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NASA fake

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In some of my last articles I mentioned that I have recently been dealing with a wide variety of topics in a very intensive way. In doing so, I came to various self-knowledge again and was subsequently able to experience a change in my own worldview. Basically, for me personally, finding the truth reached a new level and I then realized that the extent of the lies on our planet, the extent of the make-believe world that was built around our minds, is significantly larger than previously assumed. For this reason, as already announced, I will now address several of these topics on this blog.

Future topics

Hollow earth?!In this context, there are generally a lot of topics that I have tended to avoid so far, either because I myself have not yet had a well-founded opinion on the relevant topics, or because I simply did not think it appropriate to report on them yet, - It just shouldn't be like that yet. These topics are very diverse and I will just list some of them: Moon = artificial space station?!, is the earth hollow + living civilizations inside?, is the earth flat?, truth about Chernobyl, the first two world wars explained in detail (Truth about it), MK – Ultra, Elite Satanic Bloodline (pedigrees + detailed explanation), Galactic Federation of Light (Are there extraterrestrial civilizations supporting spiritual awakening on Earth?), Cold Sun (Is the heat created by friction with the Earth's atmosphere?), the gravitational lie?!, are there negative/alien beings tapping into our energies (occupation, possession), manipulation/control through the Gregorian calendar, election rigging (why outcomes are fixed in advance, states are companies - we the staff - Banking system in detail), Pizzagate - How entire pedophile rings are covered by governments, Superconscious - Higher Self, - The merging/identification with your divine aspect, Merkaba explains in detail why you are the chosen one (creation occurs through your consciousness, every human being has the fate of the world in his hands), mind-expanding diet (ketogenic?/raw food?) and last but not least the NASA lie.

If you have any other topics that you would like me to take up, topics that you would like me to address - that you may consider very important - please let me know in the comments..!!

All of these topics will be addressed by me in the near future and will be published here in addition to my usual contributions. Some of these topics are extremely critical + polarizing, others sound very abstract and lead to blind judgments. For this reason, one thing is always highly recommended when dealing with these topics: "Everything should be viewed from an unprejudiced and peaceful state of consciousness".

Because we are connected to everything in existence, our own thoughts and emotions also influence the collective state of consciousness. The corresponding feeling, which is shifted/transported by our own focus, always feeds the collective spirit and sets a direction. For example, the more people focus on a topic and are angry, the more anger manifests itself in the collective..!!

If we approach certain topics with anger or hatred, defame people for their individual point of view or even get into a negative emotional state, then we simply feed the morphogenetic field (the great mind, all-encompassing consciousness) with these negative feelings and change the collective state of consciousness to the negative, or simply put: "We then infect our fellow human beings with our hate, our imbalance".

Is NASA completely fake?

EAT FAKEWell, after this very long introduction, the first topic is about to start, namely about the sham organization Nasa and how they deceive us all with staged and, above all, fake space/ISS recordings. In this context, this was one of the topics that I had hardly dealt with at all until now. Of course, I was already familiar with the fact that the moon landing never took place or was a result of director Stanley Kubrick (the moon landing was staged, filmed in a film studio), but not that ISS recordings are also staged and us astronauts in a supposedly weightless environment It's just an illusion, that was completely new to me personally. So I came into contact with this topic and watched various videos about it. In these videos, countless errors are pointed out, errors in which it is clearly proven that these recordings are staged or faked, and that the astronauts in question (as friendly as they may seem) are not in a distant space station , but on Earth, that NASA creates these recordings in studios. For example, there is a scene in which astronaut Tim Peake interacted with a drop of water, which was later revealed to be CGI on a screen during a tour of NASA headquarters. This glitch can be seen from minute 13:45.  By the way, at the beginning of the video you can see 2 astronauts interacting with a CGI generated cap, why CGI generated? Because the astronaut on the left, as we see it, is pretending to pick up the cap and then put it down -- but while he's making these hand movements, he has nothing in his hands. Other very interesting errors are exposed in the following video. At the beginning, 2 astronauts talk to a live audience and of course have to wait several seconds due to the data transmission until they can respond to the relevant questions/messages. Nevertheless, the astronaut on the right, as we see it, occasionally reacts directly to the live audience, revealing that this delayed transmission is not taking place. As the video continues, you can see an astronaut playing with a band on Earth directly from the ISS, without any corresponding delay...the whole thing is very questionable.

On the other hand, there are also videos in which astronauts were attached to ropes, as shown in the picture above. This means that shirts are pulled up to a point and the deception is exposed. Then there's an astronaut who levitates into a chamber to the right, but becomes completely transparent at the last moment, as if he's been retouched, or was just in front of a blue/green screen. Otherwise, there are also a lot of photos of so-called spacewalks in which individual air bubbles can be seen several times. Air bubbles that just fly through space. In some cases there are even shots in which it seems as if they were underwater, as there are so many air bubbles surrounding the crew.

