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On December 07th it's that time again, then another portal day awaits us. Even though I have mentioned it before, portal days are cosmic days that were predicted by the early Maya civilization and indicate increased cosmic radiation. On these days, the incoming vibration frequencies are particularly intense, which is why increased tiredness and an inner willingness to transform (the willingness to recognize/transform shadow parts) spread in people's heads. These days are therefore perfect for becoming aware of your own mental parts and your heart's desires. ...


After the very trying year 2016 and especially the last stormy months (especially August, September, October), December is a time of recovery, a time of inner peace and truth. This time is accompanied by a supporting cosmic radiation, which not only drives our own mental process, but also allows us to recognize our deepest desires and dreams. The signs are good and this month we can therefore make a difference. Our spiritual power of manifestation will reach new heights and the realization of our own deeply hidden heart's desires will experience a real upswing. ...


On November 29th it's that time again and we can expect a new moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, which again falls on a portal day. Due to this constellation, the effect of the new moon is massively intensified and this allows us to look deep within. Admittedly, the moon generally exerts a special influence on the collective state of consciousness, but especially with full and new moons we reach very special vibration frequencies. The effects of the new moon are significantly increased due to a portal day. On portal days (attributed to the Maya) there is generally a particularly high level of cosmic radiation. ...


Tomorrow it's that time again, on November 21.11.2016st, XNUMX another portal day awaits us. This is the penultimate portal day of this month and coincides with the end of what is known as a Mayan wave. As I have often mentioned in my texts, portal days are days that were predicted by the Maya and point to times when the collective state of consciousness will be flooded with increased cosmic radiation. In this regard, a Mayan wave means a longer section in which our planet is continuously accompanied by an increase in frequency for weeks. ...


Puuuuh the last few days have been very intense, nerve-wracking and above all very exhausting for many people due to special cosmic circumstances. First of all there was a portal day on November 13.11th, which meant that we humans were confronted with a strong cosmic radiation. A day later the phenomenon of the supermoon (Full Moon in Taurus), which was intensified due to the previous portal day and raised the planetary frequency of vibration again enormously. Due to this energetic circumstance, these days were very stressful and once again made our own mental and spiritual situation clear to us.   ...


As already mentioned in one of my last articles, a supermoon shows up in the night sky today. In this context, a super moon is a full moon that comes exceptionally close to our earth. A special natural phenomenon made possible by the elliptical orbit of the moon. Due to the elliptical orbit, the moon reaches a point closest to the earth every 27 days. When the moon reaches a point closest to the earth and the full moon phase is at the same time, then one likes to speak of a super moon. The volume of the full moon then appears much larger than usual and the brightness increases by up to 30%. ...


The Maya were a previous high culture and understood life very well. They were fully aware of the intelligent ground of our existence and calculated one with their knowledge at that time cosmic cycle, which today is groundbreaking for the spiritual advancement of our civilization. For this reason, the Maya also predicted a new beginning of the age, which began on December 21, 2012. Of course, this event was made ridiculous by the mass media and an alleged end of the world was attributed to the ending or the newly beginning Mayan calendar. ...


On November 14th we are facing a so-called "supermoon". Basically, it means a period of time when the moon is exceptionally close to the earth. This phenomenon is firstly due to the elliptical orbit of the moon, whereby the moon reaches a point closest to the earth every 27 days, and secondly to a full moon phase, which takes place on the day closest to the earth. This time both events meet, i.e. the moon reaches the closest state to earth on its orbit and at the same time there is a full moon phase.  ...


For a few days, our earth has been flooded by a solar wind that has an extremely high intensity. Solar winds exert a tremendous influence on the human psyche, are able to expand the collective state of consciousness and support us all in the ascension process. Furthermore, solar winds weaken the earth's magnetic field, which in turn means that we humans can firstly dissolve old programming and secondly activate new programming in ourselves. A huge conversion process is currently taking place and the ascent to the fifth dimension (beginning of the new earth) asks us humans more and more to deal with our true selves. ...


This month we had 2 new moons. At the beginning of the month, the new moon appeared in Libra, new times dawned, things or old emotional and mental patterns were increasingly reconsidered, so new approaches to solving karmic entanglements could be worked out during this time. As of today, however, this Libra constellation has changed again and so have we can now welcome a new moon in Scorpio. This new moon is primarily about saying goodbye to old emotional patterns and starting a liberated life. ...