Today's daily energy on August 13, 2019 is shaped by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 17:38 p.m. and can then awaken feelings in us from the second half of the day onwards that not only reinforce one Not only can we feel the urge for freedom within us, but we also take greater responsibility for our actions.
Freedom & Independence
After all, the accompanying desire for freedom is entirely in the spirit of the current collective awakening phase and reflects a circumstance that is becoming more and more present in us. Independence needs to be lived out on all levels of existence and we are increasingly drawn into this independence. 5D or the overarching transition into the fifth dimension stands for the creation of a high-frequency state of consciousness (from which in turn a corresponding reality emerges – mind → matter) and freedom or independence inevitably goes hand in hand with this, because the less free we ourselves are, the more things/circumstances we are dependent on and, above all, the more low-frequency systems we are dependent on, the more we live out a reality that are not in tune with 5D or rather not in tune with a high frequency. For this reason, this aspect is extremely important and we ourselves are increasingly being asked to create corresponding states (within ourselves) to revive. In this context, we could now experience this more strongly than ever, because the previously opened Lion's Gate (started on July 26th - the climax was August 08th) was closed yesterday, meaning an extremely insightful and transformative phase has passed (which doesn't mean it will continue to be transformative). This phase served in a very special way to return to our being and was able to flush out all the blockages within us. Today is celebrated as a festival of completion and progress (Completion of this phase) and now leads us into a new quality of time.
When I really started to love myself, I freed myself from everything that wasn't healthy for me, from foods, people, things, situations and everything that kept pulling me down, away from myself. At first I called it " healthy egoism”, but today I know that this is “self-love”. – Charlie Chaplin..!!
After all the turbulence, we can now work harder to manifest a corresponding life; the signs for this are even perfect. It is a real new beginning that has now been heralded (Everything that goes with it also feels very mystical) and the creation of a circumstance based on freedom is very present in this regard. We can be excited to see what we will create now. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