≡ Menus
gate of awakening

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

The overarching and meanwhile extremely sharpened process of spiritual awakening overtakes more and more people and leads us into ever deeper levels of our own state of being (mind) into. We find more and more to ourselves, until we realize that we are everything (ich bin) and that also everything, truly everything that exists, was created by ourselves, even god, because everything is ultimately a pure mental product (Energy), a product of our imagination (everything represents our energy - our imagination - our inner space - our creation).

The crossing

master's certificate

This knowledge is part of it, i.e. the manifestation and the recognition of the highest thing there is, namely ONESELF, - since everything arises from oneself and consequently one has created the entire outer world (and represents - I am you and you are me - I am everything and everything is me) with to the highest level of knowledge/enlightenment, because it is the complete recognition and above all the complete recognition of oneself, instead of being subject to various identifications or even limiting ideas as usual ("I am not everything", "I did not create everything". "everything does not come out of me", "I am not the highest thing there is" - I am = divine presence, I am everything or I am the most powerful = divine presence is everything - divine presence is the most powerful). Well, at the end of the day, this realization can liberate you and give you an incredible attitude towards life. One awakens to one's true strength, the pure creative spirit, and suddenly understands that all limits that we have only allowed ourselves to be imposed on in our own spirit can be overcome (Infinity). Everything is possible. Just like everything is possible. Our imagination is real and creates realities, dimensions or even better, our state of consciousness (Energy follows our attention/present imagination). At the end of our spiritual process (which at the same time also marks a beginning - one has passed through the gate of awakening and subsequently begins to completely reshape the world - even that golden age initiate, - since one can then imagine it, since this imagination is no longer too big - the 5D design begins).

Changing the world is not your mission. Changing yourself is not your job. Awakening to your true nature is your opportunity. – Mooji..!!

But the process of going through and, above all, the knowledge of one's own true self also goes hand in hand with another aspect, namely the completion of one's own mastery. In this context, fear programs, blockades, deficiencies and other destructive moods have prevailed in the collective spirit for countless epochs.

The master exam

The master exam Fear ruled instead of love. In the same way, humanity was subject to extremely many dependencies and addictions. All of these dependencies and all of these deficiency programs have had a severe impact on our entire mind/body/spirit system and have consequently also attached us to the material world (the material world or the way of looking at a material world - everything is energy/mind/oneself, is not a bad thing - the handling is crucial, this is about a deadlock/captivity). Our minds were not free and in no way experienced an absolute state of lightness. We therefore went through difficult circumstances and repeatedly got involved in our self-created fear programs, repeatedly allowing ourselves to be kept small and denied access to our own inner paradise. In the meantime, however, the situation is completely different and more and more people are finding themselves. Some people also strive for perfection/mastery or striving is the "wrong word", much more you are drawn into this perfection, i.e. you automatically gain an ever stronger connection to nature, find more and more to yourself and dissolve into it the result, automatically, of all self-created blockages/programs. Liberation then takes place. We rise to a new level and overcome all of our own fears and limitations. The master's examination therefore goes hand in hand with overcoming the last dependencies and residual fears after the knowledge of one's own self. One is once again confronted with one's own shadows, possibly going through another very serious life circumstance (serious idea - the last great test) and then, with the help of your own willpower, on the basis of your own self-conquest/love for yourself, step through the gate of awakening. You have shattered all self-imposed limitations, become fully empowered, and are now ready to manifest a life of abundance. And it is precisely this master test, i.e. the last confrontation with the last maintained fear programs, that is now taking place for many people.

Oneself is the way, the truth and the life, only oneself - but consequently also everything that exists, since oneself is everything..!!

We are in the process of mastering ourselves completely and freeing ourselves from all vicious cycles. And what happens then - then not only a life in maximum fullness and strength awaits us, a life in which we carry/radiate our inner paradise into the world, but we are also granted all the abilities that a "god-man - creator of everything” (fully evolved galactic human) satisfy. Paradise and also the golden age will then be manifest on all levels. As I said, everything begins within ourselves, because we ourselves are everything, the most powerful thing there is. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support ❤ 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Sandra 8. May 2019, 9: 19

      Nice. Thank you very much for the beautiful site. You don't feel so alone because of it....but so much breaks away on the way that you never thought of.
      I've just read the article on the championship, because I'm probably confronted with it right now. I found the formulation of being sucked in extremely coherent. Thanks for that. I would like to add that the physical effects of the liberation process described should not be underestimated.
      Everyone take care of yourselves... it's worth it.

