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spirituality | The teaching of your own mind


Don't concentrate all your strength on fighting the old, but rather on shaping the new." This quote comes from the Greek philosopher Socrates and is intended to point out to us that we humans do not use our strength to fight the old (old, past living conditions ) should be wasted, but new ones instead ...


Everything in existence is made of energy. There is nothing that does not consist of this elementary energy source or even arises from it. This energetic web is driven by consciousness, or rather it is consciousness, ...


"You can't just wish for a better life. You have to go out and create it yourself”. This special quote contains a lot of truth and makes it clear that a better, more harmonious or even more successful life does not just happen to us, but is much more the result of our actions. Of course you can wish for a better life or dream of a different life situation, that's out of the question. ...


Due to a collective awakening that has been taking on ever greater proportions in recent years, more and more people are dealing with their own pineal gland and, as a result, also with the term "third eye". The third eye/pineal gland has been understood for centuries as an organ of extrasensory perception and is associated with a more pronounced intuition or an expanded mental state. Basically, this assumption is also correct, because an open third eye is ultimately equivalent to an expanded mental state. One could also speak of a state of consciousness in which not only an orientation towards higher emotions and thoughts is present, but also an incipient development of one's own mental potential. ...


The quote: "For the learning soul, life has infinite value even in its darkest hours" comes from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant and contains a lot of truth. In this context, we humans should understand that particularly shadowy life circumstances/situations are essential for our own prosperity or for our own spiritual ...


The German poet and natural scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe hit the nail on the head with his quote: "Success has 3 letters: DO!" rather than perpetually remaining in a state of consciousness, out of which emerges a reality of unproductivity ...


As mentioned in some of my articles, almost every disease can be cured. Any suffering can usually be overcome, unless you have completely given up on yourself or the circumstances are just so precarious that healing can no longer be accomplished. Nevertheless, we can alone with utilizing our own mental ...


Oh yes, love is more than a feeling. Everything consists of a cosmic primal energy that manifests itself in various forms. The highest of these forms is the energy of love - the power of connection between all that is. Some describe love as “recognizing the self in the other,” dissolving the illusion of separation. The fact that we perceive ourselves as separate from each other is actually one thing ...


Since December 21, 2012, due to newly begun cosmic circumstances, more and more people are experiencing (Galactic pulse beats every 26.000 years - increase in frequency - raising the collective state of consciousness - spread of truth and light/love) an increased spiritual interest and as a result not only deal with their own source, i.e. with their own spirit, ...


For several years, more and more people have recognized the energetically dense entanglements of a system that is ultimately not interested in the development and further development of our mental state, but rather tries with all its might to keep us captive in an illusion, i.e. in an illusion world in which we in turn live a life in which we not only see ourselves as small and insignificant, yes, ...