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For several years there has been talk of a so-called time of purification, i.e. a special phase that will reach us sometime in this or even the coming decade and should accompany part of humanity into a new age. People who, in turn, are well developed from a consciousness-technical point of view, have a very pronounced mental identification and also have a connection to Christ consciousness (a high state of consciousness in which love, harmony, peace and happiness are present), should "ascend" in the course of this purification “, the rest would miss the boat ...


For several years, more and more people have found themselves in a so-called transformation process. In doing so, we humans become more sensitive overall, gain greater access to our own primal ground, become more alert, experience a sharpening of our senses, sometimes even experience real reorientations in our lives and slowly but surely begin to stay permanently in a higher vibration frequency. ...


As already mentioned in my Daily Energy article today, we humans are currently in a massive cleansing process, which, due to the newly begun Age of Aquarius and the associated high incoming frequencies (Galactic pulse rate and other special circumstances), is responsible for the fact that we regain the nature of our own spirit discover a deeper insight into life ...


Due to a 26.000-year cycle in which our solar system changes its vibrational state every 13.000 years (13.000 years of high frequencies - 13.000 years of low frequencies) and as a result is responsible for a collective awakening or even a collective falling asleep, we humans are currently in one tremendous phase of upheaval. Since December 21, 2012 (beginning of the Age of Aquarius), we have been in the beginning of a 13.000-year awakening phase and since then we have been confronted with new groundbreaking insights regarding our primeval ground and the world again and again. ...


Every human being or every soul has been in the so-called reincarnation cycle (reincarnation = reincarnation/re-embodiment) for countless years. This overarching cycle ensures that we humans are reborn again and again in new bodies, with the overriding goal that we continue to develop mentally and spiritually in each incarnation and so in the future ...


Since the beginning of our existence, we humans have philosophized about what exactly could happen after death. For example, some people are convinced that after death we enter something called nothing and then we would not continue to exist in any way. On the other hand, some people assume that after death we will ascend to a supposed heaven, ...


Due to our individual creative expression (an individual mental state), from which our own reality arises, we humans are not only the shapers of our own destiny (we do not have to be subject to any supposed destiny, but can take it into our own hands again), are not only creators of our own reality, but we also create based on our own beliefs, ...


Because of our own spiritual ground or because of our own mental presence, each human being is a powerful creator of his own circumstance. For this reason we are, for example, also able to create a life that in turn corresponds completely to our own ideas. Apart from that, we humans also exert an influence on the collective state of consciousness, or better said, depending on spiritual maturity, depending on the degree of one's own state of consciousness (the more one is aware, for example, that one exerts a strong influence, ...


As I have often mentioned in my articles, since the newly begun Age of Aquarius - which in turn began on December 21, 2012 (apocalyptic years = years of revelation, unveiling, revelation), humanity has been in a so-called quantum leap into awakening . Here one also likes to speak of a transition to the 5th dimension, which ultimately also means a transition to a higher collective state of consciousness. As a result, mankind continues to develop massively, becomes aware of its own mental abilities again (spirit rules over matter - spirit represents our primal ground, is the quintessence of our life), gradually sheds its own shadow parts, becomes more spiritual, returns expression of one's own egoistic mind ...


In the past human history, the most diverse philosophers, scientists and mystics have dealt with the existence of an alleged paradise. A wide variety of questions were always asked. Ultimately, what is paradise all about, could such a thing really exist, or does one reach paradise, if at all, only after death has occurred. Okay, at this point it should be said that death basically does not exist in the form in which we usually imagine it, it is much more a change of frequency, a transition into a new/old world, which although from ...