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Full moon

After an extremely stormy and seemingly very intense week, in which I dealt extensively with incredibly serious technical problems (regarding the website) had been busy, I thought to myself that because of the absence that came with it Let me review the past few days a little, after all, a lot has happened, not only in my personal life, but also in relation to the current basic energetic quality (and corresponding astrological events).

First of all: The technical problems of the last few days

First of all: The technical problems of the last few daysIn this context, as already mentioned, everything started for me with massive technical problems with the website. The problems were by no means clear and repeatedly led to crashes. Logins were no longer possible and a phase began in which I pulled out all the stops throughout the week and every day to get the problems under control. Nevertheless, the problems felt serious, because a web designer/repair service, the host itself and a friend (I would still like to thank everyone for their help!) were able to “the health of the website“ do not restore. To be honest, the week was, at least partly, despairing for me. Not only that I missed writing (which I wouldn't have expected - at least not in this intensity - otherwise it was the everyday routine) and I realized how much I would like to keep you up to date (the urge to report on the relevant days was strong) I felt within myself how much this site and you, as part of this community, mean to me (a lot). It was therefore pure unfulfillment and it really tugged at my spirit. Rarely have I let something get me down as much as it did now. Well, it's hard to say why this inner examination reached me, but at the end of the day everything has its reasons and nothing happens by chance (was able to gain a lot of insight into a corresponding mental state and also learn a lot about websites and databases). Ultimately, I'm happy that I was able to fix the error. The database was created through a permanent data query (Query), which I and the host couldn't close, was permanently overloaded.

Our greatest weakness is giving up. The sure way to success is always to try again. – Thomas A. Edison..!!

To solve the problem, a few hours ago I transferred the contents of an older database backup file to a newly created database and lo and behold, the problem was solved and the data query ended. Only a few daily energy items, to be precise the daily energy items from March 10th to 20th, have disappeared due to the backup.

The influences of the last days

Influences of the last daysUltimately, however, this is no longer a problem, especially since things can now continue again. In this context, these problems do not irritate me in any way, at least when you look at the intense energetic influences of the last few days, because we have had some high-energy events in this regard. Aside from the fact that Mercury is retrograde until March 28th and there are often technical problems in this regard (and general communication problems), a circumstance that some of you have brought to my attention (thanks for that), also yesterday we received a very powerful full moon in the zodiac sign Libra, to be precise a so-called “super full moon” (Full moon very close to the Earth, which can appear not only larger but also more luminous), which, due to its proximity to the earth, was able to exert a significantly greater influence on our minds and in this respect could be accompanied by increased emotionality, more intense moods and, if necessary, even very thoughtful feelings. A moon that is close to the Earth is always associated with a special magic in this regard. The influence was particularly noticeable in this regard. Even today, well, new and full moons always have an impact on the previous and subsequent days, the influences are still noticeable. Personally, I feel at least very charged, sometimes even very stirred up (internally - certainly related to the technical problems), but still somehow mentally alert. Apart from that, these influences were also reinforced by the portal day, after all we are on the fourth day of a portal day phase and portal days are always accompanied by an extremely strong basic energy. All moods are strengthened and not only internal conflicts and unresolved patterns, but also the experience of new states of consciousness are massively promoted.

The past few days were tremendous in terms of intensity and not only ended the time of introspection and return, i.e. winter, but they also heralded a phase of growth and creativity, i.e. spring..!!

Last but not least, the equinox also took place on March 20th, i.e. the bright day and the night lasted the same length (Ying-Yang – duals in balance or fusion?!), which again and again represents a special event. Since then, temperatures have risen again and the start of spring has begun. The end of winter, which was traditionally associated with withdrawal and introspection, has now come to an end. What follows is a phase of growth, prosperity and an increase in energy. The phases of nature can also be transferred 1:1 to us humans and we can wonderfully follow these basic principles. In conclusion, I can say that the past few days have been very intense and have brought us some wonderful but also shaking energetic influences. In this context, I would also be interested to know how you perceived the days. Have you also experienced stormy moods and circumstances? Or have you experienced much more calm and relaxed moods? Please let me share in your experiences, I'm very interested. Well, with that in mind, this blog will continue again and more articles, for example the daily energy articles, will follow again. The same applies to updates regarding planetary resonance frequency and solar influences. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support ❤ 

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