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For about 3 years I have been consciously experiencing the process of spiritual awakening and walking my personal path. I have been running my website “Everything is Energy” in parallel for two years and have had my own for almost a year Youtube Channel. During this time, it happened again and again that negative comments of all kinds reached me. For example, one person once wrote that people like me should be burned at the stake - no joke! Others, on the other hand, cannot identify with my content in any way and then attack my person. Exactly like that, my world of ideas is exposed to ridicule. In my early days, especially after my breakup, a time when I hardly had any self-love, such comments weighed heavily on me and I then focused on them for days. I let it affect me and thus lowered the frequency of my own state of consciousness.

An interesting example

Negative comments how I deal with itBut after a while it went away and I learned to deal with it. I understood that at the end of the day it is only up to me personally whether I deal with it positively or negatively. I can choose for myself whether I then align my state of consciousness to the negative or to the positive. In this context, one also likes to speak of energy robbers, i.e. people in your life who unconsciously rob you of your focus and your positive energy through their negative attitude. I also wrote an interesting article about itProtection from negative energies – what these energies are really all about). Well, meanwhile it seems that I hardly ever react to negative comments. I don't want to put my focus and all my life energy on it. I don't want to spend hours racking my brains and deriving negativity from another person's realized world of thoughts, because I don't get anything from that, on the contrary, I'm only harming myself. I very rarely only react to negative comments, mostly when if my person is discredited over a longer period of time and I just feel like it (say 2-3 times a year). Of course I still have to learn to deal with it completely and I know that I will succeed in doing so. It is important that at some point you no longer allow yourself to be influenced by negative energies of any kind, that you do not stand in the way of your own peace of mind in any way. This succeeds when you only see the positive in everything, when you no longer get involved in such a resonance game. Well then, in the last few days, one person has repeatedly ridiculed my content and deliberately denounced my world of thoughts.

After a long time I got involved in such a resonance game again and then analyzed its effects and the process as a whole..!!

It basically didn't bother me at all (only minimally) and I thought to myself okey, you're welcome to think like that, to each their own. But after these comments didn't stop, I got involved in such a resonance game again after a long time and countered. I thought well, after all this time I'll react to something like that again and see what happens, how I feel about it afterwards, what's happening inside me and, above all, how I'll deal with it. The last comment on this was: "I can only laugh at you because you are so unconscious."

Peace can only come about when we respect the being and the world of thoughts of another person instead of denouncing..!!

Everything would be different this time. This time I'll go into it, justify myself (which I shouldn't have done) and explain why such attitudes ultimately only harm our fellow human beings. Why it's more important to show respect to each other and to love your neighbor instead of laughing at them. With strict regard to our individual expression, we are all essentially the same, and I wrote my comment based on this train of thought. Somehow I had the urge to share my view and comment with you. I don't even know why. It just happened and so I wrote all of this down here. In this sense, have fun reading 🙂

The message

A personal messageDear "Ms. Unknown", you have now written 2 comments within 4 days in which you reveal my person and, above all, my personal self-knowledge of the ridiculous! But why? Why do you adjust your state of consciousness to this and discredit my person? Why do you constantly denounce my work and make everything that has happened to me personally wrong? At the end of the day, every human being is the creator of their own reality and uses their own mental imagination to create their own life. Everything that has happened to me in the last few years has shaped my life from the ground up and put it on a positive path, made me a better person. You don't know me, you've never exchanged a word with me and you've never really dealt with my work and, above all, with my being - because otherwise you wouldn't write something like this. Instead you watched a few of my videos and allow yourself to make a negative judgment about me based on that. You point the finger at me and present your personal thoughts as more truthful and "correct" than mine. However, this is again a fallacy.

As already mentioned, we all create our own reality, our own truths, beliefs, convictions and views on life..!!

This is an aspect that makes us humans unique and, above all, individual beings. Of course you are welcome to have a different opinion than I do, but you should also be aware that it is unconscious when you point the finger at other people and portray them as unconscious.

Ultimately, you don't know me, you don't know my life, my path, all my thoughts, my current state of consciousness, my attitude toward life and my personal path that I've walked in recent years..!!

For example, if I were watching your videos and there was something I disliked or disagreed with about my views, I would never portray you as unconscious or otherwise. In exactly the same way I would not expose you to ridicule or even my thoughts about your positions.

It goes on…

Peaceful coexistence instead of hate and disregardI mean who gives me the right to denounce your life and claim that what I know is more accurate or closer to the truth than yours. Why should I do that, I don't get anything from it, if I constantly direct my focus to the negative and try with all my might to reduce a person's world of thoughts to a minimum. At the end of the day, we humans can choose whether we look at life from a negative or a positive perspective. You can watch my videos and look at it from a negative state of mind, you can tell yourself that my views are wrong and that it is ridiculous to philosophize about such seeming "nonsense". Or you look at the whole thing from a positive point of view and think that it's nice that many people can identify with my content and draw strength from it. Well how you deal with it is up to you at the end of the day. Finally, I can only add that I do not intend to offend you in any way with this comment. On the contrary, I would like to shake hands with you and show you that we are all people who should be there for one another. We should love our neighbors instead of laughing at them, otherwise a peaceful world can never come about.

There can be no peace if we point the finger at other people and smile at them for being..!!

This is an important aspect that we humans should all take to heart. Only when we all act together, see ourselves as one big family and respect other people's world of thought, only when we reach out to each other again and start to see the good and positive in each other, will it be possible to create a world in which Love, peace and above all mutual respect prevails. In this sense, I hope that we will deal with each other peacefully in the future and show mutual respect for our individual creative expression, because apart from our individuality, we are all the same at the core. Kind regards, Yannick 🙂

A little conclusion

Well, that was my response to that comment anyway. I don't know why I published this here, maybe to show you all out there why such comments do not produce anything positive, why such comments or worlds of thought ultimately only stand in the way of peaceful coexistence. Again and again my person is attacked or ridiculed and one should simply understand that such a negative orientation of one's own state of consciousness does not contribute to a positive life on this planet. At the end of the day, we are all human and should behave as such. Basically, as mentioned in my comment, we are one big family and we should build on that. No hate, no contempt, no envy, no mutual slander, but charity, peace, harmony and mutual respect. That's what we need on this planet, people helping and respecting each other. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Beate 29. April 2019, 7: 48

      Dear Yannick,
      I have been reading the articles you have written very carefully for some time now, it is always inspiring to find ideas for your own life, especially when it comes to daily energy. Yesterday I had,
      on April 28.04th, birthday and I was really looking forward to your daily energy article.
      Unfortunately you didn't write one. I keep noticing that certain days are missing. Can you tell me what's up with that? I don't usually write comments about things I read on the net anywhere else. Here it is important to me, because your site is very important to me.
      I thank you in advance for an answer
      Greetings Beate

    Beate 29. April 2019, 7: 48

    Dear Yannick,
    I have been reading the articles you have written very carefully for some time now, it is always inspiring to find ideas for your own life, especially when it comes to daily energy. Yesterday I had,
    on April 28.04th, birthday and I was really looking forward to your daily energy article.
    Unfortunately you didn't write one. I keep noticing that certain days are missing. Can you tell me what's up with that? I don't usually write comments about things I read on the net anywhere else. Here it is important to me, because your site is very important to me.
    I thank you in advance for an answer
    Greetings Beate
