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Full moon

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Today it's that time again and another full moon reaches us, to be precise it's the ninth full moon this year. This full moon brings with it a whole host of special influences. Apart from the fact that full moons generally represent transformation, change and, above all, abundance (and generally give us strong influences), the moon changes into the zodiac sign at 07:32 a.m Pisces and therefore also stands for increased sensitivity, sensitivity, dreaminess, emotionality and a more pronounced imagination.

Strong energies

Strong energiesUltimately, because of these influences, we could withdraw a little and look into our own mental life, i.e. we could calm down, recharge our batteries and, if necessary, become aware of the positive aspects of our own life. In this context it should also be said that we too often focus our attention on our own shadow parts and as a result allow ourselves to be paralyzed by these inner conflicts. Instead of acting from current structures, we then experience an inner blockage and draw disharmonious energies from our own mental constructs. Of course, this can also represent a part of our own development process and, as already mentioned many times, such polaritarian experiences serve our own mental and emotional development, but something like this can be quite hard on us in the long run, which is why we should definitely use today's full moon day to avoid ourselves not only to become aware of our positive aspects, but also to recognize the benefit/importance of corresponding circumstances. On the other hand, we could also use the energies of today's full moon to work on our own self-realization or to create a circumstance in which more abundance is present, because full moons, as already mentioned, generally represent growth, maturity, self-realization and abundance.

If you find your here and now unbearable and it makes you unhappy, then there are three options: leave the situation, change it or accept it completely. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of these three options, and you must make the choice now. – Eckhart Tolle..!!

Ultimately, everything that we have repressed internally or all of our inner conflicts could be transported into our daily consciousness, giving us the opportunity to reflect on ourselves. But what will happen depends on each person. In this context, our own current spiritual orientation/quality always flows into this. Full moon energies are generally always quite strong, but each person always reacts to corresponding influences in a completely individual way. It also depends on ourselves what we resonate with. Last but not least, I would like to quote an interesting section from the website “eva-maria-eleni.blogspot.com” regarding the full moon:

Find your strength back 

“As soon as we have finally regained our inner strength, often very deep-seated, entrenched fears gradually dissolve.
This is how we finally become freer and lighter. But we first have to come to terms with this new freedom and ease, or simply get used to it.
Habits are powerful and we are not actually used to lightness, freedom - at least not as a permanent state. But the point is that lightness, joy, peace and freedom become completely “normal” for us. All of these things describe the state of inner harmony, that is, what YOU really are. However, very few people have arrived at this point. Many are on the way there. As long as we are not yet used to this all-encompassing harmonious state, it can happen quite quickly that we somehow (unconsciously) orientate ourselves on those things that remind us of the old feeling of habit. 

New things want to be tried out 

Since the old has become so obsolete, many people now feel the need to try something new. In earlier times, things happened quite slowly. There were long preparation phases, phases of trying things out, gaining insights, correction phases, adjustment phases, integration phases, etc. Everything often takes many months or years. 
But now all of this is happening at a much faster pace. You recognize much faster. The question is whether this new pace scares you. 
Your intuition is very quick. But it may be that you don't want to follow it because you are still so used to the old slowness, the constant checking and checking. You should now get used to the fact that you recognize much more quickly, understand much more quickly and that everything can and will be much more direct and uncomplicated. 
Do you allow this?
Agility and adaptability are now increasingly in demand as the entire vibration frequency on earth is now increasing so rapidly and this process will continue to intensify. 
Our brain can no longer keep up if we want to use it to analyze everything in order to maintain control. It doesn't work anymore. You would burn out and no longer achieve anything. If you have to think through everything and pick it apart (for fear of having overlooked something), time is running out, while this narrowness almost chokes your throat and binds your hands and legs.
But you already have everything you need with you. It's just atrophied because of the old conditioned patterns. Your intuition, the divine inspiration about what is appropriate and what is not, has the speed we need now and in the future.
It is also amazing how much space and energy suddenly becomes available when we trust in this stream of intuitive knowledge and divine guidance. There is so much space for silence, calm and just peace!”

Well, ultimately today will bring us very special energies and will definitely be important for our own prosperity. Especially on full moon days, I have been able to experience exciting events several times; sometimes, for example, inner attitudes have completely changed or life circumstances have changed. The days before and after a full moon can also be eventful, which is why we can't wait to see what the next few days and especially today will be like. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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