can you find it? There it is regulated what you want and that only I know and the 7 is holier than all God himself!

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 13: 01

      I keep reading your site and find very inspiring information here, but this article really surprised me. I don't share your view at all. Everything emerged from God, or the original source, we are parts - divine parts - of God and we carry immense potential within us. The more we connect with God, the more we develop our potential and our power and can participate in divine creation.

      If one's "self" is everything and created everything, including God, then my "self" and your "self" cannot coexist. Because as you say, there is nothing else besides “one self”. That contradicts itself. If you question the statements in your article, they don't make any sense. Maybe you'll think about it all?

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 20: 32

      It's really a shame that comments that represent a different point of view are simply deleted. In terms of an open exchange, it is worrying that such censorship is being carried out here.

    • Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

      I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
      want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
      it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
      God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
      It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


      In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

      It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

      ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do

    Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

    I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
    want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
    it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
    God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
    It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


    In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

    It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

    ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do

    • Stephen सस 10. April 2019, 7: 15

      Comment stolen again. Funny…..ुुुु

      In addition to the SHa Q1999912……. there is the so-called Lieberman Hologram. What does it look like and where can you find it? There it is regulated what you want and that only I know and the 7 is holier than all God himself!

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 13: 01

      I keep reading your site and find very inspiring information here, but this article really surprised me. I don't share your view at all. Everything emerged from God, or the original source, we are parts - divine parts - of God and we carry immense potential within us. The more we connect with God, the more we develop our potential and our power and can participate in divine creation.

      If one's "self" is everything and created everything, including God, then my "self" and your "self" cannot coexist. Because as you say, there is nothing else besides “one self”. That contradicts itself. If you question the statements in your article, they don't make any sense. Maybe you'll think about it all?

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 20: 32

      It's really a shame that comments that represent a different point of view are simply deleted. In terms of an open exchange, it is worrying that such censorship is being carried out here.

    • Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

      I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
      want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
      it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
      God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
      It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


      In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

      It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

      ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do

    Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

    I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
    want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
    it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
    God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
    It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


    In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

    It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

    ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do

    • Stephen सस 10. April 2019, 7: 15

      Comment stolen again. Funny…..ुुुु

      In addition to the SHa Q1999912……. there is the so-called Lieberman Hologram. What does it look like and where can you find it? There it is regulated what you want and that only I know and the 7 is holier than all God himself!

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 13: 01

      I keep reading your site and find very inspiring information here, but this article really surprised me. I don't share your view at all. Everything emerged from God, or the original source, we are parts - divine parts - of God and we carry immense potential within us. The more we connect with God, the more we develop our potential and our power and can participate in divine creation.

      If one's "self" is everything and created everything, including God, then my "self" and your "self" cannot coexist. Because as you say, there is nothing else besides “one self”. That contradicts itself. If you question the statements in your article, they don't make any sense. Maybe you'll think about it all?

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 20: 32

      It's really a shame that comments that represent a different point of view are simply deleted. In terms of an open exchange, it is worrying that such censorship is being carried out here.

    • Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

      I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
      want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
      it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
      God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
      It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


      In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

      It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

      ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do

    Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

    I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
    want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
    it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
    God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
    It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


    In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

    It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

    ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do

    • Stephen सस 10. April 2019, 7: 15

      Comment stolen again. Funny…..ुुुु

      In addition to the SHa Q1999912……. there is the so-called Lieberman Hologram. What does it look like and where can you find it? There it is regulated what you want and that only I know and the 7 is holier than all God himself!

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 13: 01

      I keep reading your site and find very inspiring information here, but this article really surprised me. I don't share your view at all. Everything emerged from God, or the original source, we are parts - divine parts - of God and we carry immense potential within us. The more we connect with God, the more we develop our potential and our power and can participate in divine creation.

      If one's "self" is everything and created everything, including God, then my "self" and your "self" cannot coexist. Because as you say, there is nothing else besides “one self”. That contradicts itself. If you question the statements in your article, they don't make any sense. Maybe you'll think about it all?

    • Petra Mueller 10. April 2019, 20: 32

      It's really a shame that comments that represent a different point of view are simply deleted. In terms of an open exchange, it is worrying that such censorship is being carried out here.

    • Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

      I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
      want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
      it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
      God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
      It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


      In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

      It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

      ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do

    Christian 7. April 2022, 10: 12

    I'm always surprised at how presumptuous we humans are, just because we can't or don't want to admit that we only have a small, almost zero, perception and imagination.
    want to explain the inexplicable, but are not even able to let good be good. perfect wants to be improved, notwithstanding that when perfect is changed, it is no longer perfect.
    it is presumptuous to posit oneself as a non-dimensional being beyond infinite dimensions just because there may be a faint hint of intuition.
    God, as we are taught, certainly may not exist, but if one has even a whiff of spirit within, he should know that there is divinity. Let it be and don't make an image.
    It's very different, but definitely not like some of the lines I read above


    In truth you don't know the truth, at best you may only know that said truths are untrue

    It is not possible to explain the inexplicable

    ....this should only be a suggestion, because I don't know as much as you do
