Tomorrow it's that time again and another powerful full moon will reach us, to be precise a full moon, which is again in the zodiac sign Aries, which is why it will give us energies that can not only be perceived as upsetting, but also unite us could provide a massive push (upturn). This full moon is also, as is generally the case at the moment, entirely in the spirit of transformation, purification and therefore also entirely in the spirit of healing.
healing process
Healing is actually a key word here, because in the current phase of spiritual awakening our personal healing is very much in the foreground. More and more legacy issues, old programming and old structures are being “dissolved” and are undergoing a fundamental change that is gradually taking on larger dimensions. Ultimately, the same applies to our planet, which, as a living organism, has also been in a process of cleansing and healing for some time. An entry into a new dimension (into a joyful time characterized by peace/balance) is therefore just around the corner and is just waiting to become manifest across the board. But in order for this to happen, i.e. for healing and, as a result, a new age to emerge, it also requires our very personal intervention, because we are the creators of existence, we represent the space of creation itself and therefore also represent a safe haven by anchoring the power for collective further development. Simply through our actions, through our harmonious feelings and consequently also through our peaceful behavior, processes are set in motion that reach and fundamentally change the entire human collective. But in order for us to have such a positive influence on the collective, so that we can experience and manifest our full power again, it is important that we recognize and accept the potential of our own self-love again.
Love is the only power that can turn an enemy into a friend. – Martin Luther King..!!
Standing in the power of our own self-love is therefore something incredibly important, yes, standing in our own self-love automatically goes hand in hand with a created frequency state that has a very high level. The times in which most of humanity had to struggle with shadow-heavy states of consciousness, i.e. with inner conflicts and generally experienced bonds, relationships and circumstances that were of a conflictual nature are about to end for many people. Instead, we will learn again to leave our comfort zone, to take action, to overcome our deepest fears in order to be able to fully realize ourselves.
The sun moves into the zodiac sign Libra at night
The opening of our hearts and the associated mental and emotional regeneration, a complete recovery through which we shine again and make the world/our world shine, that is the next step that will raise the collective to a new level (the change embody what we want for this world). Tomorrow's full moon in the zodiac sign Aries will certainly benefit us and bring with it very supportive energies in this regard. We should therefore also take advantage of the energetic influences and our very personal healing process, which has been going on for months (basically even for countless incarnations, but this process, especially in this special age, is heading towards a climax/conclusion ), to a new “level”, i.e. we should start giving our lives new splendor so that we can then stand stronger in the power of our own self-love. Well, apart from the influences of the full moon, it should also be said that the sun also influences us. The sun also leaves the zodiac sign Virgo at night and then changes to the zodiac sign Libra, which means that other components come into effect, because the sun in the zodiac sign Libra also addresses all interpersonal relationships and can be very communal, mediating and, above all, related to the present voices.
Sometimes a new path does not begin with discovering new things, but with seeing what is already familiar with completely different eyes..!!
A personal, present-related circumstance in particular would also benefit us, because apart from inspiring dreams and goals or even lessons that we can learn from overcoming various worries and feelings of guilt, it is very productive to act within current structures. We then don't think much about supposed circumstances that are only active in our own mental spectrum, but we then live completely in the now, i.e. we act from the moment and can thereby accomplish a lot. Ultimately, we can therefore look forward to the coming full moon, which, by the way, already appears extremely large today, and we can also be excited to see how far away we will experience this day. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
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