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System Guardian

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I have often addressed my articles about how the current system suppresses the uniqueness or the development of our own mental abilities and sometimes even does this through our society. Here one also likes to speak of so-called "human guardians", i.e. people who have been conditioned + programmed in such a way that they smile at and reject everything that does not correspond to their own conditioned and inherited world view. The system, which is based on disinformation, is unconsciously protected by the population and all people who rebel against it + address system-critical issues are automatically excluded and defamed as conspiracy theorists, right-wing populists or even citizens of the Reich (a prominent example, see Xavier Naidoo).

The willful suppression of our unique creative expression

The willful suppression of our uniquenessUltimately, this behavior within the population is therefore not the result of chance, but intentional. Formation of our own egoistic mind + the oppression of our soul that goes with it (suppression of our soul + formation of our own EGO mind/material mind) is much more a goal put into action by powerful backers. In this context, a materially oriented society - which smiles at people who think differently and spreads judgments or legitimizes judgments in one's own mind - also favors the creation of power structures. So we humans rebel much less, don't deal with the true geopolitical background, do less research and as a result deal much more with judgements, hostilities and the supposedly negative aspects of our fellow human beings. Judgments and blasphemies are therefore poison for our own mind. Not only do these selfish behaviors distract us from the real geopolitical happenings, not only shift our focus to the non-essential, but they also cloud our state of consciousness, are essentially destructive in nature and impede the further development of the collective state of consciousness. Nevertheless, more and more people are now dealing with their own egoistic mind again and as a result recognize their self-made judgments, recognize their conditioned programs and change their own lifestyle again.

The more judgments a person legitimizes in his own mind, the more this restricts the development of his own spiritual aspects..!!

Likewise, more and more people are realizing the extent of the suppression of our unique individual expression, seeing through the containment of our own minds + the associated creation of judgmental humans. In this context, I have also linked a video excerpt from the documentation Thrive below, in which the well-known truth advocate David Icke talks about this problem. At the beginning of the excerpt, he explains the aforementioned problems again and explains how these mechanisms could/can keep the people in check. A video that I can only highly recommend to you.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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