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On the one hand, today's daily energy, like the day before yesterday, stands for the power of the family, for the community and is for this reason partly an expression of cohesion. On the other hand there is the daily energy, but also for recognizing one's own negative beliefs and convictions. In that regard, there are some things in our lives that we look at from a negative perspective and other things that we look at from a positive perspective. ...


Today it's that time again and we're reaching the sixth portal day this month. For this reason, we can prepare for a day when it will be stormy again overall, and I wouldn't be surprised if the weather went crazy again today and there were an awful lot of chemtrails (none conspiracy theory) decorate our sky. Especially on days when increased cosmic radiation reaches us, a lot is done to mitigate these incoming frequencies. A lot of people in my social circle have already observed this phenomenon. ...


Today's daily energy stands for our own urge to move and is therefore an expression of the power of movement. In exactly the same way, today's daily energy also stands for our own motivation, for our own urge to finally realize things that we may have been putting off for a long time. It is therefore also about changing one's own deadlocked daily routines and structures, which are now changing. ...


After yesterday's intensive new moon and the associated, renewing energies, which were partly able to provide a lot of new input regarding our future path in life, things are a little calmer in comparison - even if the energetic milieu as a whole is still more stormy nature is. Today's daily energy also stands for the power of the community, the power of the family and is therefore also an expression of cohesion. For this reason, we shouldn't take on too much today, instead trust our inner voice and devote ourselves to our families. ...


Now it's that time again and today we're reaching the seventh new moon this year. Today's new moon is huge in terms of energies and is all about renewal and, above all, restructuring your own phases of life. So I was now able to notice some drastic changes in my social environment, or changes in familiar life situations, in established relationship patterns that were suddenly completely turned upside down - but more on that later in the article. As far as this is concerned, new moons as a whole also represent the realization of new trains of thought, ...


Today's daytime energy continues to be of greater intensity, preparing us for the upcoming New Moon tomorrow. As far as that is concerned, the 23th new moon will reach us on July 7rd this year and thus give us an energetic daily event again, which in turn can be very beneficial for our own mental + spiritual development. Overall, new moons also stand for building something new, for realizing one's own thoughts, ...


With a very long delay, the latest daily energy article is back. For that matter, I personally couldn't sleep at all last night. Whether it was related to the portal day and the strong energies that came with it, or to Haarp, who like to create storms + cloud carpets on such days, generate strong frequencies to stem the inflowing energies, I don't know. Anyway, I haven't experienced anything like this for a long time and so last night my mind was over the top and I couldn't fall asleep until around 6am, ...


Due to today's portal day, the daily energy is significantly more intense than on other days, which is ultimately also very noticeable on the outside. There is a severe weather alert for some parts of the country and strong thunderstorms + floods reach some areas. That's exactly how I was woken up this morning by a thunderstorm that was very impressive in terms of intensity/discharges, but also partly frightening. Normally I am fascinated by such natural spectacles, ...


Tomorrow it's that time again and we'll have another portal day, to be precise the fifth portal day of this month. As far as this is concerned, portal days are very special cosmic days (predicted by the Maya, keyword: apocalyptic years - apocalypse = unveiling, revelation, revelation and not the end of the world), on which our planet experiences increased cosmic radiation. In this context, these high frequencies increase the vibration frequency of our own planet, which means that we humans automatically adjust our own vibration frequency to that of the Earth. For this reason, such days can be very strenuous, because firstly, our own mind/body/spirit system integrates all the incoming energies on such days and secondly, the high frequencies force us to autodidactically ...


Today's daily energy on July 19, 2017 favors the creation of our own new structures, can ensure that we are more communicative, more disciplined and, above all, more creative. In this context, the planet Mercury is also favorable to Saturn, which in turn strongly promotes structured thinking and self-discipline. Ultimately, this can therefore also have a very positive effect on our own job or other activities. Apart from that, today it is still about our own being, about our own personal needs, ...