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new moon

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In today's Daily Energy Article I have discussed today's influences. The focus was particularly on the moon in the zodiac sign Libra and also the current strong solar wind influences. But I completely ignored the fact that today is a new moon (for whatever reason, it just didn't occur to me). Anyway, I'll catch up now and take up the influences here again for you.

new moon energies

New moon energiesUltimately, this makes the lunar circumstance a very special circumstance, because whether it is a full moon or a new moon, both phases of the moon always bring with them a very special quality of time and give us influences that are often accompanied by a strong potential for manifestation. For this reason, in my experience, such days are always very powerful and can trigger certain changes in one's own thinking. On the last full moon, for example, I felt very strongly about the topic again Detoxification and intestinal cleansing came into contact and as a result I immediately decided to practice such a detoxification, which I have succeeded in doing today (the last full moon was generally very powerful and was accompanied by strong influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency). Today's new moon day also brings us very special energies and can benefit us in all projects. In this context, a new moon is generally associated with renewal, new beginnings, spiritual realignments and new living conditions. The coming days, i.e. the days after this new moon, will therefore also follow this principle and will also be able to open up new paths for us, or rather we will then feel ready to take new paths and also allow new life experiences to become manifest. Otherwise it should be said that this new moon is in the zodiac sign Libra, which means that very special influences have an effect on us, because the moon in the zodiac sign Libra also stands for harmonious relationships, harmonious partnerships, the creation of balance, significantly more pronounced empathic abilities and overall for a more sensitive core of being. Perhaps this new moon triggers the urge in us to want to smooth out some waves and create more harmony in what may currently be disharmonious bonds. Either way, the influences will benefit us and drive us internally towards more harmony or a more balanced mental life. Nevertheless, this new moon will be experienced by all people in a variety of ways and will also evoke different moods. Well, last but not least, I would like to quote a section from the website herzfluestereiblog.wordpress.com regarding the full moon:

“Don't let your thoughts drag you into unrest...not into doubt and not into old patterns. It's just an old program that repeats itself over and over again and the way to break away from this machinery and gain clarity is meditation. In this state you are in the present moment and you make the train stop.

Now release all your anger from the past...release old pain and the associated injuries and align yourself with the new blossoms of life. You have ended an old cycle and there is no longer any reason to hold on to it...there is nothing left to make you grow.

Use the energies of the new moon to bless your past...with all its experiences and choose your light. Open yourself and your perception to a never-ending, unlimited form that is you. You are the beginning, middle and end and with this knowledge you can expand playfully and grow beyond the limits you have set for yourself.”

In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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