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Everything in existence consists of energetic states, which in turn vibrate at a corresponding frequency. This energy, which ultimately permeates everything in the universe and subsequently also represents an aspect of our own primal ground (spirit), has already been mentioned in a wide variety of treatises. For example, the sociologist Wilhelm Reich called this inexhaustible source of energy orgone. This natural life energy has fascinating properties. On the one hand, it can promote healing for us humans, i.e. harmonize it, or it can be harmful, of a disharmonic nature. ...


For several years, many people have found themselves in a so-called process of spiritual awakening. In this context, the power of one's own spirit, one's own state of consciousness, comes to the fore again and people recognize their own creative potential. They become aware of their own mental abilities again and realize that they are creators of their own reality. At the same time, humanity as a whole is also becoming more sensitive, more spiritual and dealing with its own soul much more intensively. In this regard, it is also gradually being resolved ...


Self-love, a topic that more and more people are currently dealing with. One should not equate self-love with arrogance, egotism or even narcissism, the opposite is even the case. Self-love is essential for one's thriving, for realizing a state of consciousness from which a positive reality emerges. People who don't love themselves, have little self-confidence, ...


As mentioned several times in my article, every person has an individual vibration frequency, which in turn can increase or decrease. A high vibration frequency is in turn due to a state of consciousness in which positive thoughts and emotions find their place or a state of consciousness from which a positive reality emerges. Low frequencies, in turn, arise in a negatively aligned state of consciousness, a mind in which negative thoughts and emotions are created. Hateful people are therefore permanently in a low vibration, loving people in turn in a high vibration. ...


Since the year 2012 (December 21st) a new cosmic cycle started (entry into the Age of Aquarius, platonic year), our planet has continuously experienced an increase in its own frequency of vibration. In this context, everything in existence has its own vibration or vibration level, which in turn can rise and fall. In the past centuries there was always a very low vibratory milieu, which in turn meant that there was a lot of fear, hatred, oppression and ignorance about the world and one's own origin. Of course, this fact is still present today, but we humans are still going through a time when the whole thing is changing and more and more people are gaining a glimpse behind the scenes again. ...


Every life is valuable. This sentence corresponds fully to my own philosophy of life, my "religion", my belief and above all my deepest conviction. In the past, however, I saw this completely differently, I focused exclusively on an energetically dense life, I was only interested in money, in social conventions, tried desperately to fit into them and was convinced that only people who are successful have a regulated life Possessing a job - preferably even having studied or even having a doctorate - be worth something. I railed against everyone else and judged other people's lives that way. In the same way, I hardly had any connection to nature and the animal world, as they were part of a world that absolutely did not fit into my life at the time. ...


In the course of his life, every person has asked himself what God is or what God could be, whether a supposed God even exists and what creation as a whole is all about. Ultimately, there were very few people who came to groundbreaking self-knowledge in this context, at least that was the case in the past. Since 2012 and the associated, newly started cosmic cycle (beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the platonic year, – 21.12.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX), this circumstance has changed drastically. More and more people are experiencing a spiritual awakening, are becoming more sensitive, are dealing with their own root cause and are gaining self-taught, groundbreaking self-knowledge. In doing so, many people also recognize what God really really is, ...


As already mentioned several times in my texts, the reality of a person (every person creates their own reality) arises from their own mind/state of consciousness. For this reason, every person has their own/individual beliefs, convictions, ideas about life and, in this regard, a completely individual spectrum of thoughts. Our own life is therefore a result of our own mental imagination. A person's thoughts even exert a tremendous influence on material conditions. Ultimately, it is also our thoughts, or rather our mind and the thoughts arising from it, with the help of which one can create and destroy life. ...


There are things in life that every human being needs. Things that are irreplaceable + priceless and are important for our own mental / spiritual well-being. On the one hand, it is the harmony that we humans long for. In the same way, it is love, happiness, inner peace and contentment that give our lives a special shine. All of these things are in turn connected to a very important aspect, something that every human being needs in order to fulfill a happy life and that is freedom. In this regard, we try many things in order to be able to lead a life in complete freedom. But what exactly is complete freedom and how do you achieve it? ...


You are important, unique, something very special, a powerful creator of your own reality, an impressive spiritual being who in turn has enormous intellectual potential. With the help of this powerful potential that lies dormant deep within each human being, we can create a life that corresponds completely to our own ideas. Nothing is impossible, on the contrary, as mentioned in one of my last articles, there are basically no limits, only the limits that we create ourselves. Self-imposed limits, mental blocks, negative beliefs that ultimately stand in the way of realizing a happy life. ...