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soulmate process

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More and more people have recently been dealing with the so-called dual soul process, are in it and are usually becoming painfully aware of their dual soul. Humanity is currently in a transition into the fifth dimension and this transition brings dual souls together, forcing both to deal with their primal fears. The dual soul serves as a mirror of one's own feelings and is ultimately responsible for one's own mental healing process. Especially in this day and age, when a new earth awaits us, new love relationships are emerging and the dual soul serves as an initiator for tremendous emotional and spiritual development. Nevertheless, this process is usually felt to be very painful and many people can hardly imagine life without their twin soul. In the following section you will find out exactly what the twin soul process is all about and how you can complete this process, how you can heal the bond with your twin soul and, above all, how you can benefit enormously from the encounter after a breakup .

What are twin souls?

what-are-twin-soulsDual souls basically means a soul that has split into two souls in order to be able to gain experience in different incarnations. Twin souls meet in the most diverse of incarnations, meet again in the most varied of ages and strive for a reunion (the kymic wedding). Such a reunion does not have to take place in the form of a partnership, a partnership in which both people become aware of their twin souls, but the reunion takes place when both souls have dissolved their karmic patterns and completed their inner healing process. The souls learn their tasks in countless incarnations, subconsciously striving to fulfill their soul plan in order to be able to reunite on an immaterial level when they are ready. The dual soul process is usually not a fairytale process in which 2 soulmates meet and live out their deep love for each other, but this process harbors many obstacles and is usually associated with a lot of suffering. Soulmate relationships are associated with a lot of quarrels and are usually experienced as very tough tests. There is also a reason for this, because dual soul relationships aim to confront you with your own primal fears, to face/become aware of your so-called soul wounds in order to be able to integrate female and male parts in your own reality.

The soulmate does not necessarily have to be the only potential marriage candidate..!!

It's not about staying together for life, that this person is the only potential marriage candidate, but it's primarily about the integration and rediscovery of your own male and female parts, living out your own true self and above all that own inner healing process.

The encounter with the twin soul!

dual soul encounterThe encounter with the twin soul can arise in many different ways. It is usually the case that the twin soul encounter is accompanied by an incredible power of attraction. It may well be that at the beginning the twin souls feel an extreme feeling of being in love. But it can also happen that one part is completely overwhelmed by his feelings (usually the heart person), while the intellectually oriented person opposes his twin soul love and hardly notices it. Nevertheless, the encounter is fateful and a coming together will in all probability be initiated despite the different circumstances. When you meet the twin soul in real life, you see your own reflection in front of you, you are confronted with your own missing emotional parts and recognize the aspects in the other that you are missing yourself. For example, the rational person is confronted with his own missing female energy, he finds it difficult to reveal his feelings and seems rather cold/distance, while the heart person lives out his feelings openly, gives love but at the same time is confronted with his own missing male power. He is open to his feelings, lives them out, but on the other hand cannot assert himself and therefore often seems weak-willed and very vulnerable. Dual souls do not only meet in one life. Dual soul encounters usually take place over countless incarnations. Due to the twin soul attraction, one encounters one's twin soul again and again, gets to know each other again, gets together if necessary and continues to develop mentally/emotionally. Only in the last incarnation does an integration of all mental parts take place. The healing process of the twin souls is completed and the game of duality is overcome. Soulmate relationships are always accompanied by a great deal of suffering. It usually happens after a short time that both souls are confronted with their own dark side.

The integration of male and female parts of the soul..!!

They are mental parts that every human being carries within them. Aspects that we have suppressed in the course of life for self-protection. As far as the male and female parts are concerned, it should be said that in our dualistic world it is important to bring both parts into a balanced state (yin/yang). Only when we manage to integrate both parts into ourselves again will we be able to overcome duality. In dual soul constellations it is therefore always the case that one soul acts primarily out of the female power and the other soul mainly dwells in the male power. In order to become complete, however, it is imperative to fully integrate both parts back into yourself.

The twin soul process and its magic!

The twin soul process and its magicFor this reason, the dual soul process is a magical process that is ultimately responsible for one's own spiritual healing and becoming whole. The dual soul process follows a very special dynamic of its own, which usually consists of the same patterns over and over again. In this context, it seems that in the soulmate relationship there is a heart person who dwells completely in the female power (mostly women), i.e. can handle love and feelings wonderfully, while the other partner dwells in the male power (mostly Men) who act mostly from their minds but aren't very good at managing their emotions. The heart person always gives his twin soul his love, is there for him a lot, takes care of him, gives him his attention and always longs for his love. In doing so, however, the heart person undermines his own male parts and has no assertiveness. He usually subordinates himself to the intellectual person and lets himself be emotionally dominated by him. For this reason, the balance of power is such that the heart person usually communicates a significantly lower status. The rational man, in turn, always fights against his feminine parts. Rarely revealing his feelings, he is rather self-centered, likes to stay in control of his soul mate and prefers to stay in his safe, sane zone. He is also usually very analytical and takes the love of his soul mate for granted. He often does not appreciate the love of his partner and often acts very dismissive. He finds it difficult to open up about his feelings due to past injuries and karmic entanglements, and as the relationship progresses, he seems increasingly distant and cold. This circumstance leads to the fact that the intellectual person increasingly flees and pushes away his twin soul again and again. He does this to remain in control, not to become vulnerable. Since he almost never has to face his feelings and prefers to remain in his comfort zone, never really dealing with his feelings, it is usually the heart person who first treads the path of the healing process. The heart person actually only wants to live out the beautiful love for his twin soul, but allows himself to be hurt again and again by the intellectual person and thus increasingly experiences a feeling of loneliness. He often knows that deep down inside his soulmate loves more than anything, but he increasingly doubts whether he will ever show it. The whole situation then increasingly comes to a head until the heart person understands that things cannot go on like this and that there is only one thing he can do to end this suffering and that is letting go.

The heart person usually initiates the breakthrough in the twin soul process..!!

He no longer wants to wait for his partner's love, can no longer accept the constant rejection and hurt of his soul mate. He then understands that he has never really lived his male parts and now begins to integrate these parts back into himself. Ultimately, the heart person begins to love himself, becomes more self-confident and learns self-taught not to sell himself below value. He now knows what he really deserves and can now say no to things that are absolutely not his true nature and thus begins to reverse the balance of power. This inner change then leads to the fact that the heart person can no longer go on like this and leaves the intellectual person, the separation is initiated. This step is extremely important and catapults the soulmate process to a new level.

The breakthrough in the twin soul process

The breakthrough in the twin soul processAs soon as the heart person leaves the rational person, goes into self-love and no longer pays him any attention, no longer gives him any energy, the rational person awakens and finally has to face his feelings. He suddenly realizes that he has lost the person he loved with all his heart. In the most painful way, he now realizes that he has pushed away what he has actually always longed for, and he is now trying with all his might to win his soulmate back. If the heart of the intellectual person triumphs over his reason, he now faces his feelings and integrates his female parts due to the separation, then this leads to a breakthrough in the twin soul process. Many people often believe that the twin soul process is over when both become aware of their twin soul and then live out this deep love in a partnership. But that is a great fallacy. The twin soul process is over when both souls go completely into self-love and grow beyond themselves due to the incredibly profound experience. Then when both of them reintegrate their previously missing mental parts into themselves and thus end the inner healing process. At first, this new experience can be extremely painful. Especially the intellectual person is doing very badly after the separation or when the heart person is increasingly lacking in energy. He never had to face his feelings, never had to deal with his fear of loss and is thus torn from his deep sleep in one fell swoop. The heart person who has now learned to let go is always the part that goes into healing first. Due to the continuous injuries, there was nothing else to do than go into the healing process first. He is the first to experience the inner change and because of this circumstance he can deal with a separation much better.

A painful time is beginning..!!

He now feels increasingly free and suddenly realizes how strong he has actually become and, above all, how much life has passed him by due to the stressful relationship. For the intellectual it means staying strong. Most of the time, after the separation, he focuses fully on the twin soul and instinctively assumes that this is the only possible partner, that there is no other person with whom he can enter into a relationship. Because of this, this time is very painful and drives the intellectual person to despair. Deep depression can be the result and he will certainly no longer understand the world. But now it's time to stay strong.

The time after and the big truth

truth-about-twinsThis time is extremely bad for the rational person and often many give up here. Some people are so stuck in their patterns that they take their own lives because they have the feeling that they will never get out of this suffering process because they assume that only the soulmate is the only potential partner. On the other hand, there are people who have been stuck in their suffering for decades and can never end this relationship. They remain in their negative patterns and are thrown back again and again. Your heart remains broken forever, the energy of the heart chakra remains permanently blocked and heart disease can result from this unresolved conflict. There is only one solution here and that is to let go and go into self-love. It is of utmost importance that the rational mind lets go and changes their attitudes towards their soulmate. It's no use letting yourself be eaten up by feelings of guilt or the like, it's no use just getting stuck on the twin soul, you just refuse to progress in life and block your own flow of life. When you are able to let go and see the previous soulmate relationship as a learning experience, when you move forward and start living life fully again, you will be 100% rewarded with a life that will be filled with happiness and love. It is important to let go, because this is the only way to fully regain self-love. That is ultimately what the dual soul process is all about. It's not about living out a partnership, it's about going back completely to self-love. After a while you no longer look for love on the outside, but you come to yourself and manage to love yourself completely again. Self-love is therefore something essential. I mean if you love and appreciate yourself completely then you are not in agony because of a breakup, but you are looking ahead and moving forward in life with no problems. One would then not feel lonely and sink into pain every day, but one would be happy and could enjoy life because of self-love. When you reach this state, someone will come into your life again, whom you will love with all your heart. The ability to develop this love again will be regained in any case, and based on the previous experience, one is now ready for a true relationship. The next relationship will be accompanied by a love that will be immeasurable. Now one is armed for a real relationship and will fully appreciate the love in that relationship.
When you love yourself, miracles will happen..!!
The twin soul process is therefore something very special and you can count yourself lucky if you were able to experience such a wonderful and instructive experience in your own life. This experience will completely turn your life upside down and ensure that you emerge stronger from this process. If you never give up and keep going, if you get more into self-love, then you will be able to jump over your own shadow, you will be able to grow beyond yourself again and over time you will become a Experience life that you would not even have guessed in your wildest dreams, then miracles will happen. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • little angel 7. January 2020, 19: 35

      Dear Yannick, I also assumed for a very long time that I would be stuck in a "dual soul process", but then I did a reading with dear Janine Wagner in 2018 and it turned out, for example, that it was just a very, very karmic connection and that this soul wasn't and isn't even a soul mate of mine. I find the explanations that Janine makes available to people on her YouTube channel about the "twin soul process" much nicer than the explanations in this article. In the meantime, I also believe that you will only meet the true twin soul when you are no longer anchored in all these pain issues, because this connection is far too sacred to mirror the blatant pain issues to each other. Janine also said that in the rarest of cases the concept you explained above is really about the twin souls, but mostly there are very intensive karmic connections that are then used to initiate the healing process and then vice versa to really get ready for the true twin soul, for true love <3

    • Stefanie 12. March 2021, 8: 21

      So I can absolutely confirm about 95% of what is written here... I have had such an experience myself and it is definitely not just a karmic connection, I am very sensitive and could truly see the soul of my partner and myself. A twin soul process is hard work in the sense of the big picture and a dignified office for the collective mental development. It has nothing to do with romantic fantasies, it is merciless. In times when you don't have to work right now, it is of course such a wonderful, true, deep connection between the two souls that cannot be explained in words!!!
      Thank you for this article❣

    • Stefanie 24. July 2021, 13: 30

      Hello, first of all thanks for this post. It really got me thinking and raises a few questions.
      In order to learn from this, this breakthrough must take place, does that mean, by implication, a separation is necessary?
      Or would it also work that you stay together and still "complete the task" because according to the text, healing and everything only takes place after the separation, when the heart's desire has turned away...

      Then my question would still be, are there several dual souls? Or is the question meaningless, because it says it is one and the same soul and was divided. But often you go through something like that with several people, so I was wondering if you have several soulmates, but then the others are probably soulmates or something..

      Thanks in advance for the answer

    • Daniel 5. February 2022, 16: 30

      At all times, in this as in every other life, I will only be able to really love YOU! I never want anyone else. The universe has overestimated me. I'm too weak to let go. She doesn't want me anymore, but I can ONLY imagine a relationship with HER. I REJECT ANOTHER WOMAN AS A PARTNER!!! I hope the fucking universe has finally understood that and finally leaves me alone! I could never love another person so much and what a half-hearted ass is. I will live exactly THE life I never wanted and can live at my worst.....a lonely pathetic existence that consists only of painful memories, sorrow and soul ache. I don't want to live like this. I am disappointed in God, the universe and life. I know that I can't do it and I hate this shitty universe that gave me this task that was definitely unsolvable for me. I'm done. My life is over...at the age of 43. Everything good for you

      • Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

        See it like Daniel

    Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

    See it like Daniel

    • little angel 7. January 2020, 19: 35

      Dear Yannick, I also assumed for a very long time that I would be stuck in a "dual soul process", but then I did a reading with dear Janine Wagner in 2018 and it turned out, for example, that it was just a very, very karmic connection and that this soul wasn't and isn't even a soul mate of mine. I find the explanations that Janine makes available to people on her YouTube channel about the "twin soul process" much nicer than the explanations in this article. In the meantime, I also believe that you will only meet the true twin soul when you are no longer anchored in all these pain issues, because this connection is far too sacred to mirror the blatant pain issues to each other. Janine also said that in the rarest of cases the concept you explained above is really about the twin souls, but mostly there are very intensive karmic connections that are then used to initiate the healing process and then vice versa to really get ready for the true twin soul, for true love <3

    • Stefanie 12. March 2021, 8: 21

      So I can absolutely confirm about 95% of what is written here... I have had such an experience myself and it is definitely not just a karmic connection, I am very sensitive and could truly see the soul of my partner and myself. A twin soul process is hard work in the sense of the big picture and a dignified office for the collective mental development. It has nothing to do with romantic fantasies, it is merciless. In times when you don't have to work right now, it is of course such a wonderful, true, deep connection between the two souls that cannot be explained in words!!!
      Thank you for this article❣

    • Stefanie 24. July 2021, 13: 30

      Hello, first of all thanks for this post. It really got me thinking and raises a few questions.
      In order to learn from this, this breakthrough must take place, does that mean, by implication, a separation is necessary?
      Or would it also work that you stay together and still "complete the task" because according to the text, healing and everything only takes place after the separation, when the heart's desire has turned away...

      Then my question would still be, are there several dual souls? Or is the question meaningless, because it says it is one and the same soul and was divided. But often you go through something like that with several people, so I was wondering if you have several soulmates, but then the others are probably soulmates or something..

      Thanks in advance for the answer

    • Daniel 5. February 2022, 16: 30

      At all times, in this as in every other life, I will only be able to really love YOU! I never want anyone else. The universe has overestimated me. I'm too weak to let go. She doesn't want me anymore, but I can ONLY imagine a relationship with HER. I REJECT ANOTHER WOMAN AS A PARTNER!!! I hope the fucking universe has finally understood that and finally leaves me alone! I could never love another person so much and what a half-hearted ass is. I will live exactly THE life I never wanted and can live at my worst.....a lonely pathetic existence that consists only of painful memories, sorrow and soul ache. I don't want to live like this. I am disappointed in God, the universe and life. I know that I can't do it and I hate this shitty universe that gave me this task that was definitely unsolvable for me. I'm done. My life is over...at the age of 43. Everything good for you

      • Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

        See it like Daniel

    Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

    See it like Daniel

    • little angel 7. January 2020, 19: 35

      Dear Yannick, I also assumed for a very long time that I would be stuck in a "dual soul process", but then I did a reading with dear Janine Wagner in 2018 and it turned out, for example, that it was just a very, very karmic connection and that this soul wasn't and isn't even a soul mate of mine. I find the explanations that Janine makes available to people on her YouTube channel about the "twin soul process" much nicer than the explanations in this article. In the meantime, I also believe that you will only meet the true twin soul when you are no longer anchored in all these pain issues, because this connection is far too sacred to mirror the blatant pain issues to each other. Janine also said that in the rarest of cases the concept you explained above is really about the twin souls, but mostly there are very intensive karmic connections that are then used to initiate the healing process and then vice versa to really get ready for the true twin soul, for true love <3

    • Stefanie 12. March 2021, 8: 21

      So I can absolutely confirm about 95% of what is written here... I have had such an experience myself and it is definitely not just a karmic connection, I am very sensitive and could truly see the soul of my partner and myself. A twin soul process is hard work in the sense of the big picture and a dignified office for the collective mental development. It has nothing to do with romantic fantasies, it is merciless. In times when you don't have to work right now, it is of course such a wonderful, true, deep connection between the two souls that cannot be explained in words!!!
      Thank you for this article❣

    • Stefanie 24. July 2021, 13: 30

      Hello, first of all thanks for this post. It really got me thinking and raises a few questions.
      In order to learn from this, this breakthrough must take place, does that mean, by implication, a separation is necessary?
      Or would it also work that you stay together and still "complete the task" because according to the text, healing and everything only takes place after the separation, when the heart's desire has turned away...

      Then my question would still be, are there several dual souls? Or is the question meaningless, because it says it is one and the same soul and was divided. But often you go through something like that with several people, so I was wondering if you have several soulmates, but then the others are probably soulmates or something..

      Thanks in advance for the answer

    • Daniel 5. February 2022, 16: 30

      At all times, in this as in every other life, I will only be able to really love YOU! I never want anyone else. The universe has overestimated me. I'm too weak to let go. She doesn't want me anymore, but I can ONLY imagine a relationship with HER. I REJECT ANOTHER WOMAN AS A PARTNER!!! I hope the fucking universe has finally understood that and finally leaves me alone! I could never love another person so much and what a half-hearted ass is. I will live exactly THE life I never wanted and can live at my worst.....a lonely pathetic existence that consists only of painful memories, sorrow and soul ache. I don't want to live like this. I am disappointed in God, the universe and life. I know that I can't do it and I hate this shitty universe that gave me this task that was definitely unsolvable for me. I'm done. My life is over...at the age of 43. Everything good for you

      • Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

        See it like Daniel

    Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

    See it like Daniel

    • little angel 7. January 2020, 19: 35

      Dear Yannick, I also assumed for a very long time that I would be stuck in a "dual soul process", but then I did a reading with dear Janine Wagner in 2018 and it turned out, for example, that it was just a very, very karmic connection and that this soul wasn't and isn't even a soul mate of mine. I find the explanations that Janine makes available to people on her YouTube channel about the "twin soul process" much nicer than the explanations in this article. In the meantime, I also believe that you will only meet the true twin soul when you are no longer anchored in all these pain issues, because this connection is far too sacred to mirror the blatant pain issues to each other. Janine also said that in the rarest of cases the concept you explained above is really about the twin souls, but mostly there are very intensive karmic connections that are then used to initiate the healing process and then vice versa to really get ready for the true twin soul, for true love <3

    • Stefanie 12. March 2021, 8: 21

      So I can absolutely confirm about 95% of what is written here... I have had such an experience myself and it is definitely not just a karmic connection, I am very sensitive and could truly see the soul of my partner and myself. A twin soul process is hard work in the sense of the big picture and a dignified office for the collective mental development. It has nothing to do with romantic fantasies, it is merciless. In times when you don't have to work right now, it is of course such a wonderful, true, deep connection between the two souls that cannot be explained in words!!!
      Thank you for this article❣

    • Stefanie 24. July 2021, 13: 30

      Hello, first of all thanks for this post. It really got me thinking and raises a few questions.
      In order to learn from this, this breakthrough must take place, does that mean, by implication, a separation is necessary?
      Or would it also work that you stay together and still "complete the task" because according to the text, healing and everything only takes place after the separation, when the heart's desire has turned away...

      Then my question would still be, are there several dual souls? Or is the question meaningless, because it says it is one and the same soul and was divided. But often you go through something like that with several people, so I was wondering if you have several soulmates, but then the others are probably soulmates or something..

      Thanks in advance for the answer

    • Daniel 5. February 2022, 16: 30

      At all times, in this as in every other life, I will only be able to really love YOU! I never want anyone else. The universe has overestimated me. I'm too weak to let go. She doesn't want me anymore, but I can ONLY imagine a relationship with HER. I REJECT ANOTHER WOMAN AS A PARTNER!!! I hope the fucking universe has finally understood that and finally leaves me alone! I could never love another person so much and what a half-hearted ass is. I will live exactly THE life I never wanted and can live at my worst.....a lonely pathetic existence that consists only of painful memories, sorrow and soul ache. I don't want to live like this. I am disappointed in God, the universe and life. I know that I can't do it and I hate this shitty universe that gave me this task that was definitely unsolvable for me. I'm done. My life is over...at the age of 43. Everything good for you

      • Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

        See it like Daniel

    Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

    See it like Daniel

      • little angel 7. January 2020, 19: 35

        Dear Yannick, I also assumed for a very long time that I would be stuck in a "dual soul process", but then I did a reading with dear Janine Wagner in 2018 and it turned out, for example, that it was just a very, very karmic connection and that this soul wasn't and isn't even a soul mate of mine. I find the explanations that Janine makes available to people on her YouTube channel about the "twin soul process" much nicer than the explanations in this article. In the meantime, I also believe that you will only meet the true twin soul when you are no longer anchored in all these pain issues, because this connection is far too sacred to mirror the blatant pain issues to each other. Janine also said that in the rarest of cases the concept you explained above is really about the twin souls, but mostly there are very intensive karmic connections that are then used to initiate the healing process and then vice versa to really get ready for the true twin soul, for true love <3

      • Stefanie 12. March 2021, 8: 21

        So I can absolutely confirm about 95% of what is written here... I have had such an experience myself and it is definitely not just a karmic connection, I am very sensitive and could truly see the soul of my partner and myself. A twin soul process is hard work in the sense of the big picture and a dignified office for the collective mental development. It has nothing to do with romantic fantasies, it is merciless. In times when you don't have to work right now, it is of course such a wonderful, true, deep connection between the two souls that cannot be explained in words!!!
        Thank you for this article❣

      • Stefanie 24. July 2021, 13: 30

        Hello, first of all thanks for this post. It really got me thinking and raises a few questions.
        In order to learn from this, this breakthrough must take place, does that mean, by implication, a separation is necessary?
        Or would it also work that you stay together and still "complete the task" because according to the text, healing and everything only takes place after the separation, when the heart's desire has turned away...

        Then my question would still be, are there several dual souls? Or is the question meaningless, because it says it is one and the same soul and was divided. But often you go through something like that with several people, so I was wondering if you have several soulmates, but then the others are probably soulmates or something..

        Thanks in advance for the answer

      • Daniel 5. February 2022, 16: 30

        At all times, in this as in every other life, I will only be able to really love YOU! I never want anyone else. The universe has overestimated me. I'm too weak to let go. She doesn't want me anymore, but I can ONLY imagine a relationship with HER. I REJECT ANOTHER WOMAN AS A PARTNER!!! I hope the fucking universe has finally understood that and finally leaves me alone! I could never love another person so much and what a half-hearted ass is. I will live exactly THE life I never wanted and can live at my worst.....a lonely pathetic existence that consists only of painful memories, sorrow and soul ache. I don't want to live like this. I am disappointed in God, the universe and life. I know that I can't do it and I hate this shitty universe that gave me this task that was definitely unsolvable for me. I'm done. My life is over...at the age of 43. Everything good for you

        • Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

          See it like Daniel

      Sylvia 22. October 2022, 20: 57

      See it like Daniel