    • Claudia 11. May 2019, 14: 26


      I follow your posts every day. And always inspiring, touching, insightful.
      Thanks a lot for this.

      I have a question today.
      I'm in the process of creating a new homepage and I always look at your beautiful pictures that you publish. Can you tell me what source you are using here?
      Are the images royalty free or do they cost a fee?
      I look forward to your response,
      Greetings from America,

      • Everything is energy 11. May 2019, 17: 37

        Hello Claudia, first of all I would like to thank you, I am very happy to hear that you like my articles and that you find them touching and insightful, very nice 🙂

        And to your question, almost all images are free of charge, i.e. anyone can use them, even if they are for commercial purposes. They all (almost all) come from the following site: https://pixabay.com/de/. In this sense, good luck with your homepage and the selection of the pictures. Greetings back ♡

    • Catherine Schmidt 1. November 2019, 9: 41


    • Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

      Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
      The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
      HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
      I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
      With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

    Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

    Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
    The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
    HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
    I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
    With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

    • Sandra 8. May 2019, 9: 19

      Nice. Thank you very much for the beautiful site. You don't feel so alone because of it....but so much breaks away on the way that you never thought of.
      I've just read the article on the championship, because I'm probably confronted with it right now. I found the formulation of being sucked in extremely coherent. Thanks for that. I would like to add that the physical effects of the liberation process described should not be underestimated.
      Everyone take care of yourselves... it's worth it.

    • Claudia 11. May 2019, 14: 26


      I follow your posts every day. And always inspiring, touching, insightful.
      Thanks a lot for this.

      I have a question today.
      I'm in the process of creating a new homepage and I always look at your beautiful pictures that you publish. Can you tell me what source you are using here?
      Are the images royalty free or do they cost a fee?
      I look forward to your response,
      Greetings from America,

      • Everything is energy 11. May 2019, 17: 37

        Hello Claudia, first of all I would like to thank you, I am very happy to hear that you like my articles and that you find them touching and insightful, very nice 🙂

        And to your question, almost all images are free of charge, i.e. anyone can use them, even if they are for commercial purposes. They all (almost all) come from the following site: https://pixabay.com/de/. In this sense, good luck with your homepage and the selection of the pictures. Greetings back ♡

    • Catherine Schmidt 1. November 2019, 9: 41


    • Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

      Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
      The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
      HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
      I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
      With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

    Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

    Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
    The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
    HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
    I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
    With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

      • Sandra 8. May 2019, 9: 19

        Nice. Thank you very much for the beautiful site. You don't feel so alone because of it....but so much breaks away on the way that you never thought of.
        I've just read the article on the championship, because I'm probably confronted with it right now. I found the formulation of being sucked in extremely coherent. Thanks for that. I would like to add that the physical effects of the liberation process described should not be underestimated.
        Everyone take care of yourselves... it's worth it.

      • Claudia 11. May 2019, 14: 26


        I follow your posts every day. And always inspiring, touching, insightful.
        Thanks a lot for this.

        I have a question today.
        I'm in the process of creating a new homepage and I always look at your beautiful pictures that you publish. Can you tell me what source you are using here?
        Are the images royalty free or do they cost a fee?
        I look forward to your response,
        Greetings from America,

        • Everything is energy 11. May 2019, 17: 37

          Hello Claudia, first of all I would like to thank you, I am very happy to hear that you like my articles and that you find them touching and insightful, very nice 🙂

          And to your question, almost all images are free of charge, i.e. anyone can use them, even if they are for commercial purposes. They all (almost all) come from the following site: https://pixabay.com/de/. In this sense, good luck with your homepage and the selection of the pictures. Greetings back ♡

      • Catherine Schmidt 1. November 2019, 9: 41


      • Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

        Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
        The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
        HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
        I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
        With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

      Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

      Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
      The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
      HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
      I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
      With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

    • Sandra 8. May 2019, 9: 19

      Nice. Thank you very much for the beautiful site. You don't feel so alone because of it....but so much breaks away on the way that you never thought of.
      I've just read the article on the championship, because I'm probably confronted with it right now. I found the formulation of being sucked in extremely coherent. Thanks for that. I would like to add that the physical effects of the liberation process described should not be underestimated.
      Everyone take care of yourselves... it's worth it.