Ultimately, NASA also owns a 1:1 replica of the ISS, which in turn can be found in a gigantic swimming pool, camouflaged as an alleged training camp. For this reason, it would be quite conceivable that some shots (especially the spacewalks) would be shot underwater. During the subsequent post-processing, the water and other objects are simply removed. It's simply human nature to make mistakes every now and then; lies can't be maintained all the time. And the fact that you can fake such shots shouldn't be a secret these days, a world in which everything is possible with Photoshop and After Effects (oh yes, USA, the land of unlimited possibilities...). Another video shows German astronaut Alexander Gerst speaking to people while reaching for a small globe. The only thing wrong with it is that the ball moves to the right before Alexander could even touch the ball, and the supposed astronaut doesn't even look at the ball.
Ultimately, this error is also a clear indication that recordings are being faked and objects are being integrated into the recording using CGI. In this context, there are just so many anomalies, so many mistakes, so many inconsistencies that you just can't deny all of this anymore. The entire Internet is now full of such videos and reports - in which these deceptions are clearly exposed. There is simply too much, in fact so much that one can no longer speak of coincidences in any way. Nevertheless, this is of course simply incomprehensible for many people, so many simply cannot admit that these recordings are fake. Ultimately, this would also shake your own world view too much. You're just conditioned to it from an early age, you just instinctively assume that such recordings correspond to the truth, that astronauts carry out scientific analyzes in space stations instead of such recordings being made in studios, it just sounds too abstract at first. However, you just have to look and add up 1:1. It is basically so obvious that we are being fooled here and yet many simply cannot admit it. That's why the disslikes often predominate in the corresponding videos and many people get downright insulting or even angry, which of course is understandable, because who wants to admit that they've been taken for a fool for years. Which earth is realNevertheless, I have to mention at this point that a change is also taking place here and in the comments you can clearly see that the proportion of people who unmask these fakes + recognize the deception is increasing. That's why we can definitely assume that these videos will have an extremely large number of likes in a few years and the dislikes will shrink more and more. Ultimately, it was the same with all NWO recordings back then, i.e. videos in which the banking system was exposed, or the vaccinations, the staged terrorist attacks, or even 9/11, at first these videos were exclusively put down and very few were able to express themselves in an unbiased way and deal with it in a way.

The collective awakening ultimately led to more and more people questioning what was happening in the world and thus seeing through part of the illusionary world. At the end of the day, this also meant that corresponding posts and videos received a positive response!!

But then came the turn, the change and now most people are aware that all of these are facts and are really celebrating these videos. For this reason, you can assume that the same will happen with the NASA Truther videos. By the way, it should be mentioned at this point that it's not just ISS recordings that are faked. The same game is also played with supposed satellite images of the Earth. MARS FAKEThe Earth looks completely different from year to year, sometimes even entire continents have changed their size, or supposed shots of the Earth are shown in which the clouds simply don't move, which also suggests pure CGI shots. The same can also be applied to Mars. There are supposed photos of Mars that are mistakenly similar to certain places on Earth. Here, too, one can speak of fake recordings, images over which appropriate filters were simply placed to suggest to us that they had technology on Mars (keyword: Mars rover). Well, if all of this is true and astronauts are possibly actors, if they have never even left orbit and all the footage from Earth is CGI footage, then one would simply have to ask the question why they do this and... what is deliberately kept secret from us. If a construct of lies has simply been continued for countless decades (possibly since the moon landing), they are demonstrating their power, the power of being able to keep us trapped in an illusory world, the power of being able to keep our minds contained - with false ideas about the universe, Or is this about financial interests, because a lot of tax money flows into various space projects. Or is this simply creating a completely false worldview, a worldview that is intended to distract us as humans from the truth. But then what would happen to the universe and the earth? Is the earth perhaps flat, as is now being claimed in many quarters, or is this misleading the elites, or is the claim that this is misleading the elites misleading the elites?

Why is NASA faking ISS images?

