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Himalayan pink salt

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

As I have often mentioned in my articles, every disease can be cured. For example, the German biochemist Otto Warburg found out that no disease can exist in a basic + oxygen-rich cell environment. Consequently, it would also be very advisable to ensure such a cell environment again. In this way, we could eliminate countless diseases, even cancer, simply by creating a basic + oxygen-rich cell environment.

Why our cell environment is contaminated

Why our cell environment is contaminatedNevertheless, very few people have such a healthy cell environment, which is simply related to today's very sustainable and unnatural way of life. Most people also suffer from chronic poisoning, which in turn can be attributed to various factors. For one thing, we move far too little in today's world. We tend to be much more inclined to stay at home in front of the PC or even the television instead of going out into nature every day, for example. Ultimately, this lack of exercise then simply leads to poorer oxygen supply and can lay the foundations for countless diseases over a longer period of time. On the other hand, today's very unhealthy/unnatural diet also leads to contamination of our cell environment. All the artificial additives in supposed foods, the consumption of countless sugary products (refined sugar, artificial fruit sugar/fructose - soft drinks), the intake of extremely large amounts of unhealthy fats (too much fast food), the clearly excessive consumption of meat (meat is everything others as conducive to our health, keyword: dead energy, negative emotions that pass into the animal and are eaten by us - only very few animals are treated appropriately and even that doesn't stop meat from contaminating our cell environment) and countless other bad ones Eating habits simply ensure that we humans have a contaminated/burdened cell environment.

In today's world, many people suffer from myriad physical and mental illnesses due to unnatural lifestyles. An unnatural diet + a negative range of thoughts/stress that is usually associated with it simply favors the development of countless diseases..!!

Because of this, a natural/alkaline diet can also act as a cure for countless diseases.

Himalayan Pink Salt + Baking Soda: Magical Water

Himalayan Pink Salt + Baking Soda: Magical WaterFor that matter, there are also countless ways to rebalance your body's functionalities and one of them would be drinking Himalayan salt and baking soda. For that matter, this powerful combination when dissolved in water can also become an almost miraculous drink that not only fuels our bodies with countless minerals, but also enriches our cells with more oxygen. The Himalayan pink salt (the best and purest salt in the world), for example, has 84 trace elements and is not bleached or even aluminum compounds compared to conventional refinery/table salt (conventional industrially processed salt only has 2 elements - inorganic sodium and toxic chloride). enriched. On the contrary, due to its purity, it offers all sorts of positive benefits for our organism and should therefore definitely be replaced with the extremely harmful table salt. On the other hand, the slightly alkaline soda in turn ensures a more basic and oxygen-rich cell environment. Soda significantly supports the oxygen supply in the body and can raise the pH value in the same way if it is too low, i.e. too acidic. For this reason, baking soda is also a true all-rounder and can be used against countless ailments. Whether ulcers, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, countless bacterial infections or even cardiovascular problems, countless ailments can be effectively eliminated with the help of baking soda. Even when bathing or rubbing on the skin with water, baking soda can even effectively fight acne and make the skin look more natural overall.

Apart from an alkaline diet and sufficient exercise, the combination of Himalayan pink salt + baking soda is perfect for creating an oxygen-rich and alkaline cell environment..!!

For this reason, a combination of Himalayan pink salt + baking soda dissolved in water is a real lifesaver. On the one hand, this magical water supplies our cells with significantly more hydrogen + oxygen and offers our body an abundance of high-quality minerals. At the same time, the mineral-rich water is also balanced with the pH value of the blood and will therefore subsequently supply the whole body. Ultimately, it is therefore highly recommended to supplement this extremely healthy water, simply to be able to bring your own cell milieu back into balance in order to nip the development of diseases in the bud. The preparation of this water is also extremely simple in that respect, so you only need half a teaspoon of baking soda + half a teaspoon of Himalayan salt and dissolve both substances in half a glass of water. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • H. Reese 16. May 2020, 9: 34

      I have problems with high blood pressure "181/89/49", can I still make the Himalayan drink!! Would give 2/1 teaspoon of dissolved H-salt in 2 liters of water!! Can this drink have a positive effect on my body!! MfG.H.Reese

      • Everything is energy 16. May 2020, 18: 53

        I myself would now recommend something much more effective to you, namely on the one hand highly pure/hexagonal water (will work wonders - more information will be published in the next few weeks - will be something really crass to come - such healing water not only tastes super soft and unique, i.e. like spring water from high mountains, but it seems to set in motion endless healing processes - the strongest healing power in the universe) and then also freshly harvested medicinal plants or just daily barley grass/wheat grass + OPC/natural vitamin C)!!! <3

        Ps Himalayan salt I would of course still replace it with normal table salt, soda really only for acute problems, such as bsp. Stomach cancer and co. insert!!!)

        Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

    • Brigitte Grossi 6. April 2021, 11: 00

      I've been taking this mixture for 1 week, the skin looks shitty and saggy, I'm not hungry, I think it's normal, because I'm highly acidic, do you always take it? Greetings

    Brigitte Grossi 6. April 2021, 11: 00

    I've been taking this mixture for 1 week, the skin looks shitty and saggy, I'm not hungry, I think it's normal, because I'm highly acidic, do you always take it? Greetings

      • H. Reese 16. May 2020, 9: 34

        I have problems with high blood pressure "181/89/49", can I still make the Himalayan drink!! Would give 2/1 teaspoon of dissolved H-salt in 2 liters of water!! Can this drink have a positive effect on my body!! MfG.H.Reese

        • Everything is energy 16. May 2020, 18: 53

          I myself would now recommend something much more effective to you, namely on the one hand highly pure/hexagonal water (will work wonders - more information will be published in the next few weeks - will be something really crass to come - such healing water not only tastes super soft and unique, i.e. like spring water from high mountains, but it seems to set in motion endless healing processes - the strongest healing power in the universe) and then also freshly harvested medicinal plants or just daily barley grass/wheat grass + OPC/natural vitamin C)!!! <3

          Ps Himalayan salt I would of course still replace it with normal table salt, soda really only for acute problems, such as bsp. Stomach cancer and co. insert!!!)

          Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

      • Brigitte Grossi 6. April 2021, 11: 00

        I've been taking this mixture for 1 week, the skin looks shitty and saggy, I'm not hungry, I think it's normal, because I'm highly acidic, do you always take it? Greetings

      Brigitte Grossi 6. April 2021, 11: 00

      I've been taking this mixture for 1 week, the skin looks shitty and saggy, I'm not hungry, I think it's normal, because I'm highly acidic, do you always take it? Greetings

    • H. Reese 16. May 2020, 9: 34

      I have problems with high blood pressure "181/89/49", can I still make the Himalayan drink!! Would give 2/1 teaspoon of dissolved H-salt in 2 liters of water!! Can this drink have a positive effect on my body!! MfG.H.Reese

      • Everything is energy 16. May 2020, 18: 53

        I myself would now recommend something much more effective to you, namely on the one hand highly pure/hexagonal water (will work wonders - more information will be published in the next few weeks - will be something really crass to come - such healing water not only tastes super soft and unique, i.e. like spring water from high mountains, but it seems to set in motion endless healing processes - the strongest healing power in the universe) and then also freshly harvested medicinal plants or just daily barley grass/wheat grass + OPC/natural vitamin C)!!! <3

        Ps Himalayan salt I would of course still replace it with normal table salt, soda really only for acute problems, such as bsp. Stomach cancer and co. insert!!!)

        Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

    • Brigitte Grossi 6. April 2021, 11: 00

      I've been taking this mixture for 1 week, the skin looks shitty and saggy, I'm not hungry, I think it's normal, because I'm highly acidic, do you always take it? Greetings

    Brigitte Grossi 6. April 2021, 11: 00

    I've been taking this mixture for 1 week, the skin looks shitty and saggy, I'm not hungry, I think it's normal, because I'm highly acidic, do you always take it? Greetings