    • Claudia 11. May 2019, 14: 26


      I follow your posts every day. And always inspiring, touching, insightful.
      Thanks a lot for this.

      I have a question today.
      I'm in the process of creating a new homepage and I always look at your beautiful pictures that you publish. Can you tell me what source you are using here?
      Are the images royalty free or do they cost a fee?
      I look forward to your response,
      Greetings from America,

      • Everything is energy 11. May 2019, 17: 37

        Hello Claudia, first of all I would like to thank you, I am very happy to hear that you like my articles and that you find them touching and insightful, very nice 🙂

        And to your question, almost all images are free of charge, i.e. anyone can use them, even if they are for commercial purposes. They all (almost all) come from the following site: https://pixabay.com/de/. In this sense, good luck with your homepage and the selection of the pictures. Greetings back ♡

    • Catherine Schmidt 1. November 2019, 9: 41


    • Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

      Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
      The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
      HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
      I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
      With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

    Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

    Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
    The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
    HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
    I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
    With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

    • Sandra 8. May 2019, 9: 19

      Nice. Thank you very much for the beautiful site. You don't feel so alone because of it....but so much breaks away on the way that you never thought of.
      I've just read the article on the championship, because I'm probably confronted with it right now. I found the formulation of being sucked in extremely coherent. Thanks for that. I would like to add that the physical effects of the liberation process described should not be underestimated.
      Everyone take care of yourselves... it's worth it.

    • Claudia 11. May 2019, 14: 26


      I follow your posts every day. And always inspiring, touching, insightful.
      Thanks a lot for this.

      I have a question today.
      I'm in the process of creating a new homepage and I always look at your beautiful pictures that you publish. Can you tell me what source you are using here?
      Are the images royalty free or do they cost a fee?
      I look forward to your response,
      Greetings from America,

      • Everything is energy 11. May 2019, 17: 37

        Hello Claudia, first of all I would like to thank you, I am very happy to hear that you like my articles and that you find them touching and insightful, very nice 🙂

        And to your question, almost all images are free of charge, i.e. anyone can use them, even if they are for commercial purposes. They all (almost all) come from the following site: https://pixabay.com/de/. In this sense, good luck with your homepage and the selection of the pictures. Greetings back ♡

    • Catherine Schmidt 1. November 2019, 9: 41


    • Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

      Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
      The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
      HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
      I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
      With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin

    Karin Döring-Krause 24. March 2020, 15: 07

    Dear Yannik, your pages are among the most human ones that can be found on the internet.
    The time has begun when man – all people – must develop a profound consciousness so that what has arisen and will continue to arise as a result of the devastating consequences of human feelings, thoughts and actions does not happen. However, everything is always about the human being, it is also about the animals and nature. The terrible, cruel factory farming with all the tortures for the animals, the horrific animal transports. The animals are not commodities but living beings, like us, who need nature to live. We Germans talk and “commemorate” the concentration camps…..for the animals, their “attitude” is the same as the concentration camps. The entire global “situation” that is now developing is the reverse of what people have in terms of guilt, including collective guilt, resulting from the guilt of our ancestors and everyone else. Money, consumption in an unparalleled excess - any "enjoyment" at the expense of nature, I'm thinking of travel, the exploitation of the earth and much much more.
    HUMANITY must change profoundly and learn to be modest with everything and in everything. From my point of view, the only basis is honesty and fairness: this results in a WE for and with each other - also for the animals and nature.
    I would have to go on writing like this indefinitely, but it would go beyond this framework.
    With this in mind: I am sending you my further thoughts for your essays - elaborations - which are absolutely important for this time; a very kind greeting to you Karin
