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Everything arises from consciousness and the resulting thought processes. Therefore, due to the powerful power of thought, we shape not only our own omnipresent reality, but our entire existence. Thoughts are the measure of all things and have tremendous creative potential, because with thoughts we can shape our own lives as we wish, and are the creators of our own lives because of them. Thoughts or subtle structures have always existed and are the basis of all life. Nothing could be created, let alone exist, without consciousness or thought. 

Thoughts shape our physical world and allow us to exist consciously. Thought energy has such a high level of vibration (everything in the universe, in existence, consists only of vibrating energy, because deep in physical matter there are only energetic particles, a subtle universe, therefore matter is also referred to as condensed energy) that space-time this has no effect. You can imagine everything you want at any time, in any place, without space-time having a limiting influence on your mental, structural nature. In order to generate thoughts, one does not need any space or time. I can now envision any scenario, such as an early morning beach paradise, in this unique, expanding, everlasting moment, without being limited by space-time. Humans don't even need a second for this, this creative process of imagining happens immediately. Within a moment you can create a complete, complex mental world. Physical laws do not have any influence on our thoughts, in contrast to the universal laws that continuously shape and guide any existence. This aspect makes thoughts very powerful, because if space-time had a limiting influence on our thoughts, then in many situations we would not be able to react in time. We would then not be able to imagine infinite expanses of being and would not be able to live consciously. A very abstract thought, but since space-time has no influence on my thoughts, I am able to imagine this scenario, immediately of course, without detours and without physical barriers. But our thoughts also have other unique properties. With our thoughts we form our physical reality (every living being creates its own reality and together we create a collective reality, accordingly there is also a planetary, a universal and a galactic reality, as well as a collective planetary, collective universal and collective galactic reality, since everything in existence has a consciousness. Ultimately, this is also the reason why people have the feeling that the universe revolves only around them. This results in the feeling of being something special, which is basically what we are. Each human being is a unique and special creature in all its admirable fullness. You just have to be aware of that. Strictly speaking, of course, we don't have to do anything, since every human being has free will, which allows them to make decisions about their own destiny). Every action we take, every sentence I'm immortalizing right now, and every word that's uttered, was thought up first. Nothing in the world happens without a thought background. Thought always exists first and then, with the help of our emotions, one revives it in physical form. The problem is that we often revive our thoughts with negative feelings. We either act from our intuitive mind (soul) or we act from the lower aspect of creation, the supracausal mind (ego). We don't manage to live in the here and now because we often limit ourselves by thinking about the past and the future (past and future do not exist in our physical world; or are we in the past or the future? No, we are only in the here and now). But why should we mourn the past or fear the future? Both would only be an abuse of our mental abilities, because these thought patterns only create negativity in our reality, which we allow to exist in our physical clothing in the form of sadness, fear, worry and the like. Instead, one should not bother with such low mental patterns and try to live in the here and now. The selfish mind also often makes us judge other people's lives. This person is too fat, that person has a different skin color, this person in turn receives Hartz 4, the other person is uneducated, etc. These mindsets only limit us, make us ill and show us that we are mostly acting from the lower aspect of creation. But we should no longer allow ourselves to be enslaved by our supracausal minds, for no one in the world has the right to blindly judge another's life. Nobody has the right to do that. Prejudice not only poisons our world, it poisons our human mind and is the cause of war, hatred and injustice. Why should we also harm other people through our own mental inability? Rather, we should become masters of our thoughts and try to create a positive and just world. We definitely have this ability, we are chosen for it, it is one of our partial destinies. Since deep in matter everything consists only of subtle processes and particles, everything is connected. And with our thoughts we regularly connect with different existences. Everything you imagine automatically becomes part of your reality, your consciousness. That's why your thinking influences the entire world. For example, if I think deeply about a certain topic, then my intensive thinking causes other people in the world to also think about these topics. The more people about the same or think about a similar train of thought, the more this thinking manifests itself in human, collective reality. An experience I have had many times in my life. What you are thinking about right now the vibration that you are currently entering into (your entire reality is ultimately just vibrating energy) is transferred to the world of thoughts of other people. You bring other people up to the same level of vibration and with the help of the law of resonance this process works wonderfully. You then automatically attract people and situations into your life that have a similar vibrational level. ebe and other positive values ​​determine everyday life. 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Evelyn Acer 22. May 2019, 19: 49

      At the moment, actually very often or almost always, I'm looking for something to read to enrich my knowledge about life, for example about the "power of thoughts". It makes you, or I become, calmer, more respectful and reverent towards life and living beings. It's never finished, because there's always something new to learn about. Reading the many different views, experiences, points of view is simply necessary if you want to expand or break your limits.
      This site is very interesting and I will probably visit it more often.

    Evelyn Acer 22. May 2019, 19: 49

    At the moment, actually very often or almost always, I'm looking for something to read to enrich my knowledge about life, for example about the "power of thoughts". It makes you, or I become, calmer, more respectful and reverent towards life and living beings. It's never finished, because there's always something new to learn about. Reading the many different views, experiences, points of view is simply necessary if you want to expand or break your limits.
    This site is very interesting and I will probably visit it more often.
