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Basic Law

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I have often dealt with the seven universal laws, including the hermetic laws, in my articles. Whether the law of resonance, the law of polarity or even the principle of rhythm and vibration, these fundamental laws are largely responsible for our existence or explain elementary mechanisms of life, for example that the entire existence is of a spiritual nature and not just everything is driven by a great spirit, but that everything also arises from spirit, which can be seen in countless simple examples can be pinned down, for example in this article, which first of all arose in my mental imagination and then became manifest by typing on the keyboard.

Your life cannot dissolve

Your life cannot dissolveParallel to the universal laws, however, there is often talk of various other fundamental laws, for example the so-called four Indian laws of spirituality, which also explain fundamental mechanisms and of course also go hand in hand with the seven universal laws. Many of these laws could therefore also be described as derivatives of the universal laws, for example the law that I would like to introduce to you in this article, namely the "law of existence". Simply put, this law states that life or existence has always existed and always will. If you deepen this law and apply it to human beings, then it says that our life has always existed and always will exist. We are everything that exists, represent the space in which everything happens and from which everything arises (You are the way, the truth and the life), i.e. we are existence ourselves and our life can never be extinguished. Even the supposed death, which in turn only represents a change in frequency or a transition of consciousness (altered state of consciousness) up to a new incarnation, does not exist, at least not in the sense that it is often preached, i.e. as entry into a “nothingness “ (there can be no “nothing”, just as nothing could come from “nothing”. Even the idea or even the complete belief in nothing would in turn be based on a mental construct or on a thought - it would therefore not be "nothing", but a thought).

Death is a shedding of everything that you are not. The secret of life is dying before you die, to find that there is no death. – Eckhart Tolle..!!

Our spiritual existence, which in turn consists of energy, cannot simply dissolve into nothing, but continues to exist, from incarnation to incarnation.

Life has always existed and always will

Basic LawThis is exactly how life has always existed, namely in the form of mental structures (one could also say in the form of your spiritual existence - because you are life - the source or rather, you are everything). Spirit or consciousness therefore not only represents the basic structure of existence, but also life itself, which in turn has always existed, is and will be and from which everything arises. Life or our spiritual ground cannot simply cease to exist, because it has one main property and that is to exist. Just as you will always exist, only your form or state/circumstance can change, yet you cannot simply dissolve completely and become "nothing", for you "are" and will always "be", otherwise you would be nothing and would not exist, which is not the case. There is also an exciting quote from a site that also dealt with this Basic Law (herzwandler.net): "All that is wouldn't be all that is if it weren't for you. It would be: everything that is, except you. But then you wouldn't exist to ask yourself that question". We often forget that we represent infinite life and that we, as creators ourselves, are life. Countless discordant or blocking beliefs and beliefs, stemming from a system that has completely undermined spirituality and fundamental knowledge, make this principle difficult to understand.

Life is not finite, but infinite, i.e. there has always been life or your existence and it will always exist. Only your condition/circumstance is subject to changes..!!

But in itself the question of life, or rather the question of the origin and infinity of life, is easy to answer. Corresponding answers are also presented to us every day in the form of our own reality, since we, as creators and as life itself, carry the answers within us and consequently also present them. We are infinite life, representing creation itself, and will never lose our existence, for we are existence. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Klaus 15. May 2021, 11: 21


      the "existence" has its origin in nothing, before the BigBang the phases of the frequencies would be in perfect harmony, through a phase jump we created space, time and matter. From perfect symmetry to asymmetry.

      We live in a "simulation" governed by an underlying codem that we cannot perceive but can only understand through logic.

      I try to put it simply, how out of nothing -> something can arise.

      Expressed mathematically with the help of a small picture: Imagine a box whose content is nothing = 0 and you give
      +1 and -1 added. +1 & -1 here represent "something" (the universe and everything in it). All in all, it's nothing again. There is a formula Eula's formula that describes how frequencies (sin and cos) "cancel" in sum. These are thought patterns that explore themselves.

      We are nothing and only exist in our imagination.

      That doesn't make life any less worth living or anything, we're all the same just in different thought patterns that express us. The nothing experiences itself through us in other words the universe / consciousness experiences itself through us, small windows ( as human experience ) that explore themselves.

      Infinite Thought.

      Really put very simply.

      This is the reality I live in.

    Klaus 15. May 2021, 11: 21


    the "existence" has its origin in nothing, before the BigBang the phases of the frequencies would be in perfect harmony, through a phase jump we created space, time and matter. From perfect symmetry to asymmetry.

    We live in a "simulation" governed by an underlying codem that we cannot perceive but can only understand through logic.

    I try to put it simply, how out of nothing -> something can arise.

    Expressed mathematically with the help of a small picture: Imagine a box whose content is nothing = 0 and you give
    +1 and -1 added. +1 & -1 here represent "something" (the universe and everything in it). All in all, it's nothing again. There is a formula Eula's formula that describes how frequencies (sin and cos) "cancel" in sum. These are thought patterns that explore themselves.

    We are nothing and only exist in our imagination.

    That doesn't make life any less worth living or anything, we're all the same just in different thought patterns that express us. The nothing experiences itself through us in other words the universe / consciousness experiences itself through us, small windows ( as human experience ) that explore themselves.

    Infinite Thought.

    Really put very simply.

    This is the reality I live in.
