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I have addressed this topic on my site a few times and yet I keep coming back to it, simply because some people feel downright lost in the current age of awakening. Likewise, many people let the fact that certain elite families completely dominate our planet or the collective state of consciousness ...


As mentioned several times in my posts, the entire existence or the complete perceptible outer world is a projection of our own current mental state. Our own state of being, one could also say our current existential expression, which in turn is significantly shaped by the orientation and quality of our state of consciousness and also our mental state, ...


As mentioned several times in my articles, everything in existence consists of energetic states, which in turn have a corresponding frequency. In fact, everything in existence is spiritual in nature, in which case spirit is made up of energy and consequently vibrates at an individual frequency. ...


The development in the process of collective awakening keeps taking on new features. We humans go through different phases. We are constantly evolving, often experiencing a realignment of our own mental state, changing our own beliefs, ...


The subject of the law of resonance has been gaining in popularity for several years and is subsequently recognized by more people as a universally effective law. This law means that like always attracts like. We humans therefore pull the ...


Simply put, everything in existence consists of energy or rather energetic states that have a corresponding frequency. Even matter is energy deep down, but due to energetically dense states, it takes on characteristics that we identify as matter in the traditional sense (energy vibrating at a low frequency). Even our state of consciousness, which is largely responsible for the experience and manifestation of states/circumstances (we are the creators of our own reality), consists of energy that vibrates at a corresponding frequency (the life of a person whose entire existence points away from a completely individual energetic signature shows a constantly changing state of vibration). ...


In today's world, more and more people are becoming aware that the chaos on our planet, i.e. the warlike and plundered planetary circumstance, is not the result of chance, but was brought about by greedy and satanically oriented families (Rothschilds and co.). This is not meant to be blame, it is much more a fact that has lingered in secret for centuries, ...


Every year we reach the magical 12 rough nights (also known as Glöckelnächte, Innernächt, Rauchnächt or Christmas), which last on the night of Christmas Eve, i.e. from December 25th to January 6th (six days before and six days after the New Year - for some, however, these days begin as early as December 21st) and are accompanied by a strong energetic potential. In this context, the rough nights were also considered holy nights by our ancestors (The information of holiness), which is why we celebrated extensively on these nights and devoted ourselves to the family. ...


In recent years, more and more people have been talking about a so-called critical mass. The critical mass means a larger number of "awakened" people, i.e. people who firstly deal with their own primal reason (the creative powers of their own spirit) and secondly have gotten a glimpse behind the scenes again (recognize that disinformation based system). In this context, many people now assume that this critical mass will be reached at some point, which will ultimately lead to a widespread awakening process. ...


Every human being has a soul and along with it has kind, loving, empathic and "high-frequency" aspects (although this may not seem obvious in every human being, every living being still has a soul, yes, basically is even "ensouled" everything in existence). Our soul is responsible for the fact that, firstly, we can manifest a harmonious and peaceful living situation (in combination with our spirit) and secondly, we can show compassion to our fellow human beings and other living beings. This would not be possible without a soul, then we would ...