Every human being is in a so-called incarnation cycle/reincarnation cycle. This cycle is responsible for the fact that we humans experience countless lives and in this regard always try, whether consciously or unconsciously (unconsciously in most initial incarnations), to end/break this cycle. In this context there is also a final incarnation, in which our own mental + spiritual incarnation is completed and you break this cycle. You have then essentially created a state of consciousness in which only positive thoughts + emotions find their place and you no longer need this cycle because you have mastered the game of duality.
The maximum mental + emotional development
You are then no longer subject to dependencies, you are no longer dominated by negative thoughts, you are no longer trapped in self-created vicious circles, but you then permanently have a state of consciousness that is characterized by unconditional love. For this reason, people often talk about a cosmic consciousness or a Christ consciousness. Christ Consciousness, a term that has become increasingly popular recently, simply means a completely positively oriented state of consciousness, from which only a positive reality emerges. The name comes from the fact that people like to compare this state of consciousness with that of Jesus Christ, since, according to stories and writings, Jesus was a person who preached unconditional love and always appealed to a person's empathic abilities. For this reason it is also a completely high vibrational state of consciousness. For that matter, everything in existence is also mental/spiritual in nature. Following on from this, your own mind also consists of energetic states, energy that vibrates at a corresponding frequency. Positive thoughts and emotions are energetic states that have a high frequency. Negative or even destructive thoughts and emotions are energetic states that have a low frequency.
The alignment of our own mind determines the quality of our own life, as we always attract into our own life the things that our own mind also resonates with..!!
The better a person is doing, the more positive they are in their mood, the more positive thoughts and emotions characterize their own mind, the higher their own state of consciousness will vibrate.
The creation of a divine state of consciousness

Since your entire life is ultimately only a product of your own state of consciousness, your entire reality, your entire life, also has a high vibrational state. In this context, such a state is only achieved in the last incarnation. You have put aside all of your own judgments, look at everything from a judgment-free but still peaceful state of consciousness and are no longer subject to dualitarian patterns. Whether greed, envy, jealousy, hatred, anger, sadness, suffering or fear, all of these feelings are no longer present in your own reality, instead there are only feelings of harmony, peace, love and joy in your own mind present. In this way, you overcome all dualistic patterns and no longer divide things into good or bad, no longer judge other things, and then no longer point the finger at other people, because then you are of a completely peaceful nature and no longer need such thinking . You then live a life in balance and only attract the things into your life that you need. Your own mind is then only focused on abundance instead of lack. Ultimately, we are no longer subject to any negativity, we no longer generate negative thoughts and emotions and as a result we end our own incarnation cycle. At the same time, you will also acquire extraordinary abilities that might seem completely alien to you at the moment, abilities that may not correspond in any way with your current convictions and beliefs. We then overcome our own aging process and do not have to “die” as a result (death does not exist in itself, it is just a change in frequency that transports our spirit, our soul, to a new level of existence). We have then truly become masters of our own incarnation and are no longer subject to earthly mechanisms (if you would like to know more about the abilities, I can only recommend these articles: The Force Awakens - The Rediscovery of Magical Abilities, The light body process and its stages – the training of your own divine self).
With the help of our own creative potential, with the help of our own mental abilities, we are able to create a life that completely corresponds to our own ideas..!!
Of course, this is not an easy undertaking, since we are still dependent on everything in this world, we are still subject to many self-created blockages and negative thoughts, since we still have to struggle with the development of our own mental intellect, but such a condition is still there can be realized again and every person will reach their final incarnation, there is no doubt about that. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
The torment Jesus endured in his life suggests that the final incarnation of a soul (if it was his last) that acts out of love and peace is also shadowed by suffering. It is never a matter of no harm happening to an incarnated soul (that does not exist). It is important to accept suffering as a temporary condition and, above all, to forgive those who caused the suffering or did it to you. Trusting in life despite all difficulties and defeats is a great lesson that we can learn in human bodies.
It's not just that when we focus negatively, we also attract negative events. That's just one side of the coin. Suffering also happens to us so that we can reduce karma. Seeing suffering as an opportunity for further development helps. Very wise souls know that young souls make mistakes and cause them suffering. Making peace with this and not desperately hoping for a suffering-free future is salvation.