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Today's daily energy on July 24, 2021 is mainly characterized by the highly magical influences of another full moon, to be precise by a full moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius, because the moon changed into Aquarius at 02:11 a.m. in the night. The full moon reaches or reached its full form during the night at 04:37 a.m., i.e. 2 ...


Today's daily energy on July 16, 2021 continues to give us the influence of the waxing moon in the zodiac sign Libra (tomorrow the moon will reach its “half” shape – half moon) and on the other side of general very strong cleansing and transformation energies. The scale itself, which stands for balance and above all for the manifestation of a balanced state (the Golden middle), ...


Today's daily energy on July 13, 2021 ties directly into yesterday's day and continues to lead us through a powerful portal as we are now experiencing the influences of the second portal day. This year's July, which as in the past two daily energy articles When addressed, it leads us very strongly into our own origins and will therefore continue to permeate us today with its special energy quality ...


Today's daily energy on July 12, 2021 is characterized on the one hand by the waxing moon in the zodiac sign Leo, i.e. the energy of the element fire accompanies us in the phase in which we can generally integrate/absorb new information, energies or even substances more easily (increasing phase) and on the other hand the quality of a portal day reaches us. In this ...


Today's daily energy on July 10, 2021 brings us the extremely magical influences of the moon, to be more precise even the new moon in the zodiac sign Cancer. The new moon, which already reached its corresponding peak at 03:19 in the night, but will of course continue to affect us throughout the day, will be us once again [continue reading...]


Today's daily energy on July 01, 2021 is ushered in by the beginning of a new quality of energy based on the frequency influences of July. The month of July essentially stands for abundance or, as one can also describe it as maximum abundance, and shows us the principle of maximum blooming, especially based on nature. Some fruits in nature (various berries or even cherries) have matured ...


Today's daily energy on June 24, 2021 is mainly characterized by the powerful influences of the full moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn and the accompanying portal day influences, which will ultimately lead us through an energetically valuable field. At 20:40 p.m., the full moon arrives in an earth sign and therefore, at least in relation to this aspect, becomes perfect for grounding and a strong rooting manifestation that goes with it ...


Today's daily energy on June 21, 2021 leads us into one of the energetically lightest days of the year, because today goes hand in hand with the extremely special summer solstice. The summer solstice, which ultimately also represents the astronomical beginning of summer and consequently initiates the summer energetically, is considered to be the most luminous ...


Today's daily energy on June 16, 2021 provides us with a mixture of highly valuable information, impulses and particularly strong energetic influences. Aside from the fact that today is a portal day, we are in a five-day phase in which the planetary resonance frequency (Schumann resonance) was no longer measured or it in this regard ...


Today's daily energy on June 10, 2021 is mainly shaped by the very powerful influences of the annular solar eclipse and the associated new moon in the zodiac sign Gemini, which in turn will reach us during the course of the day. To be precise, the new moon will manifest at exactly 12:53 p.m. ...