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Now the time has come and in my opinion the very changeable but above all clarifying + cleansing month of October is almost over. So the month as a whole was rather mixed and, despite personal breakthroughs and other successes achieved, it was relatively uncomfortable and demanding. In the coming month of November, things will continue in a similar way, at least as far as the current phase of cleaning is concerned. November will actually be a relatively promising month and will have some exciting days in store for us.

An intensive phase of cleaning is imminent

An intensive phase of cleaning is imminentIn this context, November could also be declared a real month of exposure, simply because many unfair motives, i.e. base intentions and other unbalanced or unclear thoughts/practices, are exposed. For example, a major scandal could take place in the coming period, which would ultimately expose practices or even question them on a large scale, which in turn would put the collective state of consciousness in a mood of optimism (such a scandal is long overdue anyway - keywords: energetically dense system, permanent Spreading disinformation, daily containment of our minds). On the other hand, this month could also be described as a month of drastic cleansing, i.e. a month in which we humans - depending on the degree of our own mental imbalance, are confronted with our own shadow parts and other inconsistencies even more than before. which is ultimately of utmost importance for our own spiritual prosperity. Apart from that, this intensifying confrontation with our own mental problems is also very important, as it encourages us to initiate profound changes in our own lives, changes that are essential for our own self-realization. In this context, the topic of mental + physical cleansing has been very present for several months and continues to get worse from month to month. It is therefore becoming more and more important that we free ourselves from our own self-imposed burdens, that we finally end our own vicious circles, that we free ourselves from dependencies/addictions and change our lifestyle in order to simply stay permanently in a high frequency again to be able to.

The more negative our own mental spectrum is, the more unbalanced we feel, the more unnatural our own diet/lifestyle is and the more we allow ourselves to be dominated by our own mental problems, the more this limits and prevents the development of our own state of consciousness secondly, a permanent stay in a high frequency..!!

Our planet is still increasing its own frequency and due to the currently very strong cosmic influences, this cleansing process is becoming more intensive from week to week and we humans are being asked more and more to harmonize our own mental spectrum. There simply cannot be a transition to the 5th dimension, i.e. a transition to a high state of consciousness, if we constantly undermine our own potential and allow ourselves to be mentally dominated again and again.

Strong transformation processes

Strong transformation processesFor this reason, your own sustainable mental structures and other shadow parts can now lead to more and more problems. These problems can manifest themselves, for example, in a certain intolerance, i.e. you can tolerate energetically dense foods or even other addictive substances less and less and you simply feel how these are now putting too much strain on your own organism (such an intolerance increases due to the increased frequencies and your own increasing delicacy/sensitivity). On the other hand, the interaction of high incoming frequencies + our own sustainable mental structures can also manifest itself in interpersonal conflicts, i.e. due to our own mental imbalance, arguments and other harsh arguments could now occur. In exactly the same way, lies, intrigues and other conflicts based on disinformation are now being exposed much more quickly (the truth is spreading at an unprecedented speed). In this context, an ever-increasing intolerance forced me to completely change my own lifestyle. A few weeks/months ago I started having increasing circulatory problems and simply felt that something was wrong with my body. Ultimately, as it turned out, there were several reasons for this. On the one hand, this was due to an inner conflict of mine, i.e. I could not accept the fact that I let certain addictive substances dominate me mentally on a daily basis and as a result I simply experienced a daily inner conflict. On the other hand, I simply felt how my body was now very sensitive to caffeine and nicotine due to the increased sensitivity.

Due to the daily increase in vibration frequency, people are currently simply being forced to create more space for positive things. Ultimately, we will inevitably be confronted again with all the negative aspects that stand in the way of our own self-realization..!! 

As a result, I changed my entire lifestyle and completely avoided all caffeine-containing products, stopped smoking from one day to the next and went running every day (even though it has now become a strain on my leg muscles, I have been doing so since I went running every day for 3 weeks, a goal or idea that I wanted to implement years ago, i.e. going for a run every day for 1 month). The whole thing was 3 weeks ago and since then I have felt significantly clearer and more balanced. Otherwise, my circulatory problems are now a thing of the past.

Exciting star constellations and other events

Exciting star constellations and other eventsWell, on the other hand, this month is also accompanied by some promising star constellations. On the one hand, several constellations are dominated by the passionate Scorpio - in this regard, we even have a very powerful and, above all, renewing new moon in Scorpio on November 18th, a new moon that can definitely also promote a new beginning and other changes. Before that, we will have an intense full moon in the zodiac sign Taurus. To be precise, this full moon will reach us on November 4th. At the same time, this full moon will also be intensified by strong cosmic radiation, because November 4th is not only a full moon, but also a portal day, to be precise, the first portal day of this month. As far as this is concerned, we also have a total of 6 portal days this month, one on the 4th and another on the 7th|12th|15th|23rd. and on November 28th. From November 4th to 18th, i.e. at the beginning of the first portal + full moon day, up to the new moon, we will have a particularly exciting time and in particular the planning of professional projects or even other major changes - the realization of other large projects received a lot of support during this period. Towards the end of the month, on November 28th, a longer-lasting positive constellation begins, which can be traced back to a connection between Jupiter and Neptune. For the period from November 18th to December 18th, i.e. the phase from the new moon to the next new moon, we can continue with changes, renewals and a liberation from our own sustainable thoughts due to an Aquarius ascendant and Uranus as the phase ruler Calculate patterns/blockages.

The current star constellations also signal to us that it is still about our own spiritual purification, i.e. liberation from our own self-created vicious circles..!!

Otherwise, in the next new moon phase (from November 18th) Mars will also be square to Pluto (a square refers to 2 celestial bodies that in turn have an angle of 90 degrees to each other in the sky||Quality= hard tension aspect), a constellation that This means that we as humans are once again actively tackling things that are close to our hearts, that we are no longer putting certain things back and forth in front of us, but instead are actively working on realizing a freer life. For this reason, we should join this principle again and definitely continue to work actively on our own self-realization, we should no longer push our own problems back and forth in front of us, but we should start dismantling old karmic structures again, finally again to be able to create a life that fully corresponds to our ideas. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Star constellation Source: https://www.sein.de/horoskop/astrologen-horoskop/

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