Why is NASA faking ISS images?Well if the earth were flat then it would at least explain why all these shots were taken + are taken just to give us a completely wrong picture of the earth, to make us feel like an insignificant species, who live in a universe that arose by chance and is almost impossible to grasp. Admittedly, for that matter, I even like the flat earth theory somewhere, even if I'm not a believer in it (but don't vehemently disapprove of it either, everything should be considered rather than ridiculed, an open mind in which information is processed/processed in an unbiased manner). Ultimately, it is claimed here that the earth is flat and represents the center of the universe, that the conventional universe model is only used to make us know that we are insignificant, that we are a speck of dust in a gigantic cosmos. The flat earth model invalidates this idea and explains why we are not a product of chance, but are of divine origin, that the earth is the center of being. NASA is cheatingOn the other hand, I can also explain this without the flat earth model (keyword: primal reason - consciousness/cause - effect). Well, no matter what is being kept from us, one thing is certain: NASA + ESA are massively deceiving us and are faking supposed ISS recordings, faking recordings, re-editing them, inserting CGI objects and thus making a fool of us. After all the recordings, because of all these countless discrepancies, you simply can no longer claim that this is not the truth, you simply cannot deny this, you cannot, it is too obvious that we are being led by the nose here. And ultimately, this also makes one thing clear: the illusionary world that has been built around our minds is significantly larger than we imagined. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • nebojsa Jovanov 8. November 2019, 5: 40

      I can prove that it doesn't fly at 400km altitude it flies at about 2000-3000 meters and can suddenly stop and continue flying up to that altitude and turn off the light which should be sun reflection from its panels and how can it be endured someone clarify for me?? And all that just because I lit it up fully and someone from control center couldn't see with camera further to fly with iss what I tracked on iss tracker and waited when overflying my house. I don't know what that thing is, but not what we're told. I can prove anything

    • Bodo Josef Arenhoevel 18. February 2020, 0: 08

      Hi …,
      I completely agree with your statements. Regarding the point (Earth a sphere or horizontal surface consisting of mountains, valleys and bodies of water), I would like to add that there is now clear evidence that the Earth definitely cannot be a sphere. But that doesn't have to mean that the Earth has to be flat or that there is no space outside Earth's orbit. The solid earth body, as well as the presumed dome above it, could also be a semicircular body, so that the entire living space of the earth, viewed from the perspective of space outside our orbit, appears as a sphere as a whole. It would then also be conceivable that other habitats exist in this space that have a similar physiological structure. Extraterrestrial life could also exist and have the technology to invade our living space. Other options do not necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, the term earth disk is often used to ridicule this topic. Here, too, one might ask why this topic should be ridiculed. I think it is not only a very exciting topic, but also a very important topic for finding the truth and therefore ultimately important for peace and prosperity for everyone in harmony with nature. VG Bodo Josef Arenhövel

      • Bego 8. March 2022, 23: 11

        But it could also be that the earth is round, but is much, much bigger than and that it is a lie. For example, there could perhaps be another “Earth” several thousand kilometers behind Antarctica on a giant sphere that may... has a radius of millions of kilometers and one with the government there "I think" under threat nothing to expose otherwise one will wipe out all of us because they possibly. have higher technology. But one cannot rule out that well-known stars who are dead might just pretend that they are dead in order to be shipped there with a secret transporter and want to die there because they can no longer stand the pressure. Of course it costs 😉 and Michael Jackson had money. It can be anything. There must be a reason why we are being lied to, maybe if you told the truth there would be panic. I've been dealing with this topic for as long as I can remember.

    Bego 8. March 2022, 23: 11

    But it could also be that the earth is round, but is much, much bigger than and that it is a lie. For example, there could perhaps be another “Earth” several thousand kilometers behind Antarctica on a giant sphere that may... has a radius of millions of kilometers and one with the government there "I think" under threat nothing to expose otherwise one will wipe out all of us because they possibly. have higher technology. But one cannot rule out that well-known stars who are dead might just pretend that they are dead in order to be shipped there with a secret transporter and want to die there because they can no longer stand the pressure. Of course it costs 😉 and Michael Jackson had money. It can be anything. There must be a reason why we are being lied to, maybe if you told the truth there would be panic. I've been dealing with this topic for as long as I can remember.

    • nebojsa Jovanov 8. November 2019, 5: 40

      I can prove that it doesn't fly at 400km altitude it flies at about 2000-3000 meters and can suddenly stop and continue flying up to that altitude and turn off the light which should be sun reflection from its panels and how can it be endured someone clarify for me?? And all that just because I lit it up fully and someone from control center couldn't see with camera further to fly with iss what I tracked on iss tracker and waited when overflying my house. I don't know what that thing is, but not what we're told. I can prove anything

    • Bodo Josef Arenhoevel 18. February 2020, 0: 08

      Hi …,
      I completely agree with your statements. Regarding the point (Earth a sphere or horizontal surface consisting of mountains, valleys and bodies of water), I would like to add that there is now clear evidence that the Earth definitely cannot be a sphere. But that doesn't have to mean that the Earth has to be flat or that there is no space outside Earth's orbit. The solid earth body, as well as the presumed dome above it, could also be a semicircular body, so that the entire living space of the earth, viewed from the perspective of space outside our orbit, appears as a sphere as a whole. It would then also be conceivable that other habitats exist in this space that have a similar physiological structure. Extraterrestrial life could also exist and have the technology to invade our living space. Other options do not necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, the term earth disk is often used to ridicule this topic. Here, too, one might ask why this topic should be ridiculed. I think it is not only a very exciting topic, but also a very important topic for finding the truth and therefore ultimately important for peace and prosperity for everyone in harmony with nature. VG Bodo Josef Arenhövel

