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The golden ratio belongs exactly like that flower of Life or the platonic bodies of sacred geometry and, like these symbols, represents an image of omnipresent creation. Aside from the universal laws and other cosmic principles, creation is also expressed in other areas. The divine symbolism in this context has existed for thousands of years and has appeared again and again in different ways. Sacred geometry also designates mathematical and geometric phenomena that can be represented in a perfectionist order, symbols that represent an image of the harmonious ground. For this reason, sacred geometry also embodies the principles of subtle convergence. It signals to us humans that there are cosmic figures and patterns that represent an expression of the energetic cosmos due to their completeness and perfection.

Sacred geometric patterns in antiquity

Sacred Geometric PatternsThe sacred geometry was already used in a targeted manner by a wide variety of ancient advanced cultures to build majestic and durable buildings. There are countless divine symbols, all of which carry and illustrate the principle of life in their own way. A very well-known divine, mathematical pattern that appears again and again in nature is referred to as the golden section. The golden ratio, also called phi or the divine division, is a mathematical phenomenon that appears throughout creation. Put simply, it denotes a harmonious relationship between two quantities. The number Phi (1.6180339) is considered a sacred number because it embodies the geometric structure of all material and immaterial life. In architecture, the golden section, which has received little attention up to now, has a very special meaning. With it, buildings can be erected that, firstly, radiate tremendous harmony and, secondly, can last for thousands of years. This becomes particularly clear when you look at the Pyramids of Giza, for example. The pyramids of Gizeh as well as all pyramid-like buildings (Maya temples) have a very special building structure. They were built using the Pi and Phi formulas. It was only with the help of this special structure that the pyramids could survive for thousands of years without becoming brittle or unstable in their overall structure, even though they were affected by at least 3 major earthquakes in the past. Isn't it amazing that there are ancient structures that were perfectly constructed down to the smallest detail and could last for such a long period of time without decaying in any way? If a building from our epoch were left to rest maintenance-free for centuries, the building in question would become dilapidated and collapse. Another interesting fact is that according to our historiography, the numbers pi and phi were not known at that time. The first references to the circle number Pi were found on the Papyrus Rhind, an ancient Egyptian mathematical treatise that dates back to around 1550 BC. is estimated. The golden section Phi was first introduced by the Greek mathematician Euclid around 300 BC. scientifically documented. However, according to our science, the pyramids were estimated to be just over 5000 years old, which basically does not correspond to the real age. About the exact age, there are only very imprecise sources. However, one can assume an age of over 13000 years. An explanation for this assumption is provided by cosmic cycle.

The truth about the pyramids of Giza

The truth about the pyramids of GizaIn general, the pyramids of Gizeh have many inconsistencies, all of which raise countless unanswered questions. For the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, also known as the Pyramid of Cheops, a rocky plateau of a total of 6 football pitches was ground before construction and then laid out with large blocks of stone that weighed at least more than 1 ton. For the pyramid itself, apart from the - 103 - 2.300.000 million limestone blocks, 130 granite blocks were built, which weighed between 12 and 70 tons. They were eroded from a rocky hill 800 kilometers away. Inside the pyramid there are 3 burial chambers, of which the king's chamber was perfectly worked out both horizontally and vertically. A precision in the tenth of a millimeter range was achieved. The Cheops pyramid, on the other hand, has 8 sides, as is usual, because the 4 surfaces are slightly angled, which of course is not the result of chance, but rather is due to a deliberately masterly constructed construction work. Another astonishing fact is that a 100 m long tunnel has been carved into the bedrock. This monumental structure was built in just 20 years and at a time when the ancient Egyptians knew neither iron, let alone steel. This seriously raises the question of how the Egyptians of that time, who according to our historiography were a very simply structured people, only possessed stone tools, bronze chisels and hemp ropes, managed this almost impossible task? Well, this was possible because the Pyramids of Giza were not built by a simple ancient people but by an earlier civilization. A high culture that was far ahead of our time and understood the golden ratio very well (The truth about the pyramids of Giza). The people of these high cultures were fully conscious beings who understood the energetic cosmos to perfection and were fully aware of their multidimensional abilities. However, the golden section has other fascinating characteristics. One of them becomes visible when you stretch any segment with the constant Phi and use the resulting segments as the sides of a corresponding rectangle. This creates a so-called golden rectangle. The special feature of the golden rectangle is that you can split off the largest possible square from it, which in turn creates another golden rectangle. If you repeat this scheme, new smaller golden rectangles are created again and again. If you then draw a quarter circle in each resulting square, the result is a logarithmic spiral or a golden spiral. Such a spiral is an image of the constant Phi. So phi can be represented as a spiral.

This spiral is in turn a micro- and macrocosmic expression of the omnipresent creative spirit and can be found everywhere in nature. Here the circle closes again. One ultimately comes to the conclusion that the entire universe is a coherent and perfectly conceived system, a system that continually expresses itself in different yet complementary ways. Phi is a divine constant present throughout life. It is a symbol that represents infinite and perfectionist creation. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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