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Only a few more days and then the intense, stormy but also partly insightful and inspiring year of 2017 will end. At the end of the year, we think about good resolutions for the coming year and usually want to leave behind old burdens, internal conflicts and other stuck ones Discard/clean up life patterns in the new year. However, these New Year's resolutions are rarely implemented. It usually starts when we go completely overboard on the first night of the new year and feel completely exhausted in the days that follow.

Cleanse mind/body/spirit system

Mind/body/spirit systemThe good intentions then disappear over time and you reintegrate yourself into your usual everyday life, in which next to nothing changes. For this reason, the last days of the year are suitable for cleaning your own mind/body/spirit system so that you can start the new year full of vigor. especially the 12 rough nights (From December 25th to January 06th) represent a period in which not only your own mental life is in the foreground, but you can also bring your own spirit into balance. In this context, these days even have an incredible potential for manifestation and you can lay wonderful foundations through which we can initiate a realignment of our own state of consciousness. The veil is significantly thinner, access to our inner world is greater and we can perfectly take stock of the past few years or even the past year and keep in mind how far we have developed and, above all, where we are still subject to our own interference fields . This review of days gone by shouldn't make us sad, especially if you have the feeling that a lot went wrong in that year and that you yourself remained in seemingly eternal vicious circles.

The rough nights between Christmas and New Year are not only suitable for looking back on days gone by, but they can also show us our own areas of interference in an unmistakable way and support us in our plans to initiate important changes in our cleaning processes lead..!!

Right now, contrary to all social conventions, there is a time in which you can optimally initiate a cleaning process.

Use the current manifestation potential

Use the current manifestation potentialSince then 17. December The emotionally formative, predominant element of water changed with the earth element, which is rich in manifestation, our self-realization and the manifestation of our own heart's desires are now in the foreground. At this time, i.e. in the 12 rough nights, we should not only surrender to our dreams and heart's desires, but also take active action and once again create the foundations for a life that corresponds to our ideas. Creating a state of consciousness in which our actions are in alignment with our intentions and deepest beliefs. Instead of tackling resolutions in the course of the new year, it is extremely effective to tackle corresponding projects in advance, i.e. in the rough nights of the first half of the year. Of course, this can often be a big challenge, because especially on New Year's Eve we tend to give in to our cravings and enjoy delicious/hearty food and alcoholic drinks in the company of our friends (and families). Still, it would be a test that, once mastered, would give us an indescribable sense of self-control and willpower. Well, which plans we put into action and to what extent we use and shape the coming nights depends, of course, entirely on our ideas, ambitions, feelings and wishes.

Due to the current rough nights, not only our mental life is in the foreground, but we also have an incredible potential for manifestation, whereby changes can steer our life path into a completely new path, especially at the beginning of the new year..!!

Nevertheless, we should keep in mind that the last days of the year bring with them an incredible potential for manifestation and that we could initiate important changes - i.e. changes that will steer our life path in a completely new direction at the beginning of the coming year. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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