      • Bego 8. March 2022, 23: 11

        But it could also be that the earth is round, but is much, much bigger than and that it is a lie. For example, there could perhaps be another “Earth” several thousand kilometers behind Antarctica on a giant sphere that may... has a radius of millions of kilometers and one with the government there "I think" under threat nothing to expose otherwise one will wipe out all of us because they possibly. have higher technology. But one cannot rule out that well-known stars who are dead might just pretend that they are dead in order to be shipped there with a secret transporter and want to die there because they can no longer stand the pressure. Of course it costs 😉 and Michael Jackson had money. It can be anything. There must be a reason why we are being lied to, maybe if you told the truth there would be panic. I've been dealing with this topic for as long as I can remember.

    Bego 8. March 2022, 23: 11

    But it could also be that the earth is round, but is much, much bigger than and that it is a lie. For example, there could perhaps be another “Earth” several thousand kilometers behind Antarctica on a giant sphere that may... has a radius of millions of kilometers and one with the government there "I think" under threat nothing to expose otherwise one will wipe out all of us because they possibly. have higher technology. But one cannot rule out that well-known stars who are dead might just pretend that they are dead in order to be shipped there with a secret transporter and want to die there because they can no longer stand the pressure. Of course it costs 😉 and Michael Jackson had money. It can be anything. There must be a reason why we are being lied to, maybe if you told the truth there would be panic. I've been dealing with this topic for as long as I can remember.

      • nebojsa Jovanov 8. November 2019, 5: 40

        I can prove that it doesn't fly at 400km altitude it flies at about 2000-3000 meters and can suddenly stop and continue flying up to that altitude and turn off the light which should be sun reflection from its panels and how can it be endured someone clarify for me?? And all that just because I lit it up fully and someone from control center couldn't see with camera further to fly with iss what I tracked on iss tracker and waited when overflying my house. I don't know what that thing is, but not what we're told. I can prove anything

      • Bodo Josef Arenhoevel 18. February 2020, 0: 08

        Hi …,
        I completely agree with your statements. Regarding the point (Earth a sphere or horizontal surface consisting of mountains, valleys and bodies of water), I would like to add that there is now clear evidence that the Earth definitely cannot be a sphere. But that doesn't have to mean that the Earth has to be flat or that there is no space outside Earth's orbit. The solid earth body, as well as the presumed dome above it, could also be a semicircular body, so that the entire living space of the earth, viewed from the perspective of space outside our orbit, appears as a sphere as a whole. It would then also be conceivable that other habitats exist in this space that have a similar physiological structure. Extraterrestrial life could also exist and have the technology to invade our living space. Other options do not necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, the term earth disk is often used to ridicule this topic. Here, too, one might ask why this topic should be ridiculed. I think it is not only a very exciting topic, but also a very important topic for finding the truth and therefore ultimately important for peace and prosperity for everyone in harmony with nature. VG Bodo Josef Arenhövel

        • Bego 8. March 2022, 23: 11

          But it could also be that the earth is round, but is much, much bigger than and that it is a lie. For example, there could perhaps be another “Earth” several thousand kilometers behind Antarctica on a giant sphere that may... has a radius of millions of kilometers and one with the government there "I think" under threat nothing to expose otherwise one will wipe out all of us because they possibly. have higher technology. But one cannot rule out that well-known stars who are dead might just pretend that they are dead in order to be shipped there with a secret transporter and want to die there because they can no longer stand the pressure. Of course it costs 😉 and Michael Jackson had money. It can be anything. There must be a reason why we are being lied to, maybe if you told the truth there would be panic. I've been dealing with this topic for as long as I can remember.

      Bego 8. March 2022, 23: 11

      But it could also be that the earth is round, but is much, much bigger than and that it is a lie. For example, there could perhaps be another “Earth” several thousand kilometers behind Antarctica on a giant sphere that may... has a radius of millions of kilometers and one with the government there "I think" under threat nothing to expose otherwise one will wipe out all of us because they possibly. have higher technology. But one cannot rule out that well-known stars who are dead might just pretend that they are dead in order to be shipped there with a secret transporter and want to die there because they can no longer stand the pressure. Of course it costs 😉 and Michael Jackson had money. It can be anything. There must be a reason why we are being lied to, maybe if you told the truth there would be panic. I've been dealing with this topic for as long as I can remember.
