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In a few minutes or tomorrow the time has come and a new month will arrive. So November is almost over and December is upon us. In this regard, December will definitely make us look inward again and, above all, be responsible for finding ourselves more closely. On the other hand, despite the family and harmonious circumstances - which trigger a strong feeling of pleasure, especially in December, we can continue to find ourselves in a purification process, could continue to free us from rigid, sustainable life patterns or even break away from dependencies and addictions.

Deepen the relationship with ourselves

Deepen the relationship with ourselvesIn this context, an overarching mental and emotional cleansing process has been taking place for several years and since then we humans have been continuously freeing ourselves from our own mental blockages (releasing our own shadow parts), revising our own beliefs and convictions, realigning our minds and experiencing a sharpening of our minds senses. Since May of this year and especially again since September 23, 2017, we have experienced a massive acceleration in this process, which could give you the feeling that all laws are no longer in force for you and, above all, that you are completely acts contrary to old, entrenched patterns. So this purification process, which ultimately transports us to a higher frequency state and supplies our mind/body/soul system with light, will continue to take place - for that matter, until a personal climax is reached at some point, from which one a drastic turnaround will result. On the other hand, for many, December marks the end of a very stressful and, above all, stormy year, i.e. a year that brought all sorts of twists and turns. In this way we can look back on the entire year and become aware again of the extent to which this year was beneficial for our own intellectual development. We should think about what goals we were able to achieve and, above all, what thoughts we were able to realize.

The month of December allows us to look inward again and can therefore be responsible for us focusing more on our own mental life again..!!

Did the year go the way we imagined it would, or were there a lot of unexpected conflicts that threw us off balance? Nevertheless, no matter how the year went, we should still turn to our own inner being in December and recharge our batteries for the next year.

Energetic influences in December

Energetic influences in DecemberDecember is usually one of the few months of introspection anyway and allows us to withdraw in a certain way. This month also serves entirely to bundle energies, acts as a kind of energetic recharge and allows us to deepen our relationship with ourselves. So in the last month of the year we can and should look at our own mental life and check our own bonds, i.e. our own spiritual state. On the other hand, the energies in December are again accompanied by Mercury, which is retrograde from December 03rd to December 22nd. This circumstance can usually be responsible for major delays in life and can trigger increased communication problems on all levels of existence. Nevertheless, a retrograde Mercury also brings with it positive aspects and can allow us to plan, examine and rethink situations and other circumstances better. In the same way, Mercury retrograde can also be responsible for us doing things that we have been putting off for a long time. Mistakes made are corrected and we can organize ourselves much better than before. Ultimately, this circumstance generally works synergistically with the December energies and will strengthen our own look inwards and will allow us to better recognize our own inconsistencies in life. Apart from that, the long-awaited turnaround could finally come for people who have not moved at all in the last two and a half years and who have repeatedly been subject to their own blockages. Otherwise, we'll have a few portal days again in December (7 to be exact), which will bring down a lot of energy again.

We should definitely use the energies of December to gain a deeper insight into our own mental life. This also makes it possible for us to find out significantly more about ourselves and, through the realigning energies, we are literally asked to rethink old, sustainable thoughts and behaviors..!!

Ultimately, the portal days will once again strongly support the cosmic influences of December and allow us to look even more inward. The 7 portal days are spread over the entire month and therefore provide energetic boosts every now and then (June 1st, December 6st, 12th, 19th, 20th, 27st). The first day of the portal will reach us tomorrow, which is why it will start stormy again. Well, ultimately December is a very important month for us and, apart from the nostalgic, harmonious and sensual influences, it can change a lot in our lives, can provide a realignment and, above all, allow us to recharge our batteries for the coming year. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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