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new moon

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Tomorrow it's that time again and another new moon is reaching us, to be precise it's also the seventh new moon this year, which in turn is in the zodiac sign Leo. This new moon will definitely bring us quite inspiring and, above all, renewing influences, not only because new moons generally stand for renewal, new living conditions, new beginnings and changes in one's own life (and are generally associated with strong influences), but also since in the current phase of spiritual awakening in general too a fairly strong manifestation potential prevails.

Brief introduction/overview

Create new living conditions for yourselfIn this context, I also have to admit that currently, at least in terms of feeling, no two days are the same and we humans are evolving quite a lot (were you the same person a week ago as you are right now?! Did you think the same things, about have the same wealth of experience or even experience the same mental state?! Most likely not, because the spiritual advancement is enormous - weeks or even months ago we were completely different people, basically the same and yet completely changed). Of course, due to the planetary awakening, more and more people are inevitably coming into contact with new knowledge, wisdom and completely new spiritual circumstances, there is no question about that (our own spiritual foundation and the illusory world built around our mind is being penetrated more intensively), but we experience it Especially since this year, to be precise for a few months and weeks, there has been an acceleration in this process and you can literally watch how more and more people surpass themselves and achieve important spiritual self-knowledge. Mankind is heading for a completely new age and is about to fully awaken. Due to the current acceleration in the process of spiritual awakening, which became manifest on the one hand through stronger cosmic influences/frequency increases, on the other hand through a changed collective consciousness (the more people deal with the corresponding topics, the more this information manifests itself in the collective consciousness - way to critical mass - more and more people are confronted with this knowledge in an inevitable way and also carry it out into the world with the help of their consciousness - the fire of change is thus spreading more and more), we humans are experiencing more and more profound changes. In doing so, we not only shake off our own "shadow parts" (cleansing), i.e. we free ourselves from all disharmonious circumstances/mental constructs/beliefs, but we also manage to get into our true divine creative power (we become aware of this immense potential and use it to create light-filled living conditions). Today's new moon, which in turn is associated with special influences, will therefore certainly support us in this process. At this point I also quote a section from the page: herzfluestereiblog.wordpress.com:

Now leave any external situations that are not good for you and go into the perfect connection to yourself. You now need your very own security so that harmony and creativity can be supported..so that harmony arises between body, mind and soul and you in yours are full of love and strength. You gain access to other dimensions in which you become the master of energy change...your own energy and you are given full responsibility for your life. Within you lies your pure, divine essence..you are a wonderful and powerful being..you are "I am" - energy and this must be acknowledged. You are not hopelessly exposed to external reflections. They are projections of your inside and your inner transformation into "I am" - presence offers you the opportunity to change your outside...your reality and through this conscious perception you can always take full responsibility for the reflections...isn't that great! !??!! You have the opportunity to redeem everything inside you and return to your true beauty.

The incoming frequencies of the new moon have an effect on your sacral chakra and if you use the time with you as conscious soul time, you will feel how the flow begins in this area..your desires and longings are stimulated and you can simply let them be there ..without wanting to hold her. The connection to nature will show you that everything is connected..nothing can be perceived separately..gives you further tools to connect your human and spiritual side..for a new life here on mother earth.. a new way of "functioning".

The influences of the new moon are therefore also associated with a very special circumstance, namely the fact that it is about time that we take action ourselves or bring our own heart's desires into harmony with our actions. Living contrary to our acquired spiritual knowledge and the constant undermining of our own heart's desires represents an increasing burden on our own mind/body/spirit system in the long run. It is therefore time that we take responsibility for our own inner space again and in the Follow creating a life that conforms to our own ideas, i.e. a life free of any barriers, that evolves towards nature and reduces low-frequency circumstances to a minimum. At this point we must never forget that we ourselves represent the source, the life, the truth and the way and consequently can determine for ourselves what we let become manifest and what not. The collective development process is therefore not only indirectly but also directly co-determined/designed by ourselves and the more we become aware of this, the stronger our own influence will be. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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