Recently, or for several years now, there has been repeated talk of a so-called Christ consciousness. The whole topic around this term is often strongly mystified, by some church followers or even people who denigrate spiritual topics, even like to call it demonic. Nevertheless, the topic of Christ consciousness has absolutely nothing to do with occultism or even demonic content, Rather, this term means an extremely high state of consciousness in which harmonious thoughts and emotions find their place again.
An unconditionally loving state of consciousness
If you go into more detail, you will understand that this term even means a state of consciousness from which a reality emerges that is permanently shaped and accompanied by unconditional love. For this reason, this state of consciousness is often compared to that of Jesus Christ. One speaks here of a completely positively oriented state of consciousness. A state in which you accept everything unconditionally, love everything unconditionally and are no longer subject to shadow parts. Ultimately, one could also speak of a person who has completely mastered his own incarnation, a soul who has overcome his own incarnation process - the game of duality and is only 100% in his own center, in his own - permanently present happiness lingers. The name of this state of consciousness is therefore a special reference to Jesus Christ and means a state of consciousness that represents his principles (The embodiment of purity, of light and above all of unconditional love - The creation of a completely clear state of consciousness). Of course, in today's world, in which we humans have been massively conditioned, are always subject to our own shadow parts, and allow ourselves to be dominated by various addictions, it is not easy to achieve such a high state of consciousness. Nevertheless, every person can recreate such a state of consciousness; in fact, every person will experience such a high state of consciousness again at some point in their final incarnation. Each person also determines for themselves when they will end their own incarnation or when they will be in their final incarnation, because each person can take their own fate into their own hands at any time, in any place.
The term Christ consciousness can ultimately be traced back to Jesus Christ, because according to stories and writings, Jesus was a person who embodied the principle of unconditional love and always appealed to a person's empathic abilities. A person who in turn had a completely pure and high state of consciousness..!!
We must therefore never forget that we humans are the creators of our own reality, that we can determine our own path in life and have everything in our own hands. We are responsible for the future course of our own lives. We create our own beliefs + convictions and only we determine the time of our final incarnation, determine the time at which we develop our own Christ consciousness again. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
we are all just a snap of a finger away from total recall. Listen and search within yourself, find yourself. So to God. To all